Read Hormonal Changes During Pregnancy more

Headaches During Pregnancy

Most men find it hard to understand what is causing all these hormonal changes in women during pregnancy. The mood swings, to food cravings, sleeping a lot and constipation are just a few of the changes. You will be surprised that these hormones are the ones that help her during pregnancy and the hormones that help in the development of the baby. There are still a lot of unknown hormones around the woman's body during pregnancy; however there are the ones that have already been studied: progesterone and oestrogen (estrogen). These hormones are present in the placenta all throughout the woman's pregnancy and the levels get higher until the woman gives birth.

Women mostly suffer these effects due to the escalated levels in progesterone: Constipation, Heartburn, Runny and irritable nose, blurry eyesight or headaches, and increased kidney infection risks. Progesterone is necessary though because it develops the endometrium and secretes fluids with the help of estrogen. It also aids in maintaining the activity of the placenta, and protects the womb by fighting off unwanted cells. Progesterone also helps in the growth of the breast tissue, and together with estrogen prevents lactation until the woman gives birth. Another necessity of progesterone hormones is that it keeps the uterus from contracting, thus making the baby stay where it is.

Like Progesterone, estrogen is also present during pregnancy and they increase in level as the woman gives birth. Estrogen helps in the development of sexual characteristics of the baby, as well as activating the maturation of the reproductive organs. Estrogen also helps regulate the bone density of the fetus and blood flow within the uterus. Women start to have rashes or red blotches on the skin, because of elevated levels of estrogen, and some perceive this to be the "glow" during pregnancy.

Hannah Henry is a freelance writer/editor who is very fond of fishing. Her favorite spinning reel is the Daiwa Exist Spinning Reel, out of her Daiwa Spinning Reels.

Hormonal Changes During Pregnancy

Study 7 Ways To Avoid The Pain Of Headaches far more


Headaches are common for many people, and often they recur too frequently for the sufferer. A variety of prescription and over-the-counter drugs may help control headaches, but they only mask the pain without addressing the cause.

Headache medications may also have side effects, especially with long term use. Hoping to find a more natural and holistic solution to chronic headaches, many people turn to chiropractic.

What is a headache?

A headache may occur because of muscular tension, sinus congestion, eyestrain and many other underlying causes. For many people they can start over the eyes, in the back of the head, on the sides or top of the head, or feel centred behind the eyes.

The one thing all headaches have in common is they hurt, and sometimes they hurt a lot. The amount of pain associated with a headache may range from a mild ache to a throbbing, nauseating, relentless pain.

The three types of common headache are:

Tension headaches
Migraines; and
Cervicogenic headaches.

Most people seek chiropractic relief from cervicogenic headaches. Cervicogenic headaches are caused by pain referring to the head from the bony or soft tissues of the neck.

How can chiropractic help headaches?

Chiropractic can play an important role in easing cervicogenic and other headaches through manipulation and adjustments of the spine and neck - often reducing or preventing the headache.

Chiropractic adjustments help in releasing muscular tension, improving blood flow and realigning the skeleton to break the cycle of pain. Often patients with chronic headaches will find relief through chiropractic in just a few treatments, as muscles relax and nerve irritation is reduced.

7 Tips to avoid headaches

I often recommend exercising, stretching and changing posture, or teaching relaxation techniques to reduce or avoid headaches. For preventive care, here are seven tips to avoid getting headaches:

If you watch television or use your computer make sure the room is well lit.
Keep your teeth in good shape - holes or other dental issues can lead to repeating headaches.
Watch what you eat... cut down on chocolate, cheese and ice cream, and avoid cold fizzy drinks.
Reduce your stress levels as tension leads to strain and pain.
Exercise daily. Some yoga or a brisk walk will help keep you feeling good.
Drink at least 1.5 litres of water or other healthy fluids a day to ensure you don't dehydrate.
If you are a desk worker, make sure your desk is set up correctly and take regular breaks to stretch.

If you have any family or friends suffering from headaches they should seek help from a chiropractor to determine the cause of the problem, or follow the tips above and see if that solves the problem.

When Dr Belinda Owen was 14 she knew she wanted to become a chiropractor. After visiting a family chiropractor she became hooked on the philosophy and power of chiropractic.cDr Owen has been in practice for more than 15 years and runs a business in Elwood, Melbourne. She practices gentle techniques such as SOT, Activator, Cranial and is Webster certified. For more health tips and advice visit

7 Ways To Avoid The Pain Of Headaches


Study Pregnancy - Nausea Signs far more

Nausea is one of the first signs of pregnancy symptoms. Pregnant women start experiencing nausea between the 4th week and 6th week of pregnancy. The feeling of sickness (nausea) is usually experienced after consumption of coffee or eating something on an empty stomach. Nausea is also referred to as morning sickness. But it is not necessary that these symptoms are only experienced in the morning. Many pregnant women often complain about experiencing feelings of sickness throughout the day.

About 50% of all women experience some form of nausea during their pregnancy. The causes of nausea are often related to rapid hormonal changes occurring in a woman's body. The sudden rise of HCG (the pregnancy hormone) and estrogen levels in pregnant women has a major role in causing nausea during pregnancy. Nausea starts between the 4th week and 6th week of pregnancy and usually disappears around the 14th week when hormones levels start decreasing.

A cure for morning sickness is one of the ardent desires in pregnant women. There are a few things that they can do to deal with nausea successfully.

Tips to Prevent Nausea:

1) Some foods and scents have a major role in triggering nausea in pregnant women. Some of the foods that need to be avoided are greasy, spicy and fried foods. Strong scents, heavy perfumes and cigarette smoke should also be avoided.

2) The selection of food by pregnant women has a great effect on treating nausea. Plain bland foods such as baked or mashed potatoes, pretzels and crackers are highly recommended for pregnant women in the first trimester of pregnancy. These foods are known to provide relief from nausea symptoms. Consuming smaller meals at shorter intervals helps in the regulation of blood sugar levels which has a nausea curbing effect.

3) Ginger is also one of the popular morning sickness remedies. Ginger lollipops specially manufactured for pregnant women are safe and effective in treating nausea. Consuming ginger cookies helps ease morning sickness, and people can also add fresh ginger to food while cooking which will also provide relief.

4) Vitamins can help as well as worsen the pregnancy nausea. Taking a daily dose of prenatal vitamins leads to high levels of iron in the body, which can result in morning sickness. But this reaction can be successfully prevented by consuming vitamins with food or before going to bed. Increased consumption of foods with vitamin B6 such as avocado and banana also have positive effects on nausea.

While the above-mentioned tips are more popular in preventing and treating nausea, pregnant women also have other options. Some of the less followed tips of treating nausea are:

1) Tiredness is one of the causes of nausea. Getting enough sleep at night and some small naps during the day helps.

2) Consume high-protein snacks.

3) A teaspoon of cider vinegar in a cup of warm water also provides relief.

4) Eating dry cereal or protein crackers before getting out of bed in the morning prevents the sickness feeling.

5) Avoid hunger cravings by eating smaller frequent meals throughout the day.

6) Non-caffeinated teas like peppermint are useful in treating nausea.

Following these tips will provide relief in treating and preventing nausea. But, pregnant women experiencing severe pregnancy nausea should consult their doctor. The doctor is the right person to evaluate the situation and prescribe medications accordingly.

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Pregnancy - Nausea Signs

Study Rh Shot - Is Getting the Shot During Pregnancy Dangerous? much more

Rh Shot - Is Getting the Shot During Pregnancy Dangerous?

Headaches During Pregnancy

RhoGAM is controversial.  The RhoGAM shot is made by mixing samples of blood plasma and is administered to women who run the supposed risk of incurring RH Disease (Rheses Factor).

But what exactly is RhoGAM and  why is it effective? 

Or...Is it even effective at all?  And what are the risks involved?  Let's take a closer look...

The RhoGAM shot is made using blood plasma, gathered from hundreds of people to create this immunoglobulin to lower the risk of the Rh Disease. It is given to Rh negative women carrying Rh positive infants to prevent her body from developing an immunity against the babies red blood cells. 

Any time you are injected with another person's blood, you involve risk.  Yes this blood plasma does goes through a sterilization process, but it still has been known to carry pathogens that can cause blood born diseases. (like HIV and Hepatitis)

Another risk is that your RhoGAM shot may contain thimerosal / mercury which is very toxic to the human body. Studies show that mercury passes the placenta wall within hours of an injection with thimerosal.

Possible Side Effects of RhoGAM

Make sure to read the list of potential side effects - this is NOT a complete list:

fever, chills
swelling of hands & feet
back pain
infrequent urination
muscle pain
A Closer Look

Since your baby's blood does not mix with your blood during pregnancy, than there is zero need for RhoGAM until there is valid reason to believe there was a mixing during the birthing process. I'm not sure why doctors are so insistent on giving the Rh negative mother the RhoGAM shot without knowing if her baby's blood type.  Some come to the conclusion that this is a way for the pharmaceutical companies to make more money because they recommend you to receive two RhoGAM shots during pregnancy and one after delivery.  This is a lot more than the occasional shot they would give if your baby proves to be Rh positive.

Doctors used to wait to see what the baby's blood type was at the time of birth and then give the shot if the baby tested Rh positive and you, as the mother, are Rh negative.  Today, your doctor tells you that you need the RhoGAM shot without even knowing the blood type of your baby.

An Exception

The only time you would need the RhoGAM shot before delivery is when you have had a traumatic experience during your pregnancy that would cause your baby's blood to mix with yours (bad car accident, direct fall to your abdomen, etc).  Otherwise, if you are having a normal, healthy pregnancy - wait until the baby is born and get the baby's blood type from the blood in the umbilical cord. 

Good News

If you have a natural birth with no complications and have waited for the placenta to be born BEFORE cutting the umbilical cord - then there has been no opportunity for your baby's blood to mix with yours.  Therefore your body will not produce antibodies against a positive blood type and  your future pregnancy will be at no risk. 

Additionally, if your baby is born with a negative blood type (just like yours), then you are safe as well!  You will be glad you did not take any previous RhoGAM shots since you didn't have as positive blood type baby.

If your baby is born with the Rh Factor (positive blood type), then after the baby has been born, you are then free to decide at that point whether or not you would like to be given the RhoGAM shot to protect the future pregnancy. 

Constance Matter is a natural pregnancy & women's health expert with 30 years of experience in helping mothers design natural, safe, and healthy pregnancies. To learn more about the controversy of RhoGAM, see The RhoGAM Insider's Guide

To learn more about pregnancy-related topics, see the free Natural Mom's Bible.

Study Fibroids, PCOS, Ovarian Cysts, And Pregnancy a lot more

Fibroids, PCOS, Ovarian Cysts, And Pregnancy


An uterine fibroid is a benign tumor that begins in the uterine myometrium and the connecting tissue that surrounds it. The condition is also known by a variety of other names, such as uterine leiofibromyoma, myoma, and fibromyoma. Its malignant (cancerous) form - leiomyosarcoma - is exceedingly rare.

Uterine fibroids are most likely to occur in middle age, towards the menopausal stage. They are the most common form of benign tumors in women. Although, as indicated above, fibroids are benign and do not metastasize, they can cause very painful symptoms if they are large (smaller tumors may not produce any symptoms at all).

Fibroids in uterus can cause for example following symptoms:

- pain during penetration
- a frequent need to urinate
- abnormal gynecologic hemorrhage

Your chances of getting pregnant if you have a fibroid are probably good; as far as doctors know, fibroids rarely interfere with pregnancy. But the condition may cause a miscarriage or cause you to go into labor and give birth prematurely, or your uterus may bleed. And if the fibroid is large enough, it may distort or even obstruct the fallopian tubes.

While uterine fibroids are not considered to be significant factor of infertility, PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) is one of the main causes of infertility among women. The information about the causes of PCOS is still rather scarce. However, it is associated at least with overweight and diabetes.

PCOS is damaging to fertility because it commonly strikes during the most fertile years of woman's life. It can interfere menstrual cycle causing irregular periods and an-ovulation. Naturally, if you don't ovulate, it is impossible to get pregnant. PCOS is also associated with miscarriages.

Even though PCOS can be the main reason for woman's infertility, sometimes it is only small part of the problem. If the woman is substantially overweight, a simple diet and weight loss may normalize menstrual cycle and bring back spontaneous ovulation.

Failing that, a drug called clomiphene citrate is often prescribed. If the woman fails to respond even to that, she may require assisted reproductive technology (ART). Such technology includes in vitro fertilization, gamete intrafallopian transfer (inserting a mixture of eggs and sperm directly into the womb), artificial insemination, or reproductive surgery (unblocking the fallopian tubes or performing a reverse vasectomy).

One typical symptom of polycystic ovarian syndrome is cyst forming in ovaries. However, if you have ovarian cysts, it doesn't mean that you have also PCOS. Usually cysts in ovaries are harmless. Sometimes, if the cysts are large enough, they may cause pain or other symptoms. If they are over 2 inches, it may require a surgical operation. Also, even though infertility is not common, it is possible.

Learn more about ovarian cyst symptoms and fibroids symptoms visiting

Study Are You Getting Headaches Because of the Weather? a lot more

Headaches can keep you as a prisoner in the house as they disable you from doing the regular activities. There can be various reasons of headaches. The general three types of headaches are tension headaches, migraine headaches and cluster headaches. The tension headaches are caused buy muscle contraction in face, scalp, jaws and neck.

The migraine attacks give rise to pulsating pain and this is often caused by reasons like excess consumption of carbohydrate and sometimes during the menstrual cycle. The cluster headache is the rarest form of headache and it mostly attacks men.

They feel excruciating pain around their eyes and on one side of their head. There are other reasons as well like eye stress, cold, brain tumor, brain cancer, encephalitis etc. According to some of the studies the weather change has a close relationship with headaches. A study states that almost 51% of the headaches are linked with the weather.

The studies conducted with many patients show that many of them feel that their headache is caused by the weather wherein the reason is different. But this has been proven that there are certain headaches which are related to the weather changes. Very low or very high temperature coupled with humidity can cause severe headaches according to some of the researchers.

As the barometer shows sudden changes, many patients feel headache for two or more consecutive days. Some of them say that the migraine headaches are also related to weather. If you are asking for solid proof that shows that there is a relationship between weather and migraine then there are none as such. But the researches and observations say that a number of patients report to get migraine attacks at particular weather conditions.

This is seriously frustrating because there is no way to change the weather conditions. But still you can take the medication before the weather changes if you are aware of the fact when exactly this is going to happen. The sinus headaches are also somewhat related to the weather conditions.

There are many people who get intense sinus headache with the changes in barometric pressure. Do not get astonished when you get a headache on a rainy day which is just followed by a warm sunny morning. Stormy weather can also be a reason of headaches.

There is no way to change the weather but it is absolutely possible to keep a check on the weather conditions and forecast. You can take precautions to stay away from the headaches caused by weather. If you are prone to catching cold then this is good idea to keep some medicines with you during the rainy seasons. These are simple ways to prevent headache that comes with weather changes.

April Kerr owns website DHE45 which is all about the types of migraines and headaches plus herbs for headaches and migraine remedies.

Are You Getting Headaches Because of the Weather?


Study What Causes Teenage Pregnancy a lot more

Teenage pregnancy is one of the most important and alarming issues in today's world. A teenage pregnancy, also referred to as teen pregnancy, comes to be when a girl attains motherhood before she becomes a major or adult, as laid down by the law of the land.

Why teenage pregnancies occur depend on a plethora of causes. Many ethnic groups and societies actually celebrate teenage pregnancies, as they give enough proof of the fact that the girl is fertile and is capable of bearing children. But in most developed nations, such pregnancies are looked down upon as a social stigma.

No matter what others' reaction might be to a teenager becoming pregnant, this event is often dangerous for both the mother and child concerned. The teenager is usually vulnerable and is only growing into a woman. The teenage mother's body is still fragile and the reproductive system is just starting to function properly. At this point of time, bearing a child to term and giving birth to it can be both mentally and physically stressful for her.

Why do teenage pregnancies occur?

There are many reasons for teenage pregnancies today. While it is common culture in some societies, most pregnancies occur due to the following reasons:

Consequence of raging hormones!

Most teenagers experience sudden and hitherto unknown emotions and feelings during their early puberty. They feel a natural sense of rebelling against the set norms as well. All this, coupled with a sudden sense of new-found freedom and sexuality, results in many of them giving vent to their feelings through sexual expressions and experiences. Of course, most countries stress on sex education in schools, but yet, some teenagers involve themselves in unsafe sex, which could lead to unwanted pregnancies. This is one of the most vital reasons for teenage pregnancies at this time.

Pressure from the peer group

A lot of teenagers indulge in early sexual behavior due to peer pressure. Teenagers growing in largely promiscuous societies tend to date far earlier than others in slightly more conventional setups. This is due to the fact that they feel the great need to be 'hip' and 'accepted' by their circle of friends. The only way they could probably achieve that would be by having a boyfriend or girlfriend or at least by dating and indulging in sexual acts often. This kind of rash behavior could lead to unintended pregnancies.

Contraceptive failure

This is yet another very fundamental reason for teenage pregnancies today. Though there are many types and brands of contraceptives and emergency birth control pills easily available in the market, these are never a guarantee for complete safety. Only Mother Nature knows when she might want to get into action, so no form of birth control is going to be completely foolproof! Sometimes, not knowing how to use a contraceptive properly can lead to unwanted teenage pregnancy.


Educating your teenager about the consequences of promiscuous behavior and giving him/her a loving, balanced home atmosphere, can actually go a long way in curbing unwanted teenage pregnancy in the future. This, along with stern steps taken by both the school and the government will surely help nip this problem in the bud.


Melissa Fox is a health professional very interested in Teenage Pregnancy [].

She enjoys writing inspirational articles for Real Living.

To learn more about Teen Pregnancy please visit

What Causes Teenage Pregnancy


Go through The Basic Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy much more

The nine months of pregnancy is a critical stage for both mother and child. However, the first three months (the first trimester) of pregnancy is the most critical time in fetal development. Hence, the sooner a mother knows that she is pregnant, the better. But how does a woman know she is in fact pregnant? Well, there are many signs and symptoms of pregnancy that appear soon after conception. When they show up, it is time to visit a doctor and find out for sure.

Here are Basic Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy:

1) A missed period. This is one of the more dependable signs of pregnancy. There are few reasons for a woman to miss her period other than pregnancy. However over-exhaustion, illness, and hormonal imbalances can also be to blame. If a woman's period is as regular as a Swiss-made watch, a missed period is an especially reliable sign of pregnancy. There is probably no better sign to indicate pregnancy other than a missed period. For her health, and the health of her baby, a woman should see a doctor soon after her period is missed.

2) Morning sickness. The kind of "sickness" encapsulated by this term can range from a wide scope of health complaints. Caused by changes in hormones, morning sickness can range from nausea to out right vomiting. A woman's sense of smell can also be greatly effected. Mild smells can make her nauseous, and smells that she once loathed have no affect at all. Certain foods will become less appetizing, and eating in general might become, for a while, unappealing.

Not all women are affected by morning sickness, so it really isn't the most accurate measurement of pregnancy. However, if spells of morning sickness are coupled with a missed period, then it might be a probable indication of pregnancy.

3) Breast Tenderness. Soreness in the breast can be a signs of pregnancy. However, it also often occurs prior to a woman's menstruation. For a pregnant woman, the tenderness usually goes away during the second trimester.

4) Frequent headaches. Headaches during pregnancy are caused primarily by hormonal changes in the body. However, one should be cautious not to confuse headaches caused by pregnancy from those caused purely by stress.

5) Bloating. Just like a woman who is experiencing her menstruation, a pregnant woman will feel bloated at first. Bloating will often linger throughout pregnancy. Feet and ankle swelling worsen as a women's fetus grows.

6) Vaginal discharge. Vaginal discharge during pregnancy is not accompanied by an itchy or burning sensation as occurs with infection. The discharge is part of the natural course process of pregnancy when the cervix is creating mucous to block the opening of the cervix. This process help protect the developing baby from potential infection.

There you have it, six signs and symptoms of pregnancy. Some of these symptoms as mentioned can be a sign of menstruation, but coupled with a missed period, they can mean a lot more. So, if you have these symptoms, and they persist, you should call you family doctor to rule out or substantiate pregnancy.

Headaches During Pregnancy

Carolyn Smith is the head writer and researcher for The New Mommy Club Blog, a website and blog dedicated to helpful parenting articles

The Basic Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy

Headaches During Pregnancy

Read Pregnancy - When Can You Know the Baby's Gender? much more

Pregnancy - When Can You Know the Baby's Gender?



As soon as some body is pregnant in the family or neighborhood, there would be a lot of speculation regarding the gender of the baby. The lady herself as well as her husband along with other family members would be eager to know whether the baby is a boy or a girl. If you ask the question why it is required to know the sex of the baby before its birth, there is no single answer. Somebody would be interested out of mare curiosity; somebody might want to plan for its dresses beforehand. But there are some other reasons also. In the developing countries like India, a lot of people do not want a girl child due to some social reason. Some of these reasons are (1) high financial burden for the marriage of a girl child, (2) it is believed that only a boy child would carry the family tradition to the future generation, (3) after marriage a girl child goes out of the family but a boy would remain in the family. There are many more reasons but these three are sufficient to have a desire of only a boy child. Some people might go for an abortion in case of a baby of their undesired sex that is why in India sex identification during pregnancy is made illegal.

How to determine the sex of your baby during pregnancy?

Most often it is found that people are speculating based on some old wives tale which are not supported by the medical science. Some of these tales are stated below.

If the baby is a girl then the mother would be looking uglier during the pregnancy.

If you have terrible morning sickness, it is a girl.

If you sleep on your left side, it is a boy. If you sleep on the right, it is a girl.

If you do not look pregnant from behind and carry low and all in front, it is a boy.

If you are carrying wide and in your hips, it is a girl.

The scientific method

As I told before that these are all old wives tale and do not have a scientific base. The most reliable scientific method which is commonly used for sex determination during pregnancy is the ultra sound method.

When we can know the sex of our baby?

The best time to know the sex of your baby is between 18 - 22 week of pregnancy. Earlier than that will be difficult to identify the sex of the baby due to the insufficient growth and later than that would be also difficult because of crowding in the uterus.

I use to write in various subjects which you can find in hubpages in the following links

Ranjan Kumar Biswas

Read 5 Common Pregnancy Discomforts And How To Resolve Them a lot more

On the path toward childbirth, you'll encounter a number of ailments that can leave you feeling grouchy and sapped of energy. In your pre-pregnancy days, you could get rid of headaches, colds, and other nuisances with one or more medications. The problem is, such drugs are usually considered off-limits while you're pregnant. Many can have an adverse effect on your unborn baby.

But not all medications pose the same risks. Some are relatively safe, and can be taken in moderation. It's important to realize, however, that some medicinal solutions to common discomforts seem safe, but actually pose a danger. Below, we'll help you sort through them. We'll present five familiar ailments you're likely to experience during your pregnancy, and offer a few proven ways to get rid of them.

1 - Nausea

Nausea stemming from morning sickness affects a large number of women during the first trimester (sometimes, it lasts longer). It is usually accompanied by vomiting. While you may be tempted to ask your obstetrician for medicine to minimize the sensation, he or she is unlikely to prescribe it.

A better solution is to make changes to your eating habits. Rather than following a traditional 3-meal schedule, eat several small meals throughout the day. This will give your body a chance to digest food more easily, and might reduce your nausea.

2 - Colds

Before you became pregnant, the effects of a cold could be addressed with one of several remedies from your medicine cabinet. Most of those options are unavailable, especially during the first trimester. The first three months are the period during which your baby develops the quickest. Most drugs from your medicine cabinet pose their greatest risk to your baby during this time.

Instead, make sure you drink plenty of water and other fluids. Hydration, always important while you're pregnant, is even more so when you're battling a cold since it can reduce your symptoms. You can also use nose sprays to help clear up congested passages.

3 - Headaches

Headaches can occur for a variety of reasons when you're pregnant. For example, getting too little sleep at night can cause a dull throb the following day. Feeling overwhelmed, whether from your growing "to do" lists or the responsibility of being a new mom, can trigger a tension headache. Some types of foods and beverages can also have an effect.

In the past, you may have relied on something containing ibuprofen, such as Motrin, Bayer, or Excedrin IB. When you're expecting, you'll need another remedy. If your head hurts from lack of sleep, get more rest. Doing so may be difficult given your responsibilities, but make it a priority. If stress is the cause of your headache, take steps to reduce your anxiety. A warm bath with candles and your favorite music may be an ideal solution.

4 - Sore Muscles

You're likely to experience sore muscles as your unborn baby develops since the extra weight will place more stress on your body. Your muscles may also become sore from other factors, such as a brisk walk.

The good news is that most of the soreness will dissipate over time (a few days) as your muscles heal themselves. But you can reduce the discomfort in the meantime by exposing the affected area to heat. A warm compress on the area will encourage blood flow, and reduce inflammation.

5 - Persistent Coughing

Most cough medications contain dextromethorphan, an effective cough suppressant. The problem is, dextromethorphan may pose risks. Though clinical studies have produced unclear results, it is telling that many kids drink cough medicine for an instant high. Unless your obstetrician approves your use of cough medications, you and your baby might be better off taking a natural approach.

Steam will help introduce moisture back into your lungs and throat. Unless there is an underlying infection, this may be enough to cure your cough.

Being pregnant can be challenging when you are coping with the five ailments described above. Once your little one is born, however, you're unlikely to remember them.

Headaches During Pregnancy

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5 Common Pregnancy Discomforts And How To Resolve Them

Headaches During Pregnancy

Read through Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) And Migraine Headaches more

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) And Migraine Headaches

Headaches During Pregnancy

As we mentioned in previous articles, premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their diet. Premenstrual syndrome is defined as faulty function of the ovaries related to the women's menstrual cycle. It affects the women's physical and emotional state, and sometimes interferes with daily activities as a result of hormone fluctuation. The syndrome happens in one or two weeks before menstruation and then declines when the period starts. In this article, we will discuss what causes headaches and migraine for women with PMS.

Migraine headaches are the most common symptoms of PMS, they affect about 15% of the population and just before or on the days of the period. While headaches do not accompany symptoms, migraine is usually followed by a series of symptoms.

1. Serotonin
Besides being secreted by the pituitary gland when we come to stress, it is also secreted during migraine attacks. The level of serotonin effects the blood vessels in the brain causing irritation to the nervous system resulting in swelling in the brain's blood vessels causing pain that lasts for hours.

2. Allergic reaction
For whatever reason, some women with pre-menstrual syndrome are sensitive to food such as dairy products, and peanuts just before period causing migraine headache. It may be caused by the inability of the digestive system in food digestion resulting in some food particles leaking into the bloodstream causing immune reaction.

3. Estrogen
Researchers believe that migraines may be caused by high levels of estrogen and low levels of progesterone because the symptoms of migraine headaches before the period is gone when the woman becomes pregnant.

4. Medication
Some medications such as bromocriptine which reduces levels of prolactin for women with breast pain before period. This may cause headache and migraine because of it's side effects.

5. Magnesium deficiency
Besides helping to regulate the levels of blood sugar, it also stops the blood vessels spam because magnesium reduces blood vessels around the brain to constrict then dilate during migraine attacks.

To read the series of PMS,please visit

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"Let Take Care Your Health, Your Health Will Take Care You" Kyle J. Norton

I have been studying natural remedies for disease prevention for over 20 years and working as a financial consultant since 1990. Master degree in Mathematics, teaching and tutoring math at colleges and universities before joining insurance industries. Part time Health and entertainment Article Writer.

Read through Chronic Headaches more

Chronic Headaches can literally stop you from functioning. There are various reasons you might be suffering from chronic headaches and even toddlers and babies can suffer from chronic headaches without the ability to effectively communicate it.

Those who suffer from food intolerance symptoms may be more inclined to have a greater reaction as a result of the naturally occurring chemicals in food. By this, I mean salicylates, amines and MSG. I know that MSG gives me headaches and puffy eyes, and I'm sure I am not the only one who suffers these symptoms.

Other causes of chronic headaches include dehydration, more serious internal problems such as tumors, food colors, food additives and food preservatives. A commonly overlooked problem is environmental sensitivities such as perfumes, cleaning products and chemical substances we may be exposed to. Skeletal problems may also be causing chronic headaches.

Another very interesting piece of information is recent research related to genomes. There is a belief that what your previous generations were exposed to then alters the genes that are then passed down to you. So, if you have a grandparent that smoked or was exposed to chemicals, then this can increase the possibility of you suffering health problems.

One major solution to chronic headaches is to drink 1 liter of water and wait about 1/2 an hour. The brain is hydrated directly from the stomach so you should feel some relief within that time. Then the key is to maintain a diet that incorporates the right ratio of water for your body weight.

For those who think that your chronic headaches are the result of food intolerance symptoms then I recommend you conduct a food elimination diet and information on how to do this successfully is available via the link below. For a short term fix, you can always have a cup of good quality, organic, fair trade, real coffee as caffeine will reduce the symptoms. I only recommend this as something you do while you take steps to fix the problem on the whole.


We have a number of other solutions for you to read about through our blog. Hi, my name is Eileen and I used to suffer from food intolerance symptoms prior to gaining knowledge about food and healing my body as a result. Your first steps are easy. Visit our blog to learn more about food intolerance symptoms! You'll find my blog loaded with critical information and resources to help you GET WELL!! Visit:

Chronic Headaches

Go through What Painkiller for My Headache? a lot more

There are an amazing range of over the counter painkillers available for the treatment of headache and at sometime or another we have probably tried them all. Did you you ever take the time to find out just how these painkillers work and what they did along with any side effects? I guess not, I certainly didn't which is why I wrote this small report.

Asprin an old time favorite

Asprin was originally derived from the bark of the willow tree and is the oldest conventional painkiller, it works by preventing the production of hormone like substances called prostaglandins, which cause pain and swelling in damaged tissue. Asprin also has blood thinning properties and works by preventing platelets from sticking together and this helps prevent clots which can block arteries and lead to heart attacks and strokes.

Although it's anti inflammatory effects make it useful for conditions like headache, joint pain, sprains and strains it has been superceded by by Ibuprofen as a painkiller according to leading pharmacies in the UK.

The downsides of Asprin

Despite it's many uses Asprin has a surprising number of potential side effects, it is not suitable for the under 16's due to the risk of Reye's syndrome, which is potentially fatal disease that attacks the brain and cause liver damage. It should also be avoided by anyone on blood thinning treatments and can trigger an allergic reaction in asthmatics. Asprin is also known to have a harmful effect on the stomach and it is recommended that anyone with a history of ulcers should avoid using it.


Part of a group of drugs know as non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs or NSAID's, Ibuprofen works in a similar fashion to Asprin and blocks the production of prostaglandins. Unfortunately Ibuprofen has similar effects to Asprin and it is recommended that it should be avoided by anyone with stomach problems and also asthmatics. However unlike Asprin it is considered safe for children and the junior version can be given to children as young as six months though I doubt many children of that age suffer from headache.


A simpler drug than both Asprin and Ibuprofen, Paracetamol reduces pain by blocking signals in the brain, ideal for headache. Unlike Asprin and Ibuprofen, Asprin has no anti inflammatory effects so is less effective for joint pains and and muscle strains. Paracetamol can be taken safely with most other medications and is considered the safest to take during pregnancy.

The author, John Buckle suffered from headache for many years, he was lucky enough to discover he was suffering from Medication headache and has now been headache free for the last 3 years. If you are you fed up with your frequent headache pain check out his 101 Everyday Tips For The Prevention And Treatment of Headaches []

What Painkiller for My Headache?

Headaches During Pregnancy

Read Why Do You Often Get Headaches? more

Why Do You Often Get Headaches?


Many people suffer from chronic headaches. But they do not know why this occurs and do not get a thorough check up done at the hospital to diagnose the actual problem. Instead at the first instance of headache they tend to take pain killers which are very harmful in the long run. Pain killers are not the solution for different types of headaches.

Chronic headaches are of many types. They can have their origin in emotional stress or some neurological activity or even some other condition of the body. A proper diagnosis of the problem and the cause can help the doctor devise the right and appropriate treatment can be prescribed.

Several cases the headaches are triggered due to severe emotional trauma and stress that the person undergoes or at times hormonal imbalance and menopausal condition can trigger headaches too. Understanding of the exact cause and nature will help the doctors to follow through with an appropriate course of treatment.

If you are using pain killers to treat headaches you should stop the same immediately. Pain killers cannot cure headaches in the long run. They are very bad for the body and you can easily get addicted to pain killers too. If you do not treat headache with accurate and correct treatment, it can lead to many major problems and paralyze your life.

It is quite common for people to get headache when they come down with cold or sinus infection. They quite often use self medication for this and consume tablets that are prescribed for relieving tension and stress headaches. With wrong medication their headache does not vanish and they continue to suffer without knowing where they went wrong.

By getting your headache diagnosed effectively you can find permanent relief faster and quicker.

Many people who self administer medications end up taking wrong medicines like sinus headache medicine for a migraine and end up increasing their suffering. If migraines are not contained and treated in early stages, they can aggravate and last for several days.

When you find that you have suddenly begun to head headaches, it is always better for you to see a headache specialist as soon as possible and also start maintaining a dairy of occurrences as well as note down the signs. This can help your doctor in proper diagnosis.

Brushing your teeth sometimes is not enough, get a tongue cleaner and use a fluoride toothpaste.

Read through Cluster Headaches Symptoms - Excruciatingly Painful One-Sided Headaches far more

Cluster Headaches Symptoms - Excruciatingly Painful One-Sided Headaches


Symptoms of cluster headaches involve excruciating pain earning nicknames such as "suicide headache" or "alarm clock headache" owing to the fact that cluster headaches can awaken a person from sleep. The headache pain occurs in cyclic patterns of one to three headaches per day per cluster period (usually lasting two weeks to three months). The headache then disappear completely as the person goes into remission. Remission may last for months or even years.

Cluster Headaches Symptoms And Causes

Cluster headaches are rare and not life-threatening but are very intense. The headaches strike quickly, often without warning. Symptoms of cluster headaches include:

Excruciating, burning or knife-like pain felt behind or around one eye that spreads over that half of the face or head and may radiate into the neck and shoulder
Congestion or runny nose
Swelling around the eye on the affected side of the face
Difficulty closing the affected eyelid (Ptosis) or a drooping eyelid
Excessive tearing and redness of the eye on the affected side
Reduced pupil size
Restlessness (pacing or rocking behavior)

Cluster headaches are usually brief, often lasting only 15 minutes and rarely lasting more than a few hours. However, they are excruciating and intense. The pain will typically end as quickly as it began. Following an attack the person will be completely free of pain, but exhausted.

Some will report migraine-like symptoms including nausea, sensitivity to light and sound or an aura, however, unlike a migraine, these symptoms may be experienced on only one side.

As the name suggests, cluster headaches usually occur for a few weeks to months then disappear. A sufferer may experience symptoms in a cyclic pattern with headaches appearing at approximately the same time each year. Symptoms commonly arise in the spring and fall.

Cluster headaches are not common. Ninety percent of cluster headache sufferers are male, most between the ages of 20-30 years old (although headaches can develop at any age). Having a family history of this type of headache will make you more susceptible to having them yourself.

The definitive cause of cluster headaches is not well understood, but may involve abnormalities of the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is the part of the brain that controls your "internal biological clock" which regulates sleep and wake cycles.

It is thought that the hypothalamus plays a role in activating the trigeminal nerve. The trigeminal nerve is the main nerve of the face and is responsible for sensations such as heat and pain. When activated, the nerve causes the eye pain experienced with cluster headaches. It also stimulates another group of nerves responsible for the tearing, redness, nasal congestion and runny nose associated with these headaches.

Cluster headaches tend to be influenced by seasonal changes, with the spring and fall being the most common times for headaches to occur, this may be tied to the abnormalities of the hypothalamus. During a cluster period, headaches may be triggered by alcohol consumption or smoking. Other possible triggers include histamine injection and nitroglycerin ingestion.

Cluster Headaches Diagnosis And Treatment

A person who just started experiencing this type of headache should see a doctor to rule out other disorders. The headache pain, though severe, is usually not the result of an underlying disease, however, other conditions such as a brain tumor or aneurysm could mimic the symptoms of cluster headaches.

A proper diagnosis will be mainly based on the characteristics of the headaches such as the type of pain and the pattern of attacks. An evaluation by a medical physician may include a physical examination, blood tests, and imagining tests such as CT or MRI scans.

Alternate diagnosis that will need to be ruled out include: Migraines (especially facial migraines), Raeders Paratrigeminal Syndrome, Trigeminal Neuralgia, internal carotid aneurysm, or headache due to TIA (Transient Ischemic Attack) or infarction of lateral medulla.

There is no known cure for cluster headaches. Treatment will be geared toward decreasing the severity of the pain and shortening the duration of the attacks and the length of the cluster period.

Over-the-counter pain medications such as aspirin and ibuprofen are often ineffective in the treatment of cluster headaches due to the fact that the headaches come on suddenly and often subside within a short time, leaving no time for the drug to have an effect. However, there are a number of fast-acting treatments that can provide some pain relief. These fast-acting treatments include:

100 percent Oxygen inhaled through a mask
The injectable form of sumatriptan (Imitrex)
Octreotide (Sandostatin, Octreotide Acetate) injections
Local anesthetics such as lidocaine (Xylocaine) used intranasally
Dihydroergotamine (D.H.E. 45, Migranal) administered intraveneously

Other medications may be prescribed as preventive therapy. The goal of these medications is to suppress an attack as it starts. Your doctor may prescribe:

Calcium channel blocker agent, verapamil (Calan, Verelan)
Coticosteroids such as prednisone
Lithium carbonate
Nerve block
Ergotamine (Ergomar)
Divalproex (Depakote)

Surgery to block the trigeminal nerve may be an option for those who do not tolerate the medications or who have not been helped with standard treatment.

Take an active role in your health by learning all you can about Cluster Headaches

You can read more about this condition and use a free tool that walks you through your symptoms and leads you to an online diagnosis. Prepare yourself before your doctor's visit and figure out what your symptoms mean using this Medical Symptom Diagnosis Tool.

Examine Chronic Diseases and Pregnancy extra

Speaking about health before pregnancy, we mean way of life, nutrition, physical activity, habits, and also possible chronic diseases, such as heightened blood pressure or diabetes. If you have such diseases, then you just have to visit a doctor beforehand. You know, this may complicate pregnancy, bring harm to an unborn baby. Tell your doctor which medicinal preparations and in which doses you take. Doctor will recommend you tests and observations you should pass, for example, X-ray photography. Try to discuss all questions you have for the moment.

It is much simpler to think over a strategy of treatment before pregnancy and then worrying about complications.


Diabetes - it is a disease, appearing as a result of lack of insulin in organism, this hormone is produced by pancreas. If you have diabetes, it will be more difficult for you to become pregnant. Moreover, diabetes can influence passing of pregnancy seriously. First of all, it can become a reason of miscarriage or giving birth to a dead baby. Secondly, women suffering from diabetes can give birth to babies with inborn defects.

You can reduce risk of such complications due to constant control of sugar content in blood during pregnancy. If you don't care of your state, then diabetes while pregnancy may turn out to be dangerous both for you and your future baby. Majority of complications, connected with diabetes, are displayed during first trimester, i.e. during first 13 weeks of pregnancy.

Pregnancy may cause complications of state while diabetes, what will require increase of insulin doses. This can be easily determined with help of test on sugar content in blood. Majority of doctors recommend taking a special care of this disease development during at least 2-3 months before conception. This will help to reduce probability of risk of miscarriage or other problems. Probably, you will have to pass tests on sugar content in blood several times per day, to control disease completely and avoid possible complications. Past experience shows that women, suffering from diabetes, had serious problems with conception and passing of pregnancy. But die to complete and constant control even women-diabetics can count on successful result of pregnancy and delivery.

If in your family there were cases of diabetes or you have slightest suspicions as for your own health, pass tests before pregnancy surely.


About 1% of pregnant women suffer from asthma. It is impossible to predict influence of pregnancy on asthma. Half of women, suffering from this disease, notice no changes during pregnancy, about 25% feel even slight improvement, and the rest (25%) observe worsening of state.

Majority of anti-asthma remedies are safe for pregnant, but it is still better to consult a doctor as for preparation to take. Almost all who suffer from asthma know what may become a reason of fit, so avoid contact with allergens before getting pregnant and during whole pregnancy. Try to control your state yet before pregnancy.


Hypertension, or high blood pressure, can cause complication both of mother's and unborn baby's health. For women it is connected with risk of refusal of kidneys work, probability of hypertensic crisis or headache. Increase of a future mother's blood pressure may become a reason for decrease of blood inflow to placenta, what will lead to delays of fetus development, i.e. a baby will weigh less, than normal while birth.

If you had high blood pressure before pregnancy, then you just have to take care of it during all 9 months. Probably, gynaecologist will send you to therapeutist's or family doctor's observation with this purpose.
Before making a decision to become pregnant, women, suffering from hypertension, should consult a doctor. Some remedies against high blood pressure are safe for pregnant, some are not. On no account quit taking pills and reduce dose without a doctor's prescription! This can be dangerous. If you plan giving birth to a baby, ask you doctor about remedies you are taking against high blood pressure, and about safety of taking these medicines during pregnancy.

Heart diseases

During pregnancy load on heart increases about 50%. If you have sick heart, it is necessary for your doctor to know about it before you become pregnant.

Some heart diseases, such as mitral valve prolapse, can seriously complicate passing of pregnancy. Probably, you will even have to take antibiotics before delivery. Other heart diseases, such as inborn heart disease, may seriously influence state of health. In this case pregnancy and delivery are sometimes contra-indicated.

Consult your doctor as for heart diseases before you become pregnant.

Kidneys and urinary bladder diseases

Infections of urinary system, in particular urinary bladder, often appear during pregnancy. If you don't cure disease in time, infection may pass to kidneys, causing pyelonephritis.

Infections of urinary bladder and pyelonephritis may lead to premature birth. If you ever suffered from pyelonephritis or repeating infections of urinary system, this should be determined before pregnancy.

Stones in kidneys also may complicate passing of pregnancy. This disease is accompanied by severe pains in lower part of belly, so it is quite difficult to diagnose it during pregnancy. Moreover, stones in kidneys may become a reason of appearance of infections of urinary system and pyelonephritis.

If you ever had some only infection of urinary bladder, you should not worry a lot. But you still should inform your doctor about it. He will decide whether you need to pass more careful observation before pregnancy.

Thyroid gland diseases

Thyroid gland diseases may appear both because of excess or lack of thyroid hormone. Excess of hormone is called thyrotoxicosis. In this case metabolism in human organism is speeded up. This may be caused by Graves' disease. Thyrotoxicosis is usually cured with help of operation of medicinal remedies, reducing content of thyroid hormone in organism. If you don't cure this disease, there's rather high level of risk premature birth and giving birth to a baby with low weight.

You can carry our treatment during pregnancy too: there're quite safe preparations, which pregnant women may take.

Lack of thyroid hormone - hypothyroidism - is usually caused by disease of autoimmune origin. In this case thyroid gland is damaged by anti-bodies, which are produced by your organism. While hypothyroidism taking of thyroid hormones is prescribed. Not cured hypothyroidism threatens with sterility or habitual noncarrying of pregnancy.

If you have thyrotoxicosis or hypothyroidism, you need to pass through observation before pregnancy, to determine doses of medicinal remedies, necessary for treatment. In the process of pregnancy your necessity in preparations may change, and then you will have to pass another observation.


Anemia means that there's lack of haemoglobin in your organism. There're several reasons and in connection with this several kinds of anemia. Symptoms of anemia are weakness, giddiness, lack of air and pale skin.
During pregnancy necessity of organism in iron and iron-containing substances increases. If in the beginning of pregnancy you suffer from lack of iron in blood, anemia increases this lack. So you need to take vitamins and preparations, containing full choice of microelements, necessary for organism.

One of specific types of anemia - sicle-cell disease, which is passed genetically: it is mainly spread among black population. If you suffer from sicle-cell disease, your organism is deprived of oxygen. Passing of this kind of anemia can be very painful, and it also may serve as a reason for other diseases and complications during pregnancy. Sicle-cell disease cannot be cured and may be passed to your baby. Women, suffering from sicle-cell disease, have very high percent of miscarriages and infections of urinary system. They also may suffer from high blood pressure and painful hypertension strokes.

Another kind of anemia - thalassanemia is also passed genetically. If some of your relatives suffers from thalassanemia or you suppose you can have it, check it before pregnancy.


Lupus is a vascular disease of autoimmune origin. This means your organism produces anti-bodies that may destroy your organs or influence functions of these organs negatively. Lupus can affect different organs, including joints, kidneys, lungs and heart.

This disease is hard to diagnose. One woman of 700 in the age from 15 to 64 years suffers from lupus. Among black women it is met more often, in one case of 254. As a rule, lupus more often strikes women, than men, especially women of genital age, i.e. from 20 to 40 years.

Lupus treatment is highly individual and usually means taking if steroids. It is better not to become pregnant during fit of this disease, as miscarriages are extremely often among women suffering from lupus. Risk of giving birth to a dead baby also increases.

Babies, born from mothers, suffering from lupus, can have rash. They also can have different heart diseases. Premature birth and delay of pre-natal development of fetus are also quite possible.
If you suffer from lupus, consult your doctor before pregnancy definitely.

Epilepsy and epileptic seizures

Epilepsy - is a chronic disease, characterized by different kinds of seizures (fits). Most often epilepsy is displayed by big and small epileptic seizures. Chance of giving birth to a baby with epileptic disease can be 1 of 30 for women, suffering from epilepsy. Such babies have risk of in-born diseases, probably, connected with medicines, which a future mother took during pregnancy.

If you take medicines against epilepsy, it is very important to consult your doctor before pregnancy. Discuss doses and type of medicines, which you take, as many preparations, relieving seizures of epilepsy, cause in-born diseases in babies. However, there are safe remedies for fetus, for example, Phenobarbital.

Seizures can be dangerous both for mother and fetus. So it is especially important to take remedies precisely according to a doctor's prescription during pregnancy. On no account reduce dose or quit taking medicine yourself, without a doctor!


About 15-20% of all pregnant women suffer from migraine. Many women notice improvement of health during pregnancy. If you are going to take pills against headache during pregnancy, check with your doctor how much they are safe for you and future baby.

Cancerous growths

A question of probability of cancer's influence on pregnancy depends on the fact which organ it stroke and how wide is growth. Breast cancer is most often form of cancer, met among women. If you had breast cancer, this will not influence pregnancy anyway, and pregnancy, in its turn, will not cause breast cancer.

Many doctors advice to wait 2-3 years with childbirth after breast cancer treatment. It is very important to discuss case history and method of treatment with your doctor yet before pregnancy. Situation may become quite complicated, if you are pregnant and pass treatment at the same time. Many medicines and remedies against cancer are not safe for future mother and baby.

Other diseases

We examined only some chronic diseases. However, any disease can be dangerous for future baby. So if you suffer from some chronic disease or have to take medicines constantly, discuss it with your doctor.
General rule is following: it is better not to take medicines or pass any medical treatment at the moment of conception and on early stages of pregnancy. Laying of all organs and tissues of a baby takes place during 1st trimester of pregnancy, and during this period you need to protect a future baby from harmful influences of medicines or observations. You will feel better and calmer, if you solve all these problems before pregnancy.

Headaches During Pregnancy

Yana Mikheeva is the creator of Baby Health Directory - Pregnancy, Birth, Parenting and Baby Care resources. Are you going to get pregnant? Visit our friendly resource and read information on pregnancy and parenting, painless childbirth, growth and development of a baby, baby health, safety, signs of pregnancy.

She also has All about women site where you can find articles on various subjects, such as: diets, receipts, health, cellulite, figure, aromatherapy, wholesome food, psychology of relationships, pregnancy, parenting, fashion and many others.

Chronic Diseases and Pregnancy

Headaches During Pregnancy

Go through Pregnancy Symptoms - What Women Should Know a lot more


In pregnancy, some women experience many signs and symptoms while others experience few. However, many of the symptoms are particularly common, and nearly all pregnant women will experience one or more of these signs and symptoms of pregnancy. The signs and symptoms of early pregnancy are easy to recognize, especially if this is not your first pregnancy. Regardless of how many times you get pregnant, the signs and symptoms of early pregnancy are the same. The best thing to do is to read through the article and check the signs mentioned. The more you have the more likely you are to be pregnant.

