Read through Chronic Headaches more

Chronic Headaches can literally stop you from functioning. There are various reasons you might be suffering from chronic headaches and even toddlers and babies can suffer from chronic headaches without the ability to effectively communicate it.

Those who suffer from food intolerance symptoms may be more inclined to have a greater reaction as a result of the naturally occurring chemicals in food. By this, I mean salicylates, amines and MSG. I know that MSG gives me headaches and puffy eyes, and I'm sure I am not the only one who suffers these symptoms.

Other causes of chronic headaches include dehydration, more serious internal problems such as tumors, food colors, food additives and food preservatives. A commonly overlooked problem is environmental sensitivities such as perfumes, cleaning products and chemical substances we may be exposed to. Skeletal problems may also be causing chronic headaches.

Another very interesting piece of information is recent research related to genomes. There is a belief that what your previous generations were exposed to then alters the genes that are then passed down to you. So, if you have a grandparent that smoked or was exposed to chemicals, then this can increase the possibility of you suffering health problems.

One major solution to chronic headaches is to drink 1 liter of water and wait about 1/2 an hour. The brain is hydrated directly from the stomach so you should feel some relief within that time. Then the key is to maintain a diet that incorporates the right ratio of water for your body weight.

For those who think that your chronic headaches are the result of food intolerance symptoms then I recommend you conduct a food elimination diet and information on how to do this successfully is available via the link below. For a short term fix, you can always have a cup of good quality, organic, fair trade, real coffee as caffeine will reduce the symptoms. I only recommend this as something you do while you take steps to fix the problem on the whole.


We have a number of other solutions for you to read about through our blog. Hi, my name is Eileen and I used to suffer from food intolerance symptoms prior to gaining knowledge about food and healing my body as a result. Your first steps are easy. Visit our blog to learn more about food intolerance symptoms! You'll find my blog loaded with critical information and resources to help you GET WELL!! Visit:

Chronic Headaches