Examine Late Pregnancy Nausea a lot more

Late Pregnancy Nausea

Headaches During Pregnancy

Pregnancy-related nausea mostly occurs in the morning, that's why it is known as "morning sickness." However, you should know that nausea can occur anytime during the day especially when your stomach is empty. During the course of a woman's pregnancy, she goes through constant fluctuations in the level of her hormones. These changes can cause nausea even during late stages of pregnancy.

The second reason behind nausea in late pregnancy can be due to the increased size of the developing fetus. The baby grows rapidly in the last stages of pregnancy; this may result in exertion of pressure on organs of the mother. The uterus presses up against other organs such as the stomach and the lungs are pressed upon. This pressure may result in nausea, heartburn and shortness of breath for the mother.

Another reason behind nausea in late pregnancy is consuming large meals fewer times per day rather than eating small, frequent meals. It is also important that the meals taken by the expectant mother are nutritious and wholesome. In addition, pregnant women must drink fluids throughout the day. It is important to maintain adequate fluid intake because dehydration can result in onset of preterm labor.

Nausea in late pregnancy can be treated the same way as nausea in early pregnancy. Sip on ginger ale or have some snacks if you feel nauseous. Sucking on ice chips is also a good method to suppress nausea. If that doesn't work, acupressure wristbands can be tried. These are natural remedies that can be tried at home; however, if the morning sickness becomes so extreme that the expectant mother cannot eat properly and is thus unable to maintain a balanced diet, she must contact a doctor. Vomiting in pregnancy may not necessarily be due to morning sickness. It can also be caused a by viral infection. Thus, medical advice is of utmost importance. Also, expectant mothers should not take any medication without consulting their doctor.

In some rare cases, a woman may experience extreme nausea throughout her pregnancy. This condition is called Hyperemesis gravidarum (also referred to as HG). In this condition, vomiting and nausea are very severe and persistent. This may result in insufficient absorption of nutrients in the body. Other symptoms of this condition include weight loss (up to 5% of pre-pregnancy weight), dehydration, weakness and headaches.

During pregnancy, malnutrition and dehydration can cause health risks to both the mother and the unborn child. The child may be born with neurobehavioral concerns or may develop diabetes and heart disease later in life. Thus, HG is a medical emergency.

When a woman suffers from extreme nausea late in pregnancy, she may be prescribed anti-emetic medications by her doctor. But if the condition still can't be alleviated, she must be hospitalized.

For 5 tips on controlling morning sickness click on [http://www.morningsicknesshelps.com]