Read Pregnancy Migraine - Could Your Migraines Be Hurting Your Baby? additional

Pregnancy Migraine - Could Your Migraines Be Hurting Your Baby?

Headaches During Pregnancy

A pregnancy migraine is a very unpleasant concern because the symptoms are frequently unusual from your regular migraines and treatment is more limited due to the fetus. A migraine is a separate medical condition from headaches although people often mix up the 2 because symptoms are comparable. With this condition the blood vessels in the brain become inflamed. Due to all of the differences a mother's body endures from pregnancy, a migraine may be felt very differently from if she was not pregnant.

Almost certainly the scariest pregnancy migraine a woman can suffer is her first migraine ever. It is very viable to suffer through the first migraine of your life while pregnant which worries many mothers because they may figure something is wrong with the baby. It begins as a muted pain and then moves to the back of your skull, the front of your head or around your temple as a constant agonizing pain. Other symptoms are optical problems like light auras or tunnel vision and vomiting.

Women diagnosed with migraines who become pregnant usually have either a decrease, and sometimes an increase, in migraines. This is due to the swift change in hormones that being pregnant brings about. As many migraine sufferers realize, little differences can trigger a migraine and a shift in the hormones moving throughout the body could either prevent migraines or initiate a pregnancy migraine.

Understanding your migraine triggers is the most critical component of migraine treatment. Foods like cheese and chocolate, (and evidently caffeine and red wine, but these are products you should be averting when pregnant) are likely to instigate migraines. Discover the kinds of pain killers that are not dangerous to take when pregnant; acetaminophen, the key ingredient in Tylenol, is generally agreed upon as a safe pain killer for pregnant women.

Following are some strategies you can try to ease the severity of a migraine this is taking place. Try taking a cool shower, or to cool the head down directly, put a cold wet washcloth to the forehead. Take a nap in a calm, dim and cool room for a few minutes to unwind. Physical activity increases the heart rate which releases endorphins and serotonin and these natural chemicals can counteract a migraine's pain.

A pregnancy migraine is a worrisome experience but is typically safe besides the discomfort it creates for the mother. Most pregnant women who are migraine sufferers have fewer migraines, though a few have increased migraine symptoms. Migraines tend to build on one another, so if you respond quickly to stop a migraine that you feel approaching, you will notice fewer migraines in the coming week then if you didn't manage that first migraine. In addition, learn what triggers your migraines and make an effort to avert these triggers.

You can learn more concerning how to manage a pregnancy migraine [] and additional health concerns that expectant mothers are challenged with.

Read through Preventing and Treating Migraines and Headaches During Pregnancy additional

Congratulations! Pregnancy can be a wonderful time for migraine sufferers as many women notice their migraines significantly diminish during their second and third trimesters. Unfortunately, an estimated 15% of women also notice an increase in migraines in the first trimester. This increase is due primarily to rapidly escalating levels of estrogen and other metabolic changes within the body. If you are planning a pregnancy, make sure your doctor knows right away.

Why is this? Most medications are simply not safe to take if you may be pregnant - especially those for the treatment of migraines like triptans (prescription medications which can stop migraine attacks.) If you are currently taking prescription medications for the treatment of migraines and become pregnant - your baby could be at risk. Before you plan on trying to get pregnant, it is very important to have a sit-down discussion with your doctor to determine which if any of the drugs and supplements you take are not safe for your baby.

Do not make the mistake of assuming that over-the-counter medications are safe just because they do not require prescriptions. Even over-the-counter drugs like Aspirin and Advil (lung development) carry risks of birth defects. Tylenol (acetaminophen) is approved for periodic use (unless told otherwise by your doctor), which is an option, but in general over-the-counter pain medications are seldom effective at reducing migraine pain. Over-the-counter pain medications have a better track record with tension headaches and body aches. No matter what, be sure to limit use and follow all recommendations on the product label. Acetaminophen is toxic in high doses and people die every year from over dosing on a medication they assume to be unconditionally safe.

The best course of action is to be very diligent when it comes to trigger avoidance, as this is your best chance at avoiding a migraine. This means you will want to be extra strict about managing stress, eating regular healthy meals (without triggers,) and keeping a regular sleep schedule. Go ahead and use herbal tea such as ginger for your nausea but make sure you absolutely avoid feverfew as it is not safe for pregnant or breastfeeding women. Also, this may be a time to consider trying acupuncture or biofeedback, as these treatments are considered safe for pregnant women.

