As a midwife I was supposed to know it all, but your body and emotions change, and pregnancy is a different experience for everyone. It is a time where you can predict nothing, and the outcome is unknown.
For a first time mother there are special delights and difficulties because of the unknown, and always there is a lack of confidence even for me when I was supposed to know it all.
As a married woman and fully committed to work and home there was nothing more I wanted than a son just like my husband, I was fortunate as this is just as it was. There are many in my situation married or in stable relationships, but others that are young and where pregnancy becomes an emotional roller coaster.
The decision to keep or abort the fetus is outside this remit. It is not an easy decision and thankfully I didn`t have to make it. One thing I can advise is to seek professional help and counseling. Don`t make a hasty decision.
The Early Days
When I became pregnant with my first son it was an exciting time. There were no instant tests and apart from body changes you had to wait until you were 6-8 weeks pregnant. This is an anxious time and more sore if confirmation is delayed. Pregnancy can be a time of pleasure or misery depending on your state of health and emotional outlook, but there are ways to alleviate some of the physical and emotional pressures by natural means.
Some women are lucky and don`t experience the very early signs of morning sickness, I was one of these. However there are ways to combat the awful feelings.(some tips later.)
There are other feelings and signs which you become aware of. There is a blooming and radiance of the skin, or the opposite some hormonal rashes.
Emotionally you change, which is why you commonly here "it's her hormones". Don`t forget the uterus has now to prepare for a growing fetus. Hormones dramatically alter to accommodate this, so naturally you will feel different. Early on you will be on a high, then gradually this will settle and you will become agitated and worried. Each little twinge will cause you to think that you are losing this precious baby. This very rarely happens, it`s just your body tweaking itself to accommodate a new situation.
Don`t forget your partner. They may not see this pregnancy as you do. It is a big responsibility and they may feel trapped. Insecure, childlike and frightened. Talk things through with him. After all this should be a joint venture.
Some Common Problems
Fainting and Dizziness
This is usually caused by standing quickly and is rarely a cause for concern, although can be a nuisance.
It may be caused by Anaemia although in this day and age because of early diagnosis of pregnancy a doctor is seen and women are given iron and vitamins early on.
A side effect of taking iron is constipation, although this may be a pregnancy problem in itself. Doctors often change the prescription when this occurs and you can counteract this by eating fruit and drinking more water.
Take life at a slower pace
Sit down immediately if you feel faint
Stand up slowly from a sitting position
Morning Sickness.
This is a nuisance condition and although commonly seen in the morning, can occur at any time.
It can be exacerbated by noise, and smells. Many things can worsen nausea like eating, drinking, motion, sleeping and emotional upsets.
It was thought that morning sickness was caused by hormonal changes. I have long formed the opinion that emotional stress forms a large part of the problem.
Pregnancy may have been wanted or unwanted, but when the realisation hits in the emotions take over, and many have doubts about themselves or their partners. It very much depends on the individual and your emotional type. Some worry over everything, so it is natural that these normal traits become exaggerated during pregnancy.
Look inside yourself and be ready to talk particularly to your partner about any anxieties and guilt feelings you have. This will often lessen the problem
Talk through difficult feelings with your partner or a close friend.
Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables for a couple of days.
Try eliminating fats and rich foods
Make sure you are getting enough Calcium
Eat little and often
On waking even before getting up eat a dry biscuit or piece of dry toast, then sit up and drink. Try a glass of hot or cold lemon and honey, or a cup of herbal tea. Some women have found this excellent advice.
Let yourself get hungry. This drops your blood sugar levels
Worry if you lose some weight. Your baby will take what it needs from your body.
Seek Help:
If the nausea is excessive and especially if accompanied by diarrhoea.
Seek counselling if you are unable to talk to anyone close.
Pregnancy Rashes
These are odd and can occur for no reason. They can irritate and be a real nuisance. There is no known cause and are difficult to clear up. The only thing I have found useful is the Homoeopathic remedy Rhus Tox 6
Some Remedies that may help
These remedies are safe and will not harm the unborn child.
Bach Remedy, particularly Rescue. This can be purchased from most good chemists. This is a stress reliever and will help with stress of any kind.
Nux Vom 30/6 This is a Homoeopathic remedy and should be able to be purchased from a Chemist
Another Homoeopathic remedy Pulsatilla 6 which can be purchased from a chemist is a good all rounder and will deal with any catarrhal or sinus problems as well as hormonal.
For pregnancy rashes use Rhus Tox 6. Take two tablets twice a day for 10days. Leave a few days and repeat as necessary.
Thank you for reading this article and I hope you find it useful.
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