Common Pregnancy Symptoms

First Trimester

Somewhere from the 6th to 12th day after conception, the blastocyst will implant into the uterine lining and begin embryonic stage. Cessation of your monthly period is an obvious sign that you might be pregnant. The confusion sets in because a missed period can also be due to stress, illness, and fluctuations in weight. Cessation of oral contraceptives and a polycystic ovary syndrome can also lead to a missed period. If your menstrual cycle normally occurs very regularly, missing a period can be a sign.

You can also experience signs and symptoms like mood changes, food cravings, aversions, tiredness, constipation, incontinence, headache, dizziness and breast tenderness.

Second Trimester

Most women say that the second trimester if much easier compared to the first trimester. You will probably notice that symptoms like dizziness and extreme tiredness are going away. However, there are new signs and symptoms developing. Your pregnancy belly will enlarge further as your baby continues to develop and the most wonderful thing to happen within this trimester is you will feel your baby beginning to move.

You can also experience common symptoms such as body aches, abdominal itching, swelling of the ankles, fingers, and face (edema), stretch marks on some parts of your body like abdomen, thighs, and etc.

Third Trimester

Congratulations! You have reached this far. You must know that usually, other discomforts you had in your second trimester will continue. The most common problems here are difficulty of breathing, heartburn, hemorrhoids, insomnia, contractions or breast tenderness, which may show a watery pre-milk also known as colostrum.

The baby starts gaining more weight and his length is now somewhere between 16 to 18 inches. The baby's organ has become fully developed; especially the lungs continue maturing until birth date. At this point, the mother is supplying the unborn child with antibodies. Antibodies help protect the baby against certain diseases.

Additional Tips

The most common foods to trigger nausea during the first weeks of pregnancy are coffee, spicy foods, meat products, and milk. However, you should know that literally anything can trigger morning sickness during pregnancy. It is also essential to understand that all pregnancies are not the same and, therefore, pregnancy symptoms are not the same for all women.

Most people say that you should be eating twice as much. The truth is your nutrient demands increase about 300 calories per day for the second and third trimester of pregnancy.

There's a noticeable change in your bowels in early pregnancy. The intestines may relax and function less due to changing hormones and be one of the 10 pregnancy signs.

If you would like to find out more information on pregnancy symptoms week by week visit Newborn Baby. We offer help and advise to parents on pregnancy week by week and as well as free help from our expert panel.

Pregnancy Symptoms - What Women Should Know

Examine How Much Caffeine is Appropriate During Pregnancy? a lot more

How Much Caffeine is Appropriate During Pregnancy?

Headaches During Pregnancy

Older females in our families often dismiss this advice as absolute rubbish, and they tell us that they drank exactly the same amount of coffee for the entire duration of pregnancy, and their babies were all healthy. There has, however, been a lot of research since and low birth weights and premature births have been linked to caffeine.

The key question is; how much caffeine is safe? Well, the experts tell us that anything under 300mg a day is fine. This roughly equates to an 8 ounce cup.

Consume more that 300 mg a day and your baby could be at risk. Drink over the recommended amount during your first trimester and the risk of miscarriage is slightly raised.

As well as the above risks, there are many other reasons why you should cut down on, or cut out altogether, caffeine while pregnant. One of the main ones is that it provides no nutrition to your growing baby at all, and this is a time when good nutrition is value.

Yet another good reason for giving up caffeine is the fact that it is a stimulant. This means that it increases your heart rate and can also cause headaches and insomnia. Both if these can put unnecessary stress on your unborn child.

One of the most unpleasant parts of pregnancy is heartburn. Caffeine makes this even worse, so cutting it out will make it more manageable.

To sum it up, cutting out caffeine altogether is highly recommended, but if you feel that you still need your coffee, keep to guidelines of 300mg per day or less. Don't make the mistake of changing to decaf like many do, this still contains small amounts of caffeine, so by drinking lots of it you will exceed your daily recommended amount.

An expert in the field of pregnancy and kids, I also cover kids soccer shoes at

Understand Headaches - Reaching Epidemic Status extra

Headaches - Reaching Epidemic Status


Studies over the last few years have shown that over the last couple decades, chronic migraine headaches have increased dramatically among the U.S population. There has been close to a 60% increase in rates over the last few years. Most of this increase has occurred in adults younger than 45 years, and women are slightly more affected than men. Part of the problem has to do with extensive use of computers and the forward head posture that comes with that. Stress has also been shown to be a major contributor to migraines.

Studies have shown that migraine headaches have affected 80% of woman and 70% of men enough to warrant at least one doctor visit per year and hospitalizations at least one per year occur at a rate of 8% for women and 7% of men. In addition, functional capacity has been greatly reduced in 4% of men and 3% of woman, each of which reported chronic limitation due to migraines and associated symptoms.

With all the dollars spent on doctor visits, hospitalizations, medications and disability payments, migraine headaches are definitely having a major impact on today's society. The economic burden of the many days of work that are lost due to migraines is astronomical. Many sufferers never see a doctor but self medicate with over-the-counter medications like Advil and Aleve. The use of these drugs has increased exponentially over the past ten years. All of this "treatment" has had little effect on the occurrence of headaches, or shown a healthy way to any sort of lasting cure. Many of these medications have side effects that include headaches.

The use of chiropractic in the treatment of migraines headaches has been shown to be very effective. Studies show that chiropractic treatment compares favorably or more effective than medications, massage or just exercises alone. These studies also show that these benefits are increased in both the short term and long term.Tension and loss of motion in the neck has been shown to be the cause of many of these types of headaches and chiropractic addresses these components with gentle adjustments to the spine and postural exercises to improve the spinal function. Dietary changes may also be implemented as many foods aggravate or even trigger the migraines. Medications have been shown to, at best, mask the symptoms and most often to be ineffective and possibly cause even more problems with their side effects.

To get more information on this from Lexington Chiropractor Brett Skinner DC, go to his website Lexington Chiropractic.

Study How to Cure Headaches with Ginger more

How to Cure Headaches with Ginger


Ginger is an herb that has been used for over five thousand years for a variety of illnesses and conditions. In the practice of Ayurvedic medicine, Ginger is used very regularly for many things. Ayurvedic medicine is an ancient practice used in healing and this kind of practice is becoming more regular with the people of today. As the connection between mind and body is realized, folks are turning to these alternative medicines and beliefs. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi introduced Ayurvedic medicine to the people of today. It is also mentioned in Chopra's works.

Have you ever seen a pregnant woman munching on Ginger snaps? This is because Ginger is effective for an upset stomach and nausea. However, it is a great remedy for headaches as well. In fact, it's so great that many doctors and neurologists are beginning to recommend it. Although we're not sure how ginger treats headaches, it's been noted that the ginger reduces the frequency as well as the strength of headaches in those who have them regularly. Because Ginger is an anti-inflammatory, it doesn't allow the blood vessels to become inflamed. This is what eliminates or greatly reduces the headache.

It's important to take the Ginger at the very beginning of a headache. This will help it act quickly and prevent or lessen the headache. For many years, people have been using Ginger for nausea and vomiting. In fact, studies have shown that Ginger is twice as effective as the popular nausea medicine Dramamine. A recent test was done in Denmark where results showed that 75% of tested individuals experienced less pain and swelling. As a positive side effect, the people participating in the study had no colds while they were taking the Ginger.

It's very important that you DO NOT take Ginger if you have gallstones. This is because the Ginger will make the release of the bile even worse. Of course, if you're pregnant, you shouldn't take Ginger unless directed by your doctor. Ginger acts as somewhat of a blood thinner so if you are taking Aspirin or other blood thinners, do not take Ginger. If you have heart problems or are on a schedule of certain daily heart medicines, do not take Ginger. If you take medication to control blood sugar levels or if you have diabetes, avoid Ginger unless your doctor directs you to take it.

Of course, it's important to talk to your physician before you start taking any sort of herb. If your doctor okays you to take Ginger, you have a couple of options. You can take the pills or capsules and there is even Ginger paste. Brew Ginger in a tea and drink it. No matter which choice, only take it in that form and not multiple forms. You don't want to overdose on ginger. It's important to purchase Ginger only from reliable sources as in the past, the supplements have been found to be contaminated. Be sure to check the company's history and references.

Don't live with migraine headaches any longer! Learn about more treatment options for curing Migraine Headaches at

Study Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) And Migraine Headaches far more

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) And Migraine Headaches



As we mentioned in previous articles, premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their diet. Premenstrual syndrome is defined as faulty function of the ovaries related to the women's menstrual cycle. It affects the women's physical and emotional state, and sometimes interferes with daily activities as a result of hormone fluctuation. The syndrome happens in one or two weeks before menstruation and then declines when the period starts. In this article, we will discuss what causes headaches and migraine for women with PMS.

Migraine headaches are the most common symptoms of PMS, they affect about 15% of the population and just before or on the days of the period. While headaches do not accompany symptoms, migraine is usually followed by a series of symptoms.

1. Serotonin
Besides being secreted by the pituitary gland when we come to stress, it is also secreted during migraine attacks. The level of serotonin effects the blood vessels in the brain causing irritation to the nervous system resulting in swelling in the brain's blood vessels causing pain that lasts for hours.

2. Allergic reaction
For whatever reason, some women with pre-menstrual syndrome are sensitive to food such as dairy products, and peanuts just before period causing migraine headache. It may be caused by the inability of the digestive system in food digestion resulting in some food particles leaking into the bloodstream causing immune reaction.

3. Estrogen
Researchers believe that migraines may be caused by high levels of estrogen and low levels of progesterone because the symptoms of migraine headaches before the period is gone when the woman becomes pregnant.

4. Medication
Some medications such as bromocriptine which reduces levels of prolactin for women with breast pain before period. This may cause headache and migraine because of it's side effects.

5. Magnesium deficiency
Besides helping to regulate the levels of blood sugar, it also stops the blood vessels spam because magnesium reduces blood vessels around the brain to constrict then dilate during migraine attacks.

To read the series of PMS,please visit

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"Let Take Care Your Health, Your Health Will Take Care You" Kyle J. Norton

I have been studying natural remedies for disease prevention for over 20 years and working as a financial consultant since 1990. Master degree in Mathematics, teaching and tutoring math at colleges and universities before joining insurance industries. Part time Health and entertainment Article Writer.

Go through How to Cure Headaches with Ginger far more

Ginger is an herb that has been used for over five thousand years for a variety of illnesses and conditions. In the practice of Ayurvedic medicine, Ginger is used very regularly for many things. Ayurvedic medicine is an ancient practice used in healing and this kind of practice is becoming more regular with the people of today. As the connection between mind and body is realized, folks are turning to these alternative medicines and beliefs. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi introduced Ayurvedic medicine to the people of today. It is also mentioned in Chopra's works.

Have you ever seen a pregnant woman munching on Ginger snaps? This is because Ginger is effective for an upset stomach and nausea. However, it is a great remedy for headaches as well. In fact, it's so great that many doctors and neurologists are beginning to recommend it. Although we're not sure how ginger treats headaches, it's been noted that the ginger reduces the frequency as well as the strength of headaches in those who have them regularly. Because Ginger is an anti-inflammatory, it doesn't allow the blood vessels to become inflamed. This is what eliminates or greatly reduces the headache.

It's important to take the Ginger at the very beginning of a headache. This will help it act quickly and prevent or lessen the headache. For many years, people have been using Ginger for nausea and vomiting. In fact, studies have shown that Ginger is twice as effective as the popular nausea medicine Dramamine. A recent test was done in Denmark where results showed that 75% of tested individuals experienced less pain and swelling. As a positive side effect, the people participating in the study had no colds while they were taking the Ginger.

It's very important that you DO NOT take Ginger if you have gallstones. This is because the Ginger will make the release of the bile even worse. Of course, if you're pregnant, you shouldn't take Ginger unless directed by your doctor. Ginger acts as somewhat of a blood thinner so if you are taking Aspirin or other blood thinners, do not take Ginger. If you have heart problems or are on a schedule of certain daily heart medicines, do not take Ginger. If you take medication to control blood sugar levels or if you have diabetes, avoid Ginger unless your doctor directs you to take it.

Of course, it's important to talk to your physician before you start taking any sort of herb. If your doctor okays you to take Ginger, you have a couple of options. You can take the pills or capsules and there is even Ginger paste. Brew Ginger in a tea and drink it. No matter which choice, only take it in that form and not multiple forms. You don't want to overdose on ginger. It's important to purchase Ginger only from reliable sources as in the past, the supplements have been found to be contaminated. Be sure to check the company's history and references.


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How to Cure Headaches with Ginger

Read through Sickness in Late Pregnancy - Understanding This New Feeling and What to Do When This Moment Comes a lot more

Headaches During Pregnancy

Sickness in late pregnancy is not an uncommon thing. Sickness with just a short time before you should give birth is actually a very often thing to many pregnant women.

Is this sickness different from morning sickness? Can you think of anything you may have eaten which could have upset you? Do you feel feverish and generally unwell? Any pains in your abdomen?

Women get minor illnesses such as coughs, colds and stomach during pregnancy as at any other time in their lives and could think that is due to this new thing called sickness in late pregnancy. However, if you think that your sickness may be due to something out of the ordinary, and certainly if you have any abdominal pain, go to see your doctor and ask for his or her advice. If you do not feel well enough to go to the surgery, make a call and ask for advice or make a request for a home visit. Do not be put off if the receptionist is not very helpful; be clear that you want to speak to or see the doctor or midwife. This is your body and your baby that you are worried about.

Sickness in late pregnancy can also come in a form of a headache. Do you normally get headaches? Have you got spots before your eyes? Does your vision seem to be affected by your headache? Have you got pains in the top half of your abdomen?

Pregnancy is definitely stressful. You may find that you suffer from tension headaches and need to make time to relax, enjoy a bath, go out with your partner or friends, or treat yourself. Sometimes very bad headaches may be a symptom of a disease of pregnancy called Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH) or pre-eclampsia. If you have spots before your eyes and pain in the upper part of your abdomen, you should call your doctor or midwife immediately.

Shirley M. Duran is a mother of two and an author of a variety of related lifestyle issues and topics with which has helped hundreds of mothers become pregnant. If you have any pregnancy questions [] for which you need answers, it is recommended to visit: []

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Sickness in Late Pregnancy - Understanding This New Feeling and What to Do When This Moment Comes

Study Identifying Warning Signs of Pregnancy Danger additional

For many pregnant women and expectant parents, the whole pregnancy phase is fraught with physical and emotional changes. Pregnancy should be the time for women to be vigilant of their health. Pregnancy complications are not uncommon and while most problems may be relatively mild and can be immediately treated, in other cases, warning signs can carry some significant health risks to the child, mother and possibly both.

Although it is generally advised for pregnant women to have frequent doctor visits, it is equally important to be aware of the possible danger signs to look out during pregnancy. These include the following signs:

o Vaginal bleeding
o Sudden weight gain
o Fever
o Chills
o Seeing Spots
o Persistent headache
o Burning sensation when urinating
o Vomiting
o Blurred and/or double vision
o Lower abdominal pain
o Thigh pains
o No baby movements for 12 hours
o Premature cramping
o Persistent lower back aches
o Nausea

Bleeding during the first trimester can be a sign of possible miscarriage. According to statistics, about 20 percent of pregnancies end in miscarriage. These incidents usually occur when a woman is not aware that she is pregnant. Clots, bleeding and cramping are among the most common signs of miscarriage. In Most cases, surgery is required to remove the empty uterus in the body.

Ectopic Pregnancy
There are some cases, the fertilized egg may not reach its correct position in the uterus and the embryo grows on the fallopian tube. Since it grows on the abnormal location, it causes tear in the blood vessels and delicate structures. It is known to display the following symptoms: low back pains, nausea, lower abdominal pain, and cramping. This can require surgery to remove the nonviable embryo.

Premature Labor
One of the most common problems of pregnancy is premature labor and delivery. Babies born prematurely run the high risk of having some respiratory problems and underdeveloped lungs.

Elevated blood pressures are a common complication that occurs in 3 percent of the pregnancies. It can cause some adverse effects on the placenta as well as the fetus. Severe elevation of the blood pressure can cause pain in the abdomen, fluid retention , seeing spots and headaches.

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Identifying Warning Signs of Pregnancy Danger

Headaches During Pregnancy