Understand Symptoms and Treatments For Different Types Of Headaches a lot more

Symptoms and Treatments For Different Types Of Headaches

Headaches During Pregnancy

No matter who you are, you may have experienced a headache once in your life. The degree of pain that can come with them can vary depending on the headache itself. This short article is here to give you some information into the different types of headaches that you may have experienced once in your life. Here are just some to name.

Migraines are one of the first headaches that everyone may know of. Migraines are a severe headache that pulses or throbs hard through the skull. When a person experiences one of these headaches, they tend to have a sensitivity to sound and light. Migraines also have a tendency to make the person who is suffering from them to become sick and vomit.

Cluster headaches are known as probably the most painful of all headaches. The attacks of the cluster headache come in what is said as groups. When a person experience this type, they usually find that the headache may come and go up to 4 or more times a day. These usually come with very little or no warning signs beforehand and can last up to 45 minutes in length.

Another type of headache is the one that is usually set off from hormones. These headache usually occur in women and this can be caused by certain stages of pregnancy, PMS and menstrual cycle, to menopause. The severity of these headaches can vary depending on the individual. Although some causes have said that they have had migraines before their period and during menopause or pregnancy.

Tension type is another form of headache that can be painful. This headache is related to stress and emotions that may cause tension with the muscles. These usually occur when the muscles around the head and neck become tight and hard to loosen. The pain from these can be different depending on the individual.

Sinus headaches occur when the sinus is inflamed. This may occur when you have allergies, cancer or an infection of some sort. These headaches are situated around the nose region and can cause a dull ache. This headache usually goes away when treatment for the it has been given.

There are many different headaches, and with the right treatment you can beat the pain. If you find that your ache is lasting a couple of days, then you should see your doctor for a check up. This will eliminate any serious problems that may be causing these headaches.

To find out more about headaches, please check out our guide to the different Types Of Headaches

Holly Parseo, Health Editor at HealthHints.org

Health Hints and Tips - HealthHints.org provides health tips on weight loss, stop smoking, acne, fitness and more. Find out the latest news and info on headaches and more.

Study Teenage Pregnancy - 7 Traumatic Effects Of Teenage Pregnancy! far more

Teenage Pregnancy - 7 Traumatic Effects Of Teenage Pregnancy!


It is stress that drives a young adolescent into a relationship. Confirmation that she has conceived a child brings on added stress. She is too young to face this emotional challenge and unable to decide what to do regarding the pregnancy. Furthermore, a large number of negative effects follow a teenage pregnancy, a major one being social stigma. This has been proved by research studies galore.

To go into details about the traumatic effects of teenage pregnancy-

(1) What is an adolescent's age? It is somewhere between 10 and 19 years. Getting pregnant at this age can be life-threatening. Mortality rates are four times higher for a pregnant teenager in the age bracket of 15 to 19, than for women aged between 25 and 29 years. The unborn child is at increased risk too. For girls falling into the age bracket of 10 to 14, it is even worse. Should they have live births, the infant is likely to die soon or face serious health challenges.

(2) Teenage pregnancy makes it difficult for the girl to continue with her education. The drop-out rate is therefore pretty high. Even if they come from similar backgrounds, 61% of adolescents wait till the age of 20 to 21 to have babies and therefore complete high school. In contrast are those girls who give birth to children before they have completed 18 years of age; only 41% become high school graduates.

(3) Even after giving birth, the young mother finds it difficult to keep up with her peers where academic performance is concerned. She is forced to repeat classes and exhibits poor scoring in standardized tests. Ultimately, she may never graduate at all.

(4) Finding a regular source of income becomes difficult as every job position demands certain skills which are markedly lacking because of not having a proper education.

(5) The only alternative left after a teenage pregnancy is to take public assistance, that is, go on welfare. Most of these teens are unmarried and over 75% of them ask for support within five years of becoming mothers. Some researchers feel that poverty-ridden teenagers welcome pregnancy so that they can get financial support from the child's father; this is supposed to be a survival mechanism to escape hopeless poverty.

(6) Children born to such young parents often display retarded psycho-social development and malnutritional effects. This is because a teenage mother lacks parenting skills. She fails to understand what her child needs and does not realize the importance of smiling, touching or verbally communicating with her child. Anger against society is taken out on the child and physical abuse is possible.

(7) When grown up, the young ones of these 'teen mothers' exhibit behavioral tendencies which are deemed socially unacceptable. This is in fact the worst effect of a teenage pregnancy. The son can become a criminal offender and land up in prison - the rate is three times more for these boys than normal criminals. The daughter may follow in the footsteps of her mother and become a victim of teenage pregnancy herself.

Abhishek has seen many childbirths in his huge family! Visit www.Childbirth-Guru.com and Download Abhishek's FREE Report "How To Dress And Look Your Best During Pregnancy!". If you are an expecting mother, or have just delivered, you can get some very valuable information about Pregnancy and Childbirth. But hurry, only limited Free copies available! www.Childbirth-Guru.com

Examine Treating Eye - Strain Headaches extra

Although the most common cause of headaches is stress, one of the commonly overlooked causes of stress is eyestrain. In this age of computer technology, eyestrain is an ever-increasing problem. Most of us over expose our eyes not only by using computers, but also by watching television, playing video games, or even reading for relaxation after a day of intense computer use.

Aging Eyes

Moveover, as we age, we generally experience a loss of vision that often goes untreated. Because the loss is slight, we don't notice it or if we do, we adapt. But even if you're only straining our eyes slightly, it can bring on headaches. Blurry vision means you're creating too much strain on your eyes without giving them proper rest or nourishment. Remember, the tissues and blood vessels around your eyes are delicate and it's important to treat your eyes properly. It's also important to keep in mind that if you wear glasses, your prescription can change over time, especially as you age. If you're experiencing headaches that seem otherwise unaccountable, it's possible you need new glasses and that's one of the first things you may want to check out.

Computer Use

If you spend a lot of time working on the computer, it's essential you take a break for at least 2 minutes after every 60 minutes of work. The best thing to do is nothing: simply close your eyes and relax. This gives your eyes a chance to rest and can keep a headache from developing or keep a developing headache from getting worse. When you do any work with your eyes at a close range, your eye muscles contract, and if you don't take enough breaks, the prolonged use of a computer screen can result in what is now called Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). The symptoms of CVS include blurred vision, strained eyes, light sensitivity, and headaches.

Helping Your Eyes

One way to help your eyes is to blink them gently but with effort a number of times whenever you think of it. This will massage your eyes and help them relax. You can also use pure rose water. A few drops of rose water in your eyes daily will help them stay moist and stress-free.

Using Sunglasses

Sunglasses are another way to protect your eyes. Sunglasses can reduce eyestrain and accompanying headaches. The pupil of the eye controls the light that enters the retina. When there is only a little light, the pupil dilates to let light in. In bright light, the pupil constricts to keep light out. There are times when it is so bright the pupil can't constrict enough to keep the excess out. In such cases, we all resort to squinting. Squinting, however, strains the muscle surrounding the eyes, which causes fatigue and pupil constriction. Squinting easily leads directly to eyestrain and headaches. Sunglasses help because they reduce the amount of light that can reach the eyes.

Using Eye Pillows

Eye pillows also keep the light away from your eyes and help with eyestrain. They are most commonly made from silk and herbs that relax tense muscles and provide soothing aromatherapy. Lavender eye pillows are especially popular. Lavender has a demonstrated ability to induce relaxation and it helps in revitalizing tired eyes. It has also proven helpful in treating sinus headaches.

Treat the Problem, Not the Symptoms

Remember, once you treat eyestrain and stop creating it, eyestrain headaches will disappear. If, on the other hand, you simply take painkillers and don't address the eyestrain, you'll only be masking the problem while it's actually getting worse.


To find more on headaches relif visit headaches relief [http://www.relieveyourheadaches.com/] and Articles about headaches relief [http://www.relieveyourheadaches.com/Headache_Relief_Articles.html].

Jerry Alexander is a webmaster and author. His articles, can be found at his Author's web site. [http://jerryswrite.com]

Treating Eye - Strain Headaches


Examine Pregnancy Hot Flashes additional

It is believed that only menopausal women have hot flashes. There are some medical conditions, like low blood pressure, low blood sugar and hyperthyroidism, that cause hot flashes. Male hot flashes amongst prostate cancer patients are common. A few pregnant women also suffer from hot flashes.

