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Working Out During Pregnancy - The Benefits and Importance

Headaches During Pregnancy

Exercising as a lifestyle is a great way to keep fit and healthy. For pregnant women however, there are added benefits which will go a long way to ensuring your body is in good shape to carry out your baby to full term. these should be light and controlled especially during the early weeks to enable your body adjust to the changes.

Over exertion can be detrimental to an expectant mother's health since blood flow can be diverted from reaching important areas of the body. It is therefore essential that any exercise regime undertaken by an expectant mother is light, controlled and regulated.

Some physical activities that would be beneficial to pregnant women include swimming and walking. Weight lifting using very light weights could also be very useful but this should be ideally done under supervision. Regularity may vary amongst expectant mothers but 3 times a week is recommended. If in any doubt, it's vital to consult your doctor before proceeding any further.

Below, you'll find some of the best reasons as to why you should exercise during pregnancy.

Here are some of the benefits that exercising during pregnancy will bring to an expectant mother.

1. Labor and recovery time can be reduced significantly. This is because the appropriate exercises builds up stamina and endurance which is required during delivery.

2. Stress levels are reduced. This improves the expectant mothers mental and emotional wellbeing, which further smoothens the transition between singleness and motherhood.

3. Weight management after the birth of the baby is also enhanced. Its normal for expectant mothers to put on weight during pregnancy as the body adjusts to accommodate the unborn child. A good exercise regime during and after birth will help keep the mother's body in good shape.

4. The benefits of maintaining a good exercise regime extends to the unborn child by ensuring it's overall proper development.

5. Certain "side effect" of pregnancy can also be reduced drastically. These include swelling, fatigue and minor headaches. Research has revealed that women who exercise during pregnancy are less likely to experience these "symptoms".

6. The likelihood of premature birth in women who exercise during pregnancy is significantly reduced.

Drinking lots of fluids before exercising is a very good idea. Ensure your diet is well balanced and nutritious. Avoid over exertion and immediately take a break once you feel any uneasiness during exercising.

Because your overall fitness is improved, it's much easier to cope with all the stresses and physical pressures that pregnancy brings on your body. As long as you keep a good balance between resting and exercising sensibly, you will be well on your way to have a stress free pregnancy and hopefully, an enjoyable delivery.

Douglas Doe is an Internet enthusiast and writer on various subject matters. Access FREE resources on my Blog . For additional materials, check out A-Z of Pregnancy.