Study Are You Getting Headaches Because of the Weather? a lot more

Headaches can keep you as a prisoner in the house as they disable you from doing the regular activities. There can be various reasons of headaches. The general three types of headaches are tension headaches, migraine headaches and cluster headaches. The tension headaches are caused buy muscle contraction in face, scalp, jaws and neck.

The migraine attacks give rise to pulsating pain and this is often caused by reasons like excess consumption of carbohydrate and sometimes during the menstrual cycle. The cluster headache is the rarest form of headache and it mostly attacks men.

They feel excruciating pain around their eyes and on one side of their head. There are other reasons as well like eye stress, cold, brain tumor, brain cancer, encephalitis etc. According to some of the studies the weather change has a close relationship with headaches. A study states that almost 51% of the headaches are linked with the weather.

The studies conducted with many patients show that many of them feel that their headache is caused by the weather wherein the reason is different. But this has been proven that there are certain headaches which are related to the weather changes. Very low or very high temperature coupled with humidity can cause severe headaches according to some of the researchers.

As the barometer shows sudden changes, many patients feel headache for two or more consecutive days. Some of them say that the migraine headaches are also related to weather. If you are asking for solid proof that shows that there is a relationship between weather and migraine then there are none as such. But the researches and observations say that a number of patients report to get migraine attacks at particular weather conditions.

This is seriously frustrating because there is no way to change the weather conditions. But still you can take the medication before the weather changes if you are aware of the fact when exactly this is going to happen. The sinus headaches are also somewhat related to the weather conditions.

There are many people who get intense sinus headache with the changes in barometric pressure. Do not get astonished when you get a headache on a rainy day which is just followed by a warm sunny morning. Stormy weather can also be a reason of headaches.

There is no way to change the weather but it is absolutely possible to keep a check on the weather conditions and forecast. You can take precautions to stay away from the headaches caused by weather. If you are prone to catching cold then this is good idea to keep some medicines with you during the rainy seasons. These are simple ways to prevent headache that comes with weather changes.

April Kerr owns website DHE45 which is all about the types of migraines and headaches plus herbs for headaches and migraine remedies.

Are You Getting Headaches Because of the Weather?