During pregnancy, estrogen levels tend to fluctuate in some women. Even among menopausal women, where 75% suffer from hot flashes, it is not the level of estrogen or other hormones that cause the problem, but the fluctuating hormone levels. Hot flashes are a hot feeling on the neck and face, making the face red, and may be accompanied by sweating, dizziness, head ache and heart palpitation. They can last from a few seconds up to an hour. One of the prime causes of hot flashes is stress and anxiety. Pregnant women do have a lot of anxiety.

When the hot flashes are mild, simple modifications to behavior patterns help manage the problem. Avoiding spicy food, alcohol, caffeine, smoking, diet pills and hot environments can eliminate or reduce the intensity of hot flashes. Exercise, as advised by a physician, helps a lot. A moderate attack of flashes needs more attention. Besides lifestyle modifications, herbal remedies, acupuncture and mild over-the-counter medication assists in preventing severe hot flashes. Any medication taken by a pregnant woman must be with the approval of the physician.

In a severe case of hot flashes, a pregnant woman has a problem which does not have a clear-cut treatment. A menopausal woman can opt for hormone therapy for severe hot flashes. But a pregnant woman cannot have it, as the estrogen can lead to miscarriage. Some anti-depressant medications like clodinine and methyldopa are also not recommended for pregnant women, as they get into the fetal bloodstream.

So the few pregnant women who have hot flashes have to be very careful with their behavior patterns to stop any trigger that starts the problem. They have to trust more on exercise, relaxation techniques and a calm, peaceful mind.


Hot Flashes [http://www.WetPluto.com/Hot-Flash-Remedy.html] provides detailed information on Hot Flashes, Menopause Hot Flashes, What Cause Hot Flashes, Hot Flash Remedy and more. Hot Flashes is affiliated with Bladder Infection Symptoms.

Pregnancy Hot Flashes

Read Treatments for Sinus Headaches extra

Headaches are annoying at best and debilitating at their worst, but even more so when they are caused by clogged sinuses. These types of headaches cause severe pain and deep pressure between the eyes, just above the nose. It is sometimes difficult to know the right treatment for it because most of the time, the underlying cause is unknown. Some mistake their headaches as caused by sinusitis when it is actually a migraine and vice versa. So, how to check if your headache is related to a sinus headache? If the same is, then what sinus treatment is best for it?

* Diagnosing Your Headache Correctly

The first thing that has to be done is to find out the cause of the headache and determine if it is a migraine or a sinus headache. There is a lot of confusion about the different types of headaches, because of the overlapping symptoms. Plus, headaches commonly occur in various ailments as well. So, it is critical that a person gets the correct diagnosis for whatever is ailing him or her, so that the pain is relieved soon.

* Symptoms of Sinus Headaches

The most common symptom of a sinus headache is the feeling of pressure and pain around the sinuses. This pain is often felt in your forehead, above the nose and especially, behind or between the eyes. These areas might even feel tender at times. Another symptom is pain that becomes worse when lying down or bending over.

However, if a headache is the only symptom, then it is probably not a sinus headache as this type of headache often comes with other symptoms, like cough, fatigue, nasal discharge, stuffy nose or sore throat.

* Treatments for Sinus Headaches

The best way to treat a sinus headache is to do the two-pronged approach, treating the headache and the basic cause at the same time. To ease sinus headaches, try the following -

* Use an OTC pain reliever. This is probably the first and most common solution everyone does. Medications can help minimize the pain, but remember to follow the label's instructions and never take these medications for 10 days or more without your doctor's approval.

* Take a decongestant. Decongestants are such OTC medicines that open the sinus cavities which are blocked by lowering swelling in the nasal passages. It also reduces mucus which the passages secrete. Like pain relievers, decongestants of any form should not be taken for an extended period of time without first consulting a doctor. Nasal decongestants in form of spray should only be used for 3 days on a stretch and orally for only a week.

* A doctor might prescribe other medicines or nasal sprays to reduce congestion and headaches.

* One easy sinus treatment would be to moist all nasal passages, since dry air irritates the sinuses. A vaporizer is best for keeping the air humid. A person can also place a wet warm towel over the face for some time.

* Nasal irrigation is also one treatment that should be considered. Use a Neti pot or bulb syringe to flush the sinus with salt water. This helps moisten and clear the mucus from nasal passages, thereby reducing the pressure.

* Avoiding irritants, like cigarette smoke or perfume, can also go a long way to minimize sinus headache attacks.

Keeping in mind the above mentioned information can help you identify and find the best cure to cure your sinus problem. Make sure to carefully analyze your condition and consult a doctor to get the most appropriate sinus treatment, to avoid the situation from getting worse.

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Treatments for Sinus Headaches

Read through About Headaches a lot more

There is another type of headache called migraine headache. This type of headache usually starts from the teenage years , and the causes can be traced to the use of alcohol, caffeine or other drugs, neurotransmitters which is changes in the chemical level of the body, coughing, sneezing, dehydration, dental problems like pains, in the grinding of the teeth or from the canal root, eating and drinking cold food and drinks, emotional stress, exposure to smokes or fumes, eyestrain, fever, high altitude, lower oxygen levels, high blood pressure which leads to hypertension,.

Medicines can cause headaches as well, and many medicines are in this category.

Though not common, headache may be a sign of a serious illness. When this is the case, the person may notice symptoms like vomiting, dizziness or changes in the vision. Headaches can equally be caused by injuries or illnesses like:

*A head injury.

* Injury to the brain,

* Injury of the skull,

* Bleeding in or around the brain,

* Brain tumor, this leads to swelling within the brain.

* Encephalitis which is an infection of the brain or the membranes surrounding the and the Spinal cord.

* Stroke, which is a problem that occurs when the arteries that supplies blood to the brain blocks or bursts or is blocked by a blood clot.

* A rupture of the blood vessels with bleeding in or around the brain.


There are other negative health conditions that can contribute to headache, and some of them are listed below.

* FIBROMYALGIA: This is a condition that is responsible for widespread muscle and soft tissue pains and tenderness.

* GLAUCOMA: This is an eye disease that damages the nerves and back of the eye.

* HYPERTENSION: This is an offshoot high blood pressure.

* HYPAGLYCEMIA: This is also known as high blood sugar and its twin brother is called HYPOGLYCEMIA which is low blood sugar.

* ARTHRITIS: This is the appearance of lupus, giant cell arthritis and other inflammatory problems.

* Waste build up in the blood as a result of kidney problems.

* Hypocalcemia ie low calcium level in the blood or over activity of the gland that helps control the release of calcium into the blood (hyperparathyroidism)

* LYME DISEASE: This is an infection caused by bacteria which spreads by some kinds of ticks.

* Anxiety, depression and other mental health problems.

* Preeclampsia, severe high blood pressure that occurs during pregnancy.

* Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.

Review the emergencies and check your symptoms sections to determine if and when you need to consult your doctor. Indeed, headache can be a serious problem if it is left unattended to.

Headaches During Pregnancy

Ikechukwu Eze is a pastor, motivator and inspirational speaker. He owns many succesful websites among which is [http://www.yourhealthandfitnessguide.com]

About Headaches

Headaches During Pregnancy

Go through Calcium Intake Pregnancy - The Benefits of Sufficient Calcium Intake and Pregnancy extra

During pregnancy the requirement of calcium increases. Around 200 mg/day of calcium is taken up by the baby to develop properly. When the baby is born, about 20-30 g of calcium is found naturally in its skeleton. Later on during breastfeeding, about 1200 mg of calcium should be consumed by the mother to ensure proper growth of her baby.

Sufficient calcium intake and pregnancy are therefore related to each other. Many kinds of birth defects, abnormalities and miscarriages occur as a result of calcium deficiency in the mother. Women are advised by their doctors to obtain optimal levels of calcium from their everyday diet and to be on the safe side they should add at least one calcium supplement product to their everyday diet.

The importance of calcium intake and pregnancy can also be established by the fact that the rate of calcium loss through urine is the highest during pregnancy. To ensure proper absorption of calcium by the blood stream, vitamin D or multi-vitamin tablets should also be consumed. In addition to these, a calcium-rich diet, regular exercise and good-quality calcium supplements help to ensure healthy pregnancies.

Because of urinary calcium excretion, pregnant women are at high risk of developing kidney stones. Extra care should be taken in the context of diet and other factors during pregnancy. Avoid too much protein-rich foods coming from animal sources, and try to drink milk regularly.

In addition to this, also try to avoid soft drinks, too much sugar and salt, coffee, tea, tobacco and alcohol. All these things are not only dangerous for the baby but also increase the rate of calcium loss.

