Examine Headaches and Migraines in Pregnancy far more

Most women would agree that pregnancy is a very special time in their lives and an amazing experience but they would also be quick to note it is also can be a time of great adjustment and potential discomfort also . The rose coloured glasses soon slip as the reality of morning sickness, extreme tiredness, heart burn, back/hip pain - to name but a few general pregnancy related ailments - kick in.

As the new mother-to-be embarks on this wonderful rollercoaster ride of emotional and physical challenges and begins to dream of the little babe she will soon hold in her arms there is one more frustrating challenge she is likely to experience.

An increase in migraines and severe headaches in pregnancy is unfortunately all too common, especially in the difficult first trimester. On top of dreadful all day nausea (described somewhat ironically as Morning sickness) and energy sapping tiredness a newly pregnant woman can also experience frequent and harrowing headaches.

It is not known exactly why pregnant women experience these horrible headaches but it is widely believed that the likely culprit is the surge in hormone levels as her body adapts to its new role and all that is physically required to successfully carry her baby to full term.

This is a doubly frustrating ailment to experience at a time when all medications are strongly advised against, including the common headache remedies aspirin and ibuprofen. While it is important to inform your pregnancy healthcare provider of any headaches/migraines it is likely that natural remedies will be recommended.

Common sense tells us that eating right, keeping well hydrated and exercising moderately will assist in any general health concerns but sometimes these simple but important lifestyle factors are not enough to combat debilitating migraine pain.

However there is a natural, drug free option that expectant mothers should consider in their quest to combat frequent headaches / migraines and that is self hypnosis.

Self hypnosis is a technique that has been around for over 100 years and many headache / migraine sufferers have successfully used this method to take control of their pain using the power of the mind and their own internal resources.

A self hypnosis program specifically designed to remedy migraine pain is a legitimate, natural and effective solution available for pregnant women suffering from this condition who want a drug free method of combating their pain are willing to adopt the techniques into their everyday lives.

For a self hypnosis program to be successful it is necessary to commit to spending 20-30 minutes a day, for just 30 days, using these techniques to stave off their headaches long term. But don't forget also that these skills will reach far past your pregnancy and provide you with a lifetime of relief from headaches.

So if you, or someone you know, has been struggling with sever headaches during their pregnancy self hypnosis could give them the natural, drug free solution they have been looking for.

Headaches During Pregnancy

Lisa Dyke has put together The Mind Training Series which is a high quality range of self hypnosis audio programmes, for more information on a effective, drug free option for relieving headaches and migraine pain please visit http://www.natural-migraine-relief.com

Headaches and Migraines in Pregnancy

Headaches During Pregnancy