Understand Symptoms and Treatments For Different Types Of Headaches a lot more

Symptoms and Treatments For Different Types Of Headaches

Headaches During Pregnancy

No matter who you are, you may have experienced a headache once in your life. The degree of pain that can come with them can vary depending on the headache itself. This short article is here to give you some information into the different types of headaches that you may have experienced once in your life. Here are just some to name.

Migraines are one of the first headaches that everyone may know of. Migraines are a severe headache that pulses or throbs hard through the skull. When a person experiences one of these headaches, they tend to have a sensitivity to sound and light. Migraines also have a tendency to make the person who is suffering from them to become sick and vomit.

Cluster headaches are known as probably the most painful of all headaches. The attacks of the cluster headache come in what is said as groups. When a person experience this type, they usually find that the headache may come and go up to 4 or more times a day. These usually come with very little or no warning signs beforehand and can last up to 45 minutes in length.

Another type of headache is the one that is usually set off from hormones. These headache usually occur in women and this can be caused by certain stages of pregnancy, PMS and menstrual cycle, to menopause. The severity of these headaches can vary depending on the individual. Although some causes have said that they have had migraines before their period and during menopause or pregnancy.

Tension type is another form of headache that can be painful. This headache is related to stress and emotions that may cause tension with the muscles. These usually occur when the muscles around the head and neck become tight and hard to loosen. The pain from these can be different depending on the individual.

Sinus headaches occur when the sinus is inflamed. This may occur when you have allergies, cancer or an infection of some sort. These headaches are situated around the nose region and can cause a dull ache. This headache usually goes away when treatment for the it has been given.

There are many different headaches, and with the right treatment you can beat the pain. If you find that your ache is lasting a couple of days, then you should see your doctor for a check up. This will eliminate any serious problems that may be causing these headaches.

To find out more about headaches, please check out our guide to the different Types Of Headaches

Holly Parseo, Health Editor at HealthHints.org

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