Hypertension and depression are two of the most common symptoms seen in pregnant women. These again are caused due to severe calcium and other minerals' deficiency. Heavy medication and inactivity also contribute to calcium loss and interfere in other processes. Similarly, high levels of phosphorus in the blood and high level of parathyroid hormone are dangerous for health.

To ensure a healthy pregnancy and long-term health after delivery, try to find the highest quality calcium supplements available out there. The best ones are those which have been made by mixing a calcium salt with sources of some other minerals and vitamins. These nutrients include magnesium, potassium, vitamin D, vitamin K2 and sodium.

The importance of sufficient calcium intake and pregnancy cannot be overemphasized. Try to eat a balanced diet and don't sit idle for long durations of time.


For optimal bone and joint health, we have been using a special natural calcium formula and for good reason, this formula is known as Bone Protect. We have personally been using this formula for over 3 years with excellent health results.

You can learn more about our product of choice and why we use this product above all other calcium formulas at optimal bone health

John Gibb is the manager of a series health websites. His latest addition discusses the calcium formula himself and the editors consume. For more information on calcium, coral calcium, and bone health as a whole, be sure to check out http://www.optimal-bone-health.com

Calcium Intake Pregnancy - The Benefits of Sufficient Calcium Intake and Pregnancy


Go through Working Out During Pregnancy - The Benefits and Importance a lot more

Working Out During Pregnancy - The Benefits and Importance

Headaches During Pregnancy

Exercising as a lifestyle is a great way to keep fit and healthy. For pregnant women however, there are added benefits which will go a long way to ensuring your body is in good shape to carry out your baby to full term. these should be light and controlled especially during the early weeks to enable your body adjust to the changes.

Over exertion can be detrimental to an expectant mother's health since blood flow can be diverted from reaching important areas of the body. It is therefore essential that any exercise regime undertaken by an expectant mother is light, controlled and regulated.

Some physical activities that would be beneficial to pregnant women include swimming and walking. Weight lifting using very light weights could also be very useful but this should be ideally done under supervision. Regularity may vary amongst expectant mothers but 3 times a week is recommended. If in any doubt, it's vital to consult your doctor before proceeding any further.

Below, you'll find some of the best reasons as to why you should exercise during pregnancy.

Here are some of the benefits that exercising during pregnancy will bring to an expectant mother.

1. Labor and recovery time can be reduced significantly. This is because the appropriate exercises builds up stamina and endurance which is required during delivery.

2. Stress levels are reduced. This improves the expectant mothers mental and emotional wellbeing, which further smoothens the transition between singleness and motherhood.

3. Weight management after the birth of the baby is also enhanced. Its normal for expectant mothers to put on weight during pregnancy as the body adjusts to accommodate the unborn child. A good exercise regime during and after birth will help keep the mother's body in good shape.

4. The benefits of maintaining a good exercise regime extends to the unborn child by ensuring it's overall proper development.

5. Certain "side effect" of pregnancy can also be reduced drastically. These include swelling, fatigue and minor headaches. Research has revealed that women who exercise during pregnancy are less likely to experience these "symptoms".

6. The likelihood of premature birth in women who exercise during pregnancy is significantly reduced.

Drinking lots of fluids before exercising is a very good idea. Ensure your diet is well balanced and nutritious. Avoid over exertion and immediately take a break once you feel any uneasiness during exercising.

Because your overall fitness is improved, it's much easier to cope with all the stresses and physical pressures that pregnancy brings on your body. As long as you keep a good balance between resting and exercising sensibly, you will be well on your way to have a stress free pregnancy and hopefully, an enjoyable delivery.

Douglas Doe is an Internet enthusiast and writer on various subject matters. Access FREE resources on my Blog . For additional materials, check out A-Z of Pregnancy.

Read Big or Small Tummy During Pregnancy - Does It Matter to The Weight of Your Child? additional

I have a friend who is pregnant and worried that her belly is too small, which may affect her coming baby. She is pregnant for 7 months already yet her pregnant belly is not easily recognized by a new person.

In my opinion, what she is worrying is really baseless. The development of the fetus has nothing to do with the size of the tummy at all. Recalling the experience I had when being pregnant, I had very big belly. My 3-month belly is that of someone about 5-7 months. I even had to refrain from eating when nearing due date for fear of not being able have normal delivery. The doctor attending me during pregnancy also told me to limit my intake of food for fear that the big baby will affect normal delivery. For the whole pregnancy period I gained 12 kg (or 26.4 pounds), which is normal, it was just the belly that was too huge as considered by many.

Finally, on the day I delivered the baby, to many people's surprise, I had wonderful baby weighed 2.7 kg (about 5.94lbs), which is near the minimum weight allowed. I could see the disappointment in my family members who always said my belly was too big, hence big baby, during pregnancy.

The good news is that my baby came out very healthy and active. Now I never regret doing anything for him during my pregnancy and I had never wished my son to be any bigger than what he came out.

The lesson from me is that, first, your belly is not the determinant of having a healthy baby later on. Some could have small tummy and have big baby and vice versa. Second, if you do have bigger belly than others, the only sensible concern is that the stomach flattening after delivery should take more care and time. So please watch out your weight and tummy during pregnancy, not just for the sake of your precious child but for YOU too.

'Pregnancy without pound' is an excellent guide for mother from conception to after delivering the baby on all matters related to pregnancy, nutrition, exercises during pregnancy for healthy baby and mum, and how to keep fit, be slim after pregnancy. Please visit [http://www.whyhow.info] for more information.

Big or Small Tummy During Pregnancy - Does It Matter to The Weight of Your Child?


Examine Headaches - What a Pain! Homeopathy Helps far more

Headaches - What a Pain! Homeopathy Helps


The subject of headaches is a vast one, but it needn't be elusive. Homeopathy has a reputation for addressing headaches squarely without side effects and worsening of the person in general.

The first step in bringing the person to a better state of being is to stop taking analgesics. Tylenol, aspirin and their derivatives admittedly remove the pain, but only to suppress the illness and throw it into the future with greater vitality. Homeopathy, on the other hand, is reputed for not only relieving the headaches, but eliminating them permanently for the future. Homeopathy addresses all illness on an individual basis, so headache relief needs to be addressed in the same way.

Read through the following remedies and choose the best one for your situation. Then take a dose every hour until relief is sustained. When relief is at hand, stop. Let's look at the top remedies for this malady:

The first remedy to consider for headaches that are in the face is Kali Bichromium30. These headaches present above or between the eyebrows or start over one eye, then travel to the other or reside at the root of the nose. These are the headaches of a sinus nature that respond to a barometric pressure change and are made worse on stooping. If this cluster of symptoms exists, not only will the remedy eliminate the present pain, but will make the next similar headache a longer distance away from the present one and less painful . Eventually, and not too far distant in the future, the pain will not appear at all.

For headaches that come after eating rich foods, such as ice-cream, the best remedy is Pulsatilla 30. These headaches often affect women and girls and particularly those of a more feminine nature. Another remedy useful for the after effects of eating too many rich foods is Nux vomica 30. It is often due to indigestion, constipation or too many laxatives or other medicaments. This remedy should be taken twice daily for a few days until the pain disappears. Now, unless more drugs are ingested, the pain will not return.

If the headache presents after grief, sorrow, emotion or worry, the sufferer will find relief from Ignatia 30, named after St. Ignatius.

Consider the remedy Belladonna 30 when the headache is as a result of too much sun, when the face is red and flushed, with throbbing in the head and particularly in the veins and arteries.

Gelsemium 30 is your remedy when a headache is brought on by anticipatory anxiety. This can be common with children who are afraid of being on stage for a school play or for an adult who has to appear in front of a crowd. It is infallible for the headaches of ministers, courtroom lawyers and politicians.

The headaches of the gravest degree, however, are those called migraines. This is a category in itself and often requires expert homeopathic care. I find that the most common remedy to offer relief is Iris 30. These headaches are those that come on periodically, such as every week or month and are ushered in with ocular disturbances, such as blurred vision. There is often nausea and vomiting with throbbing, shooting pain in the forehead and a profuse amount of saliva.. There can also be pulsing pain through out the body and include burning in the anus with straining and bearing down.

This is but a small sampling of the most valuable remedies in the homeopath's arsenal, but an excellent place to start for the novice. After you feel better, consider homeopathy for all of your family's ailments. Purchase a kit of remedies, homeopathy books, CD's and take courses to learn as much as you can about this powerful method. Then when everything is put in order, prepare for a short duration of pain when you use the most intelligent medicine on the earth....Homeopathy.

"Health is not random" says homeopath, Joette Calabrese HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na). Her book Cure Yourself and Family With Homeopathy and her CDs Perform in the Storm, a Homeopathy First Aid and Secret Spoonfuls; How to get Healthy Foods into Kids Without Getting Caught are collections of experiences as a skilled homeopathic consultant to hundreds.

Her lively, entertaining examples and solutions of what to use for the most common ailments a homeopath is confronted with, have graced national journals such as Homeopathy Today and Wise Traditions. The author, practitioner, mother splits her time between working with clients throughout the U.S. and abroad and speaking in arenas such as Chautauqua Institute, national radio shows and college campuses. Join her at Homeopathy Works for events, forums and consultations.

Understand Pregnancy - A Changing Scene - Some Tips for the Early Days additional


As a midwife I was supposed to know it all, but your body and emotions change, and pregnancy is a different experience for everyone. It is a time where you can predict nothing, and the outcome is unknown.

For a first time mother there are special delights and difficulties because of the unknown, and always there is a lack of confidence even for me when I was supposed to know it all.

As a married woman and fully committed to work and home there was nothing more I wanted than a son just like my husband, I was fortunate as this is just as it was. There are many in my situation married or in stable relationships, but others that are young and where pregnancy becomes an emotional roller coaster.

The decision to keep or abort the fetus is outside this remit. It is not an easy decision and thankfully I didn`t have to make it. One thing I can advise is to seek professional help and counseling. Don`t make a hasty decision.

The Early Days

When I became pregnant with my first son it was an exciting time. There were no instant tests and apart from body changes you had to wait until you were 6-8 weeks pregnant. This is an anxious time and more sore if confirmation is delayed. Pregnancy can be a time of pleasure or misery depending on your state of health and emotional outlook, but there are ways to alleviate some of the physical and emotional pressures by natural means.

Some women are lucky and don`t experience the very early signs of morning sickness, I was one of these. However there are ways to combat the awful feelings.(some tips later.)

There are other feelings and signs which you become aware of. There is a blooming and radiance of the skin, or the opposite some hormonal rashes.

Emotionally you change, which is why you commonly here "it's her hormones". Don`t forget the uterus has now to prepare for a growing fetus. Hormones dramatically alter to accommodate this, so naturally you will feel different. Early on you will be on a high, then gradually this will settle and you will become agitated and worried. Each little twinge will cause you to think that you are losing this precious baby. This very rarely happens, it`s just your body tweaking itself to accommodate a new situation.

Don`t forget your partner. They may not see this pregnancy as you do. It is a big responsibility and they may feel trapped. Insecure, childlike and frightened. Talk things through with him. After all this should be a joint venture.

Some Common Problems

Fainting and Dizziness

This is usually caused by standing quickly and is rarely a cause for concern, although can be a nuisance.

It may be caused by Anaemia although in this day and age because of early diagnosis of pregnancy a doctor is seen and women are given iron and vitamins early on.
A side effect of taking iron is constipation, although this may be a pregnancy problem in itself. Doctors often change the prescription when this occurs and you can counteract this by eating fruit and drinking more water.


Take life at a slower pace
Sit down immediately if you feel faint
Stand up slowly from a sitting position
Morning Sickness.

This is a nuisance condition and although commonly seen in the morning, can occur at any time.

It can be exacerbated by noise, and smells. Many things can worsen nausea like eating, drinking, motion, sleeping and emotional upsets.

It was thought that morning sickness was caused by hormonal changes. I have long formed the opinion that emotional stress forms a large part of the problem.

Pregnancy may have been wanted or unwanted, but when the realisation hits in the emotions take over, and many have doubts about themselves or their partners. It very much depends on the individual and your emotional type. Some worry over everything, so it is natural that these normal traits become exaggerated during pregnancy.

Look inside yourself and be ready to talk particularly to your partner about any anxieties and guilt feelings you have. This will often lessen the problem


Talk through difficult feelings with your partner or a close friend.
Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables for a couple of days.
Try eliminating fats and rich foods
Make sure you are getting enough Calcium
Eat little and often
On waking even before getting up eat a dry biscuit or piece of dry toast, then sit up and drink. Try a glass of hot or cold lemon and honey, or a cup of herbal tea. Some women have found this excellent advice.

Let yourself get hungry. This drops your blood sugar levels
Worry if you lose some weight. Your baby will take what it needs from your body.
Seek Help:

If the nausea is excessive and especially if accompanied by diarrhoea.
Seek counselling if you are unable to talk to anyone close.
Pregnancy Rashes

These are odd and can occur for no reason. They can irritate and be a real nuisance. There is no known cause and are difficult to clear up. The only thing I have found useful is the Homoeopathic remedy Rhus Tox 6

Some Remedies that may help

These remedies are safe and will not harm the unborn child.

Bach Remedy, particularly Rescue. This can be purchased from most good chemists. This is a stress reliever and will help with stress of any kind.
Nux Vom 30/6 This is a Homoeopathic remedy and should be able to be purchased from a Chemist
Another Homoeopathic remedy Pulsatilla 6 which can be purchased from a chemist is a good all rounder and will deal with any catarrhal or sinus problems as well as hormonal.
For pregnancy rashes use Rhus Tox 6. Take two tablets twice a day for 10days. Leave a few days and repeat as necessary.

Thank you for reading this article and I hope you find it useful.

For those inspirational accessories to make you feel good in pregnancy visit [http://www.toddlersandmoms2b.com]

Pregnancy - A Changing Scene - Some Tips for the Early Days


Examine 5 Early Signs of Pregnancy extra


Extremely early signs of pregnancy- are there any? Yes no doubt there are the signs which very early indicate that one is pregnant. The fertilized egg implants itself after about seven days of conception. The moment implantation happens, the early pregnancy signs begin to appear. The hormone level start to change and the body start reacting to these new hormonal levels.

The initial anxieties of pregnancy are completely over shadowed by the overwhelming and unpleasant symptoms known as morning sickness.

The term 'morning' can be misleading as the symptoms often continue throughout the day. Morning sickness can, of course, start before you know you are pregnant, almost as soon as conception has occurred. It may be what alerts you to the fact that you have conceived.

These early pregnancy symptoms can be quite distressing especially if you are still reeling from the discovery that you are pregnant. Where there are mixed feelings about the pregnancy and thoughts of possible termination, this can be intensely distressing as the sickness brings a constant reminder of the reality of the pregnancy.

The onset of morning sickness can be very sudden. It is not unusual to go to bed wondering why you don't feel any different yet and to wake up feeling like you've been hit by a bus. All manner of symptoms, physical and emotional, can occur in early pregnancy and are explained by the umbrella term 'morning sickness'. The list below features a range of experiences women report:


Tiredness/exhaustion: the tiredness of early pregnancy can be worse than the sleepless nights after the baby is born. Women may find themselves wanting to sleep much longer or more often than usual and yet sleeping may have little impact on the feelings of tiredness and lethargy. It's not unusual to spend a whole day in bed and still feel tired! This can be very disabling and the early weeks of pregnancy can seem unending. You may begin to worry: how will I cope with a baby if I can't cope with feeling tired now? Fortunately this malaise does lift as the pregnancy progresses.


Nausea and vomiting: along with tiredness, the persistent sickness that some women experience can be the most debilitating part of pregnancy. It can affect all aspects of your life, making carrying on with everyday life almost impossible. Despite its debilitating effects it is only in extreme circumstances that vomiting leads to medical intervention or hospitalization. There is in fact little that can be done to stop vomiting in pregnancy and most women simply try to endure it and adapt their lives as much as possible, hoping that the symptom will soon pass.

Food Cravings

Strange tastes, going 'off' foods or cravings. Many women report a metallic taste in their mouths. Classically women reject certain foods or develop preoccupations with particular foods. There may be good adaptive reasons why women 'crave' certain foods, perhaps their bodies are identifying their nutritional needs. However, the preoccupation often with one item makes this seem unlikely. In extreme cases non-food items such as coal have been the object of cravings, which would be hard to explain in physiological terms.


Headaches, general aches and pains.

Mood Swings

Tearfulness, angry outbursts, anxiety symptoms. Nevertheless at the time these feelings can be confusing for both parents-to-be especially in a planned and wanted pregnancy.

Remember to take care of yourself even before becoming pregnant. Avoid drinking and quit smoking. Eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. Besides the above mentioned 5 early pregnancy signs try to learn as much as you can because only with proper knowledge you can assure a healthy pregnancy thus a healthy baby.

As you go through Pregnancy In Detail [http://pregnancyindetail.blogspot.com] and choose various options that are available to you, you'll learn many tips to overcome your early pregnancy issues, especially something really wonderful to control your morning sickness. STOP! before clicking here [http://pregnancyindetail.blogspot.com] first make a promise that you wont regret that why haven't you come to know of this secret before. You can also get here the experts' advice for all your maternity needs.

5 Early Signs of Pregnancy

Examine The Pros And Cons Of Exercise And Pregnancy a lot more

Doctors report that frequent and regular exercise has numerous health benefits to almost everyone and pregnant women are no exception. There are of course risks involved but with planning and regular consultation with your physician, the benefits far outweigh the dangers. Here are a few of the advantages associated with exercising pregnant.

Of course exercise boosts your mood and energy levels which often fluctuate or drop due to weight gain and hormonal imbalance during pregnancy. Studies show it can actually lead to a drop in the risk of postpartum depression. It can also improve sleep, aid in circulation and ease the aches, pains and discomfort especially in the back, muscles and joints that often accompany pregnancy. There's also the general reduction in excess weight gain as well as a higher likelihood of dropping the weight after delivery.

Exercise builds muscle and endurance which can lead to not only easier labor, quicker delivery and a faster recovery but may even prevent the necessity for the use of drugs and doctors intervention including C-section. It lowers the risk of Gestational Diabetes which can lead to obesity, pregnancy complications and type-2 diabetes later in life, preeclampsia, which can cause swelling, sudden weight gain, headaches and changes in vision and constipation. Even more important are the benefits to the baby's health including a stronger heart, lower heart rate and more endurance during delivery, which can prevent the use of forceps or other devices.

As always it is essential to consult a fitness professional as well as your doctor before beginning any workout regime during pregnancy however once you have the okay here are a few of the recommended types of exercises to pursue. Walking, swimming, low impact aerobics, rowing and jogging in moderation, also light weight training is a plus but avoid contact sports that include falling or collisions, also high altitude hiking or scuba diving are not suggested.

The American College of Obstetrician and Gynecologists suggests 30 minutes or more of exercise daily as long as there are no medical restrictions. If you've been working out prior to pregnancy you should be able to continue your regime but if you have not this is a perfect time to get started! You can begin with as little as 5 minutes, work to 10 then 15, up to at least 30. Take your time getting started and be sure to avoid jumping, sprinting, full sit ups and deep knee bends, strait legged toe touches, exercising while lying on your back, twisting at the waist and holding your breath during any exercise.

There are pregnancy related conditions that may preclude you from working out including low placenta, bleeding, weak cervix or history of early labor, premature birth or miscarriage. Stop working out immediately and consult your physician if you experience headache, shortness of breath, muscle weakness, chest, abdominal or pelvic pain or persisting contractions, sudden swelling of the face or extremities and rapid heartbeat. Also beware of dizziness, nausea, a cold or clammy feeling, a decrease or absence in fetal movement and steadily leaking or gushing fluid.

As always it is important to always stretch and warm up prior to exercise as well as cool down afterward. Never work out at a high intensity for several days then sit sedentary for an extended period.
Don't under eat. A woman needs an additional 300 calories during pregnancy on top of the calories that the workout burns. Drink lots of water, at least 8-10 glasses a day and get plenty of rest. With all of these things in place you are sure to experience a much more pleasant and palatable pregnancy. God bless and good luck!

For More Information Please Go To: http://www.fitnesskeys4u.com There you will receive a free healthy food list.

The Pros And Cons Of Exercise And Pregnancy

Headaches During Pregnancy

Study Twin Pregnancy FAQ additional

Discovering that you're pregnant with twins is exciting but also quite overwhelming. Because twin pregnancies carry additional risks and precautions, you likely have many questions.

What's different about a twin pregnancy?

The experience of a twin pregnancy can be very different for some women. In some cases, women who are pregnant with twins experience enhanced pregnancy symptoms such as nausea, fatigue, or edema (swelling). A a woman who is pregnant with twins is at greater risk for some medical complications, such as preterm labor, preeclampsia, pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH) and gestational diabetes.
What are the signs of twin pregnancy?

While some women report drastic differences in a twin pregnancy, others report no differences from a singleton pregnancy. Some of the most common indicators of multiple births are weight gain, measuring large for gestational age, severe morning sickness, early detection of fetal movement, abnormally High Results on an AFP or Triple Screen Test, extreme fatigue and elevated HcG Levels.

How can I find out if I am having twins?

Ultrasound remains the most reliable way to detect and monitor a multiple pregnancy. The routine use of ultrasound in prenatal care has reduced the number of surprise appearances by twins in the delivery room; most multiples are discovered during the first half of pregnancy. If you have a hunch or suspect that you are carrying twins or more, discuss your feelings with your doctor.

Will I have to go on bed rest?

Bed rest is prescribed in multiple pregnancy as a preventative and precautionary tool. It can provide benefits for both mom and babies, prolonging a pregnancy in danger of preterm labor to a woman whose body is under stress. In 1992, a survey by the National Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs showed that 70 percent of women expecting multiple births experienced bed rest at some point in their pregnancy. However, times have changed and doctors have become less rigid about sentencing women to bed.

Can there be a hidden twin?

Nearly every pregnant woman considers the possibility that she may be carrying more than one baby. The only way to confirm a twin or multiple pregnancy is by visually identifying the multiple fetuses with ultrasound. If your doctor or caregiver can only see one baby, you're not having twins or multiples. There are some very rare exceptions. Ultrasound provides a picture of the womb, but sometimes the picture can be misleading or misinterpreted, particularly if performed very early in the pregnancy or by an incompetent technician. At twenty weeks, a second fetus would be clearly visible on ultrasound, and the likelihood that there is another baby hidden in the womb is extremely small.

What is vanishing twin syndrome?

Vanishing Twin Syndrome occurs when one of a set of twin fetuses apparently disappears from the womb during pregnancy, usually resulting in a normal singleton pregnancy. One of the fetuses in a twin pregnancy spontaneously aborts, usually during the first trimester; the fetal tissue is absorbed by the other twin, the placenta, or the mother, thus giving the appearance that the twin "vanished." In recent years, enhanced use of ultrasound early in pregnancy has increased the frequency of diagnosis of twin pregnancy. As a result, there has been a heightened awareness of vanishing twin syndrome.

How much weight will I gain?

Women are always worried about how much weight they will gain with any pregnancy, singleton or multiple. Now that you're having twins, the thought of extra weight gain seems scary. Generally, a healthy pregnancy requires that a woman gain 25 to 30 pounds during the nine month gestation period, depending on her body type. But that's for just one baby. Like everything about having multiples, more is required. Doctor recommendations vary, but most women tend to gain about 35 to 45 pounds during a twin pregnancy, with about 10 additional pounds for every additional baby in a higher order multiple pregnancy. However, this is just a guideline so be sure to speak to your doctor about what is appropriate for your body type.

What is the typical gestation for a twin pregnancy?

Generally, twins and other multiples are born earlier than singletons. Research from the National Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs (NOMOTC) indicates that about half of multiples are born before 36 weeks gestation. There's no way to know exactly when your babies will be born. In some cases, a premature birth can not be avoided. Some doctors feel that thirty-seven or thirty-eight weeks should be considered full-term for twins and will seek to prompt the delivery of the babies at that time.

Are my twins identical or fraternal?

This is one of the first things people want to know about a twin pregnancy. Here are some ways to discover is you're twins are identical or fraternal:

* If you're twins are the same gender, they are identical.
* If you're twins have been diagnosed with Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTS), they are identical. TTS does not affect fraternal twins.
* If there is a single, shared placenta, it is more likely you're twins are identical.
* If you're twins have been identified as monoamnionic, they are identical. Only identical twins develop with a single, shared amnion.


Mom's Key: http://www.MomsKey.com

Twin Pregnancy FAQ


Read Ask the Doctor - Can Chiropractic Help Headaches? additional

Headaches are painful, elusive, and one of the most common physical symptoms that people face throughout their lifetime. Pain can occur with a variety of intensity, frequency, location, and duration, and often is debilitating. Just as there are many types and causes of headaches, there are also many treatments that can relieve them without the use of medications.

According to the National Headache Foundation, more than 45 million Americans suffer from chronic, recurring headaches. Of those 45 million people, an estimated 28 million suffer from migraine headaches, an extremely painful condition that may include unpleasant additional symptoms, such as vomiting and visual disruption. It is interesting to note that about 20% of children complain of headaches.

Over the years, the trend toward suffering from headaches has escalated significantly, largely due to such lifestyle issues as greater stress, increased use of visual screens (mobile phones, texting, computers, etc), more caffeine, specific food chemicals, and poor eating habits. These can be added to basic physical triggers, such as hormonal changes, lack of a proper curve in the neck, whiplash injuries, slips and falls, heavy weights on the shoulders and neck (such as backpacks and laptop cases), and other factors. According to chiropractor specialist Dr. George B. McClelland of Christiansburg, Virginia, "Today, Americans engage in more sedentary activities than they used to, and more hours are spent in one fixed position or posture. This can increase joint irritation and muscle tension in the neck, upper back, and scalp, causing your head to ache."

Types of Headaches

Headaches originate in diverse ways, including but not limited to:

• Tension: the most common type of headache, a muscle-contractive pain.
• Cervicogenic: pain from subluxation (misalignment) of the neck and upper back.
• Dietary: stemming from food chemicals, such as MSG, and commercial food processing techniques.
• Exertional: head pain that develops after exercising.
• Hormonal: most common in females with active reproductive cycles, using hormone-based birth control, or undergoing life-stage hormonal changes.
• Hypertension-based: a vascular (blood vessel related) issue that is usually worse during the night.
• Medication-induced: the side effect of many prescribed, store-bought medications.
• Sinus: deep constant pain at the front of the head and in the cheeks, with possible fever, a feeling of fullness in the ears, and actual swelling.
• Temporomandibular jaw (TMJ)-induced: a result of joint inflammation and clenching the teeth, which typically accompanies the disorder.
• Cluster: the least common type of headache, consisting of a severe, intense group of attacks behind one eye.

More than 150 headache categories have been identified. The majority involve symptoms that encompass pulsating, throbbing, or squeezing pain and can last just a few minutes to hours and even several days. Additional signals associated with headaches frequently include light sensitivity; auras, sometimes provoked by certain odors or noise; and more intense symptoms, such as nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain and stomach cramps, visual disturbances, floaters, fever, dizziness, and loss of skin tone. Numerous options exist for headache treatment, and the approach to care typically varies with the type of headache that is occurring.

Headache Treatment and Care

Treatment and care for headaches includes prescription and over-the-counter medications, chiropractic care, acupuncture, trigger point therapy and massage, night guards to prevent teeth grinding, dietary modifications, and changes in lifestyle. Various medications have been shown to alleviate headaches, and, often, a simple conversation with your family physician and alteration of your medication regimen can reduce and even end the pain.

As early as 1995, an article in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (JMPT) reported that chiropractic adjustments were determined to be effective in relieving headaches when following the chiropractor's treatment plan and produced more benefit than most prescribed medications. Then, in 2001, a study performed at Duke University showed that spinal adjustments helped curb the majority of headaches that arose from muscle spasms and headaches stemming from the neck. The effect of adjustments was also reported to last much longer than the duration of most prescribed medications.

A recent study reported in the JMPT showed that people who took appropriate pain medications did get relief; however, those who were under chiropractic care experienced greater relief and had far fewer side effects than participants taking medication. Chiropractic care has proved to be particularly effective at easing the pain and correcting the origination of many kinds of headaches.

Proactive Measures

A variety of proactive measures can help lower the likelihood of developing a headache. • If you typically stay in a fixed position for long periods doing computer work or another kind of laborious activity, try stretching every 45 minutes.
• Avoid staring at computer screens for long periods of time. Tilt your head from side to side and stretch. Raise your computer monitor to a position slightly above eye level.
• Have your eyes checked by a doctor to make sure that your vision has not changed.
• Try to avoid teeth clenching where possible and have periodic dental checkups.
• Avoid placing too many pillows underneath your neck when lying down and reading or watching television.
• Stay hydrated, as many headaches occur because of a lack of water intake throughout the day.
• Limit intake of red wines and red meats, as both are known headache triggers.
• Consult your physician about the many medications that cause headaches as side effects, and determine whether you are taking any of them.
• If you are a woman who experiences difficult menstrual cycles, consult your obstetrician/gynecologist and discuss altering any related medications you are taking.
• Avoid foods with caffeine, MSG, and other excitotoxins that contain MSG, such as hydrolyzed protein and autolyzed yeast, bouillon, sodium caseinate, natural flavors, and spices.

Studies show that one of eight people in the US sees a chiropractor. Consult your family chiropractor regarding a headache treatment plan that is right for you. Many headaches are caused by a lack of neck curve that results in muscle spasms and spinal cord tension as well as misalignments. Massage therapy can "do wonders" for tension in the head and neck, and acupuncture has become increasingly popular as a care option. More people than ever are gravitating toward natural methods of managing their headaches, and evidence points to the fact that, to a large extent, they are achieving the relief they seek.


Owner and educator Dr. Chad Laurence is in private family practice at CORRECTIVE CHIROPRACTIC in Hockessin, Delaware. After earning his doctorate from Life University of Chiropractic in Marietta, Georgia, Dr. Laurence began practicing chiropractic in 2000. Before his chiropractic studies, Dr. Laurence received a BS degree in Microbiology from Pennsylvania State University. Dr. Laurence is one of only two doctors in Delaware who is certified in Chiropractic Biophysics (CBP), also called Clinical Biomechanics of Posture, and is a Distinguished Fellow of the CBP technique. Presently, fewer than 400 doctors worldwide are certified in Clinical Biomechanics of Posture, which is a corrective system that attempts to reestablish normal structural spinal alignment, thus removing nerve interference caused by misaligned vertebrae ("subluxations") and restoring optimal body function. Research results published in peer-reviewed scientific and medical journals support Clinical Biomechanics of Posture more than any other chiropractic technique. With a focus on structural spinal correction, nutrition, education, and specific training, Dr. Laurence is able to relieve symptoms for individuals suffering with physical problems, including neck and low back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, headaches, arthritis, and intestinal difficulties. His approach is also particularly successful at helping children with chronic ear infections, asthma, allergies, ADD/ADHD, bed-wetting issues, and childhood immune system disorders. Dr. Laurence is an experienced presenter who has been invited to speak in a variety of venues. He has published articles in regional health publications, including The News Journal, Healthy Results, Delaware Today, and Progressive Health. For more information about Dr. Laurence or Chiropractic Biophysics/Clinical Biomechanics of Posture (CBP), call Sara Eddy, Communications Coordinator, at CORRECTIVE CHIROPRACTIC: 302.234.1115. Additional details are also available on the practice website: http://www.correctivechiro.net

Ask the Doctor - Can Chiropractic Help Headaches?


Read Posture and Pregnancy more


Many discomforts of pregnancy are related to poor posture: an aching lower back, rounded shoulders, sciatic nerve pain through the legs and buttocks. Good posture becomes imperative as the growing baby's weight puts extra load on your spine.

Since the weight of the baby is not centered over the mother's center of gravity, then it can affect the mother's postural alignment (particularly in the lower back). Ligaments, loosened from the effect of the relaxing hormone, exacerbate the impact on posture. If you think that you don't have the time or energy to consider your posture then think again!

Lower back pain occurs during pregnancy when the spine has an exaggerated curve. The abdominal muscles become stretched as the baby grows and they are less able to keep the lower back in good alignment. The weight of the baby pulls the lower part of the spine forward resulting in pressure and irritation in the joints, discs and soft tissue. To compensate for the load, many mothers-to-be tilt their upper body back, which can create even more distortion in the lower back.

However slumping forward because of fatigue has it's own problem as it can be more difficult to breathe and slumping pushes the rib cage down onto the stomach. The compression reduces the space available for the stomach and stomach acid may be forced into the esophagus resulting in heartburn.

Some of the common discomforts of pregnancy can be avoided by standing and sitting properly. Stretching and exercise can also play a significant role. However a word of caution needs to be added that it is important to stretch gently and not do any exercises that might put excessive strain on the joints. Check with your doctor or health care practitioner before doing any exercise program.

Tips for Maintenance of Good Pregnancy Posture:

1. Ensure you stand straight by imagining a string attached to the top of your head that someone is pulling on.

2. Try to keep your abdomen pulled in to reduce the curvature in your lower back and try to maintain a pelvic tilt.

3. Try to pull in your buttocks to ensure that your centre of gravity is over your hips (along with the abdominal muscles, this acts as a natural corset for the lower back).

4. Remember to keep your knees soft when standing as locking the knees can increase the amount of curvature on your lower back.

5. Choose a good straight-backed chair when sitting. Maintain a pelvic tilt and avoid slouching with your knees level with your hips. If necessary place a small pillow or towel in the small of your back if you feel that you need extra support. (NB never sit with your legs crossed as this can reduce circulation and is a factor in the development of varicose veins).

6. When sleeping, side lying is generally the recommended position as it is a good position to take the stress off your lower back without reducing blood flow to the placenta. By placing a pillow between your legs then you can support the weight of the top leg to reduce lower back strain. Some women find placing a pillow under their abdomen can assist in supporting the weight of the uterus.

After around the 4th month of pregnancy, back sleeping should be avoided as the weight of baby and uterus can compress blood vessels. This can reduce the blood flow to the placenta and the baby.

Richard Lane is a qualified remedial,sports and pregnancy massage therapist, providing mobile massage services to the Inner West of Sydney www.innerwestmassage.com.au.

He has also operates a directory for Remedial Massage Clinics. Check out www.remedial-massage.com.au for more information.

Posture and Pregnancy

Examine Factors Causing Teen Pregnancy far more

A teen pregnancy could be loosely defined as a girl attaining motherhood before she reaches the legal age of adulthood. While teen pregnancy is looked down upon by most developed countries, certain ethnic groups in the world actually welcome and celebrate the phenomenon, as it is a clear sign of fertility in the young female. Her pregnancy confirms that she is perfectly capable of bearing children.

A teen pregnancy can actually be quite hazardous to both the mother and her infant. The teenaged girl is too young and her reproductive system, too vulnerable at this stage of her life. Under such circumstances, her falling pregnant and giving birth to a child can take a permanent toll on her whole system.

There are several factors causing a teen pregnancy. They are as follows:

Experimenting with sex

Lack of adequate knowledge of sex and the consequences of unsafe sex can many times be the root cause of teen pregnancies. The onset of puberty causes a huge rush of hormones in the body, giving rise to hitherto unknown sexual desires and the formation of a new identity of one's own sexuality. This, combined with a natural sense of rebellion and the desire to 'express freedom' results in the teen indulging in acts of sex without really considering how heinous this may prove to be in the future.

Peer pressure

Many teens living in developed countries indulge in very early sexual behavior due to undue pressure from their peers to behave in that particular way. Starting promiscuous behavior very early into adolescence increases the chances of teen pregnancies to a large extent. Being part of a teen group that indulged in this kind of behavior would result in each member indulging in sex because they felt they had to 'conform' to this group.

Failure of contraceptives

Nothing is foolproof with Mother Nature. No matter how careful you are and how many contraceptives you use, these might fail, leading to a pregnancy. The added problem during teenage is the lack of knowledge of using these contraceptives properly. For instance, emergency birth control pills or the 'morning after' pill is available freely over the counter at any pharmaceutical. But what many teenagers do not realize is that these can never work as regular birth control pills. Likewise, improper use of the condom leads to it tearing during the act, thus leading to a possible pregnancy.

Familial environment

The general environment in a family, studies indicate, can be the cause of teen pregnancies. It was seen that women who went through abuse and an unnatural home environment at a very young age, went ahead to become teenage mothers. Those coming from normal, loving families, on the other hand, were well-adjusted and carried on normally with life.

Teen pregnancy can prove to be very traumatic for the teenager, both in physical and emotional terms. In fact, this event may actually end up affecting her whole family as well. Though all countries of the world are trying to take the maximum amount of measures to curb teen pregnancy, this issue continues to raise its ugly head and make its presence felt from time to time.


Melissa Fox is a health professional very interested in Teenage Pregnancy [http://www.earlysymptomsofpregnancy.org/teenage-pregnancy.html].

She enjoys writing inspirational articles for Real Living.

To learn more about Teen Pregnancy please visit http://www.earlysymptomsofpregnancy.org

Factors Causing Teen Pregnancy

Examine What Causes Headaches? a lot more

According to the National Headache Foundation, over 45 million Americans suffer from chronic, recurring headaches. Of these, 28 million people suffer from migraines. Migraines are a more severe type of headache in which the sufferer may suffer the following symptoms: extreme nausea or vomiting, strong sensitivity to light, dizziness, or a pounding headache lasting longer than 72 hours.

What Causes Headaches?

Headaches are caused by signals interacting between the brain, blood vessels and surrounding nerves. Although not much is known as to what exactly causes signals to be sent to the brain, it is these signals which result in the pain we feel during a headache.

In some cases, migraines can be hereditary. If one of your parents is prone to getting migraines, you have a better than 50% chance that you, too, will develop migraines at some point in your life. Headaches can also be cause by everyday stresses dealing with school, work and family. They can also be caused by someone who has suffered severe head trauma. Strong odors, chemicals and smoke from tobacco products can cause headaches as well.

Various Types of Headaches

There are several different headache types from which people commonly suffer. These include the following:

- Tension headaches (aka: daily or non-progressive headaches)- This is the most common headache among adults and adolescents. Tension headaches usually don't last long, coming and going intermittently. Also, the degree of pain associated with this type of headache is usually tolerable with or without any medication

- Migraines-There is still not much information available as to what exactly causes migraine headaches. Migraine pain can range from moderate to extremely severe. The pain is often described as "throbbing" or "pounding" and can last anywhere from four hours to three days, occurring up to several times a month. Pediatric migraines are usually associated with symptoms such as vomiting on a fairly regular basis (ex: once a month).

- Transformed Migraines- This is a combination of a tension headache and a migraine that both adults and children can experience.

- Cluster headaches- These headaches are not as common, however, they are considered the most severe. The pain associated with this headache is described as having a burning, sharp pain that is either throbbing or constant. The pain is so severe that most sufferers cannot even bear to sit still. These headaches can last anywhere from two weeks to three months.

- Sinus headaches- These types of headaches are associated with deep, constant pain that is most often felt in the cheekbones and usually gets worse when the sufferer moves. Other symptoms may include sinus symptoms such as feeling like your ears are stuffed, nasal discharge, fever and facial swelling.

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What Causes Headaches?

Examine Pregnant Women Get Migraines Too a lot more

Migraine headaches are distinguished from other forms of headaches. Migraine headaches are an outcome of blood vessels expanding in the brain. A migraine-related headache initially feels like a dull sensation in the head and eventually becomes an acute headache, usually felt in front of the head or in the temples. Usually accompanied by nausea and vomiting, migraines are experienced by some people with visual disturbances and problems normally called an aura. Plenty of things can be triggers for migraines such as food, stress, etc.

Migraines are often present during pregnancy. It is especially common during the first trimester or the first three months of a woman's pregnancy. The migraine-related headaches pregnant women experience can vary in intensity from woman to woman and the period of the pregnancy. What makes it difficult for most pregnant women is that migraine occurrence can be hard to predict. A woman can be likely to get it; a woman can rarely have it, possibly even never. Pregnant women who are more likely to experience migraines may experience stronger headaches further on in their pregnancy or may find that the migraines diminish with time.

Despite the challenge, it is possible to treat the migraines of pregnant women. But because of the fragile condition of pregnant women, it should be done with the utmost care. One of the ways that can help in treating migraine in pregnant women is by keeping a diary regarding headaches. During the times she had a migraine headache, she should include the headache's duration, its probable cause and other important details. The diary can give an insight on what she is experiencing and what things she should engage in the future.

It can be hard to determine whether a pregnant woman's symptoms she experiences is because of migraines during pregnancy or if it is because of the pregnancy itself. It is important to be able to determine the root cause for the symptoms. It can be very dangerous when signs of headaches occur as this may signify something which needs attention especially during a pregnancy term so proper consultation is need with a medical expert if certain health issues occur. These include headaches accompanied by a fever, prolonged headaches reaching duration of hours, reoccurring headaches and headaches accompanied by visual disturbances.

In cases of migraines in pregnant women, there are common home remedies that can help in giving relief for migraines. These may include applying a cold towel on the head, relaxing the body by sleeping or taking short naps, exercising, meditation or yoga, etc. Pregnant women can also engage on migration prevention treatments. Avoiding possible migraine triggers such as chocolates, coffee and certain foods can be very helpful. In some cases where the migraine headache is very strong, health care providers prescribe some form of medication, considered safe for pregnancy. These forms of medications have to be discussed very thoroughly with a doctor because some medications such as aspirin can be very dangerous to pregnant women.

Agatha Green has been a migraine sufferer for years. On her website she unveils more than one year of research on migraines and how she managed to treat her own disease. For more great information on pregnancy migraines, visit http://www.migrainestreatmentsecrets.com/.

Pregnant Women Get Migraines Too

Headaches During Pregnancy

Understand Pregnancy and Nutrition extra


Nutrition and pregnancy are two different words that go hand in hand. As pregnancy differs from one woman to the other so as the diet intake is in the sense that one woman's meet is another woman's poison.

In definition, nutrition and pregnancy is the nutrient intake and dietary plan that you as a woman took before, during and after pregnancy as we all know that all dietary advice relating to pregnancy and nutrition is one of the major factors in determining the future well-being of the conceived child. Though some factors of diet or nutrient are noted to reduce childhood mortality due to helping the supply of nutrients to the mother.

The history have it that women who consume minimal amount of nutrient during pregnancy over the eight week period has a higher disorder rate concerning their offspring than women who ate regularly. This is because the children that are born to a well fed mother are privileged to have little or no limitation while in the womb.

In pregnancy, ill-nutrition did not only have physical disorder linked to it before and after pregnancy, also handicap are a risk that is run by mothers who are mal-nourished or have little nutrition. This condition of ill-nutrition can also lead to the child becoming subject to low level of desirable physical, mental and more qualities desired in a human being.

Basic nutrients necessary to meet the demands of the developing fetus need to be included in any woman's diet during pregnancy. Meanwhile general guidelines for healthy eating should be recommended in this case. And for any woman, who does not follow a healthy diet, pregnancy is a good time to do such and junk food should be avoided because it only helps such woman to add more weight.

Recommended: Visit Baby Making Issues And You for more information on how to manage your lifestyle to enhance your rate of conception.

Pregnancy and Nutrition

Examine A Few Words on Headaches additional

The topic of headaches is vast as there are many causes as well as types of headaches, causing most doctors to shudder at the mere presentation of a headache patient. Nonetheless, there remains hope for many with proper diagnosis and treatment. Lets start by discussing the most common and least harmful type, stress headache. This is often associated with tightness, which is band like around the head and often into the neck.

These are often alleviated with stress reduction and increase in exercise. The more chronic type would be best managed with treatment. Headaches that have a throbbing component are typically migrainous headaches. Migraine sufferers typically know when they are getting a headache as they get an aura, (seeing wavy lines, stars, etc.) just prior to the headache. As this is a serious medical condition, individuals with these types of headaches should always seek care. Many will respond favorably to non-drug treatments. Those who do not would be candidates for drug therapies. Similarly, individuals often have headaches associated with high blood pressure. You should have your blood pressure checked routinely when visiting a doctor of any type.

If you do not frequent your doctor, most shopping centers now have free pressure monitors that you can use. Units for purchase are also readily available and inexpensive, especially in consideration of the preponderance of high blood pressure and the costs of managing it compared to prevention. HBP will typically respond well to weight loss and exercise, however, if you already have HBP, you should work with a doctor regarding an appropriate exercise regimen as overexertion with HBP can be equally as dangerous. Many individuals with severe headaches assume inappropriately that their headache must be the result of a tumor, although in realty, the vast majority of severe headaches are not related to tumors, which will rarely cause headache pain if at all.

Although there are many other types of headaches, these are the most common. Our office has a very high success rate treating these types of headaches without necessitating the use of drug therapies. There is also much more detailed information on headaches available on my website which is listed below.


Dr. Scopelliti has over 1000 hours in postdoctoral neurology, and is a board certified chiropractic neurologist, practicing at the 279 Professional Arts Bldg at the rear of Monmouth Medical Center, in Long Branch, NJ. He is also currently the president of the NJ Chiropractic Council on Neurology, (website: http://www.dcneuro.info) With over twenty years of practice, ten of those years specializing in neurology, his office focuses on the drug free management of patients with vertigo, dizziness, balance loss, presyncope, dystonia, various stages of coma, and many other neurologic as well as behavioral and cognitive disorders. Dr. Scopelliti is a lecturer of postdoctoral neurology, and has also written several software applications for vestibular rehabilitation; http://www.dcneuro.biz Because of the nature of our practice and the high level of difficulty involved with the types of patients seen, our office customarily sees patients from several states for consultation and/or co-management. Dr. Scopelliti offers a free no obligation consultation including a balance test/risk of fall analysis prior to the commencement of any examinations or treatment. The office can be reached at (732) 229-5250 to arrange a free consultation, ($75 value), and balance screen. Dr. Scopelliti has a wealth of information updated weekly on the web (listed above). Go to the Guest Book link at the top of the home page to see what real patients have had to say.

A Few Words on Headaches

Study Pregnancy Symptoms - Nausea and Tips to Control It far more

It is not very uncommon for a pregnant woman to have nausea and vomiting in the first few weeks of pregnancy. It is not easy to determine whether nausea is going to happen or not. Some do not have any nausea in their first pregnancy but have this feeling in their subsequent pregnancies.

The severity of nausea varies from woman to woman. Some feel very nauseous in morning but do not vomit, some may do it as their first thing in the morning, still others may feel nauseous throughout the day and may throw up in the evening.

Why do we have nausea?

The doctors and scientists are still not very sure about the cause of nausea. Some blame the changes in hormonal level; still others say that the change in blood sugar level is the cause.

Should I be worried about nausea?

In most of the cases nausea goes away without anything to worry about. But if someone is vomiting a lot she should consult doctor who will then treat her for dehydration. If the vomit has blood or dark brown color it also should be informed to the doctor right away.

Tips to control nausea

--Don't rush out of bed quickly in the morning
--Eat something, as a first thing on getting up. Some dry cracker helps a lot
--Eat just before going to sleep
--Have plenty of liquids
--Avoid spicy foods
--Avoid fatty foods
--Keep away from caffeine
--Ginger tea helps a lot
--Try to stay calm after eating and do not move around
--Avoid the smell which is making you more nauseous
--Adequate rest is essential
--Fresh air helps a lot
--Eat foods that are high in protein
--Have a small snack during the night time
--Never take anti sickness tablets unless prescribed by the doctor

Above mentioned tips if followed properly will help to control nausea in no time.


You can have tips to control your other pregnancy symptoms at Pregnancy Symptoms [http://pregnancyindetail.blogspot.com]. follow the tips and enjoy your pregnancy even more without these nasty symptoms.

Pregnancy Symptoms - Nausea and Tips to Control It

Read Ovarian Cyst Pregnancy a lot more

An ovarian cyst is a fluid like structure that usually causes no harm or symptoms to the female body. It is very common in women. Especially those that become pregnant. Ovarian cysts are very common in pregnancy that it is estimated for one woman out of every thousand has them. Most of them that are found during pregnancy are benign, with very little chance the cysts will turn malignant, or into ovarian cancer.

To rule out ovarian cancer, your doctor might need to do an ultrasound to see if the ovarian cyst is normal. While ultrasound is not 100% accurate, your doctor should still be able to get a good look at it. If the cyst is benign, it would look like a fluid filled sac without any walls of separation. Almost all ovarian cysts that are small would go away on their own without any surgical procedure. However, larger cysts need to be surgically removed if they do not go away over the next few weeks.

An ovarian cyst that has grown quite large is not a health concern. However, if it ruptures or twists around, it can cause severe pain even for women who are not pregnant. For a pregnant woman, it can cause preterm labor, or possibly a miscarriage. The best time to perform surgery on a pregnant woman with an ovarian cyst is in the second trimester, around the fifteenth week of pregnancy. Sometime a cyst can be removed with a laparoscopy.

Genetic predisposition is believed to be the main cause of ovarian cysts. Another common cause is a poor diet. If you are pregnant, you should be watching your diet carefully. Not watching what you eat (pregnant or not) can lower your immune system and make you more likely to get ovarian cysts. Avoid eating food that has high carbohydrate and sugar. Eat more fruits and vegetables and drink plenty of water. This would help reduce the chance of getting ovarian cysts. Other less common causes are insulin resistance and failing to ovulate.

Before ovarian cysts natural remedies came along, the only treatment available was a conventional medication. Treatment via conventional medication can cause side effects and a change in personality due to a hormonal imbalance. Women who are pregnant should not use conventional medication because it would increase the risk of losing the baby through miscarriage. However, it is okay for pregnant women to use natural remedies to reduce and get rid of ovarian cysts. Natural remedies do not have any side effects.

B. Hermanto is the publisher of Tubal Pregnancy [http://tubalpregnancy.net] Web Site. The site offers help on understanding and dealing with pregnancy related issues such as Tubal Pregnancy Symptoms [http://tubalpregnancy.net/content/tubal-pregnancy-symptoms].

Ovarian Cyst Pregnancy