Any women who is pregnant should know that all medications on the market are divided into a "pregnancy risk" category ranging from A, B, C, D, and X by the Federal Food and Drug Administration (here in the United States.) Only drugs in category A have been proven to be safe. Drugs in categories B and C show uncertainty either towards the positive or negative, and categories D an X show positive evidence of fetal risk. This information is updated all the time. Be sure to research any medications you are using or thinking about using for the latest information.

Some abortive medications like Fioricet and Lortab can still be used sparingly. Triptans should not be taken at all during pregnancy (unless prescribed by your personal doctor and only if he or she knows you are pregnant or trying to get pregnant) as the effects of these drugs on developing babies are still unknown. Be sure to speak with your doctor and see if the two of you can work out a plan that works for both of you.

Note: Women who experience severe morning sickness may also experience more migraines due to dehydration. Your doctor may be able to write you a prescription for intravenous fluids, which can be administered for you if needed.

Headaches During Pregnancy
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Preventing and Treating Migraines and Headaches During Pregnancy

Examine A Guide to Pregnancy Constipation far more

The pregnancy hormone known as progesterone is responsible for causing many incidents of constipation within women who are pregnant, because it causes the muscles within the intestine to become weaker, which leads to problems when attempting to have a bowel movement. Constipation during pregnancy is a problem which is fairly common among women who are pregnant.

It can cause a number of other problems in pregnant women as well, including back pain, nausea, and digestive problems. In addition to this, constipation can also lead to problems giving birth. However, there are a number of solutions which can help women treat this condition.

The first solution is to drink water, lots of water. At the very minimum, a pregnant woman should drink two quarts of water per day, while avoided drinks rich in caffeine or fruit juices. Drinking soda, juice, and other such products will cause more problems than solutions.

A pregnant woman should also avoid consuming large amounts of meat, especially meat which contains lots of fat such as bacon or sausage. Fiber is a must for someone who wants to avoid becoming constipated, and this means eating lots of fruits and vegetables on a consistent basis. Vegetables and fruits should replace foods which are rich in white flour such as breads and cereals.

Exercise is also important, even for pregnant women. Exercising is an important factor in helping you avoid constipation, and while pregnant women are limited in the number of exercises they can perform, taking a simple walk or dancing around the house are basic exercises that can go a long way towards helping you avoid pregnancy constipation.

Certain yoga based exercises can also be useful for pregnant women. However, you will want to consult your doctor to find out which exercises are safe and healthy. If you should become constipated, avoid laxatives or certain remedies, and stick to prune juice instead. Laxatives and certain natural remedies can be detrimental to the growth of the baby.


For More information on pregnancy constipation [] and other constipation related issues, please visit: []

A Guide to Pregnancy Constipation


Examine Knowing the Causes, Treatment and Prevention of Cervicogenic Headaches a lot more

Did you know that only 8% of all headache episodes in people around the world are caused by migraine? You may wonder, what is the cause of the majority of throbbing headaches?

Sinusitis and dental surgical procedures can cause headache episodes, but they still are not the top major cause of most headaches. So you may wonder, what is it?

The answer - a majority of headaches are categorized as cervicogenic headaches. Cervicogenic headaches usually originate from inside the structures of your neck. Many people are surprised how the neck can become a source of severely painful episodes of headaches.

Experts believe that the neck is one of the most vulnerable parts of the human body. That is because the neck, especially the area near the shoulder region, absorbs the body's overall tension. Sustained neck movements also cause throbbing pains that would climb up to the head area.

Cervicogenic headaches are not easily diagnosed, No medical test or x-ray could definitely detect the presence of such types of headaches. It is thus important that the patient carefully determine the sources of the pain.

You know how your overall performance at work and in school can be affected by the presence of any type of headache. Throbbing pains at the head really can feel devastating, and could almost give a feeling like the head is going to explode.

Several symptoms of cervicogenic headaches include nausea and severe, stabbing, throbbing and pounding pain originating from the neck area up to the head. Pain originating from the inside or the back of the eyes can also be identified as cervicogenic in nature.

These headaches can occur occasionally. There are cases, however, that a patient suffers from regular episodes especially when the source of the headaches is not properly identified and appropriately dealt with.

There is also a growing number of patients who complain of such episodes. Treatment for cervicogenic headaches is not increasing in number, though.

Traumas and history

Other than those mentioned above, people who suffer from cervicogenic headaches can also have head traumas in the past. Severe head injuries in the past can strike back in the form of cervicogenic headaches.

No studies have yet found that such headaches can arise from hereditary causes. But if you have suffered from such before, you are susceptible to suffering from it again in the future. Otherwise, it still is of no guaranty that you would be spared from the painful head experience.

Treatment for cervicogenic headaches

The key to treating cervicogenic headaches lies in effective physical therapy. Services of expert spines therapists, particularly, should be sought if you are aiming to alleviate the pain completely or treat the disease.

It is not easy treating cervicogenic headaches. The devastating pain also leads difficulties in finding relief and eventually, cure. Neurologists are continuously striving to find the much needed treatment. Currently, there are available treatments but they are still too expensive and not easily accessible.

The most potent and common treatments for such headaches are in the form of injectible drugs. However, such injections should be carefully administered. As such, these injections are administered using x-ray guides to make sure the drug is injected at the appropriate area of the joint blocks.

Take note that the area around the neck is one of the most complex regions of the human anatomy. That is why, doctors and experts make sure that the injections to treat cervicogenic headaches are administered by highly skilled and competent professionals.

Any error in the injection can lead to more serious injuries and medical complications. As a patient, you should also take part in ensuring that the professional who would inject you with cervicogenic drugs should be well capable and credible in doing such a complicated activity.


There is no direct and identified prevention measures that could certainly help a person avoid episodes of cervicogenic headaches. However, as always, you are advised to take healthy diets, get proper sleep and reduce overall tension.

Regular consultation with your doctor and health monitoring initiatives can also be of great help. Being totally healthy, physically and mentally, can really do a lot of wonders. Start adopting a healthier lifestyle now.

Lee Dobbins writes for where you can learn more about the cause and treatment of all types of headaches including the cervicogenic headache [].

Knowing the Causes, Treatment and Prevention of Cervicogenic Headaches


Read Headaches - What a Pain! Homeopathy Helps extra


The subject of headaches is a vast one, but it needn't be elusive. Homeopathy has a reputation for addressing headaches squarely without side effects and worsening of the person in general.

The first step in bringing the person to a better state of being is to stop taking analgesics. Tylenol, aspirin and their derivatives admittedly remove the pain, but only to suppress the illness and throw it into the future with greater vitality. Homeopathy, on the other hand, is reputed for not only relieving the headaches, but eliminating them permanently for the future. Homeopathy addresses all illness on an individual basis, so headache relief needs to be addressed in the same way.

Read through the following remedies and choose the best one for your situation. Then take a dose every hour until relief is sustained. When relief is at hand, stop. Let's look at the top remedies for this malady:

The first remedy to consider for headaches that are in the face is Kali Bichromium30. These headaches present above or between the eyebrows or start over one eye, then travel to the other or reside at the root of the nose. These are the headaches of a sinus nature that respond to a barometric pressure change and are made worse on stooping. If this cluster of symptoms exists, not only will the remedy eliminate the present pain, but will make the next similar headache a longer distance away from the present one and less painful . Eventually, and not too far distant in the future, the pain will not appear at all.

For headaches that come after eating rich foods, such as ice-cream, the best remedy is Pulsatilla 30. These headaches often affect women and girls and particularly those of a more feminine nature. Another remedy useful for the after effects of eating too many rich foods is Nux vomica 30. It is often due to indigestion, constipation or too many laxatives or other medicaments. This remedy should be taken twice daily for a few days until the pain disappears. Now, unless more drugs are ingested, the pain will not return.

If the headache presents after grief, sorrow, emotion or worry, the sufferer will find relief from Ignatia 30, named after St. Ignatius.

Consider the remedy Belladonna 30 when the headache is as a result of too much sun, when the face is red and flushed, with throbbing in the head and particularly in the veins and arteries.

Gelsemium 30 is your remedy when a headache is brought on by anticipatory anxiety. This can be common with children who are afraid of being on stage for a school play or for an adult who has to appear in front of a crowd. It is infallible for the headaches of ministers, courtroom lawyers and politicians.

The headaches of the gravest degree, however, are those called migraines. This is a category in itself and often requires expert homeopathic care. I find that the most common remedy to offer relief is Iris 30. These headaches are those that come on periodically, such as every week or month and are ushered in with ocular disturbances, such as blurred vision. There is often nausea and vomiting with throbbing, shooting pain in the forehead and a profuse amount of saliva.. There can also be pulsing pain through out the body and include burning in the anus with straining and bearing down.

This is but a small sampling of the most valuable remedies in the homeopath's arsenal, but an excellent place to start for the novice. After you feel better, consider homeopathy for all of your family's ailments. Purchase a kit of remedies, homeopathy books, CD's and take courses to learn as much as you can about this powerful method. Then when everything is put in order, prepare for a short duration of pain when you use the most intelligent medicine on the earth....Homeopathy.

"Health is not random" says homeopath, Joette Calabrese HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na). Her book Cure Yourself and Family With Homeopathy and her CDs Perform in the Storm, a Homeopathy First Aid and Secret Spoonfuls; How to get Healthy Foods into Kids Without Getting Caught are collections of experiences as a skilled homeopathic consultant to hundreds.

Her lively, entertaining examples and solutions of what to use for the most common ailments a homeopath is confronted with, have graced national journals such as Homeopathy Today and Wise Traditions. The author, practitioner, mother splits her time between working with clients throughout the U.S. and abroad and speaking in arenas such as Chautauqua Institute, national radio shows and college campuses. Join her at Homeopathy Works for events, forums and consultations.

Headaches - What a Pain! Homeopathy Helps

Understand The Agony of a Vascular Migraine extra

I am 37 years old and have been experiencing vascular migraine  headaches with considerable intervals since my teenage years. However, my vascular migraine intensified during my pregnancy five years ago. While I was hospitalized as the time of delivery approached, my vascular migraine headaches, which were of very intense and throbbing nature, really started to increase in intensity.

I could really feel my blood vessel dilating and constricting, and could feel my pulse when I touched the aching spots, and it resulted in a strong vascular migraine attack with a feeling of nausea and vomiting. I initially thought there was some problem with my blood pressure, but my blood pressure was found to be normal on checkup to my surprise.

Although I had experienced a migraine headache before, but that was nothing as compared to the kind of vascular headache that started during my period of pregnancy, which was the only one I had, and this vascular migraine even continued after that.

It Isn't Just a Phase

I kept on seeing the doctor, who told me that sometimes it is natural for women to have migraine attacks during pregnancy, and suggested some medicines, which I was very uncomfortable in taking, since a lot of those medicines ended up worsening my pain, or giving a nauseating and dizzy feeling, which can really make you feel sick.

The vascular migraine only grew in intensity after the first incident, and although I was able to lessen the intensity through some medicine, but the headache always returned again from time to time.

There Is Another Way

Unfortunately, the medicines I had been using have been of no avail. But I badly needed relief from my vascular migraine, and needed a safe way, which would be free of any side effects or other health risks, since I didn't want to add any more problems to my list, like I did using one of the migraine medicines, that ended up making me sick.

I carried on my search on the internet and learned more about vascular headache. This helped me immensely to understand and control my pains in a very safe and natural manner, and I suggest that learning more about the problem is the way to the solution.

Migraine Relief Starts Here

Headaches During Pregnancy

The best source of information about migraines and their remedies would be this free migraine Relief Mini Course.

However, if you want fast, natural, and effective relief, then I recommend Migraine Relief Solution a super guide which will give you back the life you deserve.

I hope to see you soon with a migraine-free life!

The Agony of a Vascular Migraine

Read through Hormonal Changes During Pregnancy far more

Most men find it hard to understand what is causing all these hormonal changes in women during pregnancy. The mood swings, to food cravings, sleeping a lot and constipation are just a few of the changes. You will be surprised that these hormones are the ones that help her during pregnancy and the hormones that help in the development of the baby. There are still a lot of unknown hormones around the woman's body during pregnancy; however there are the ones that have already been studied: progesterone and oestrogen (estrogen). These hormones are present in the placenta all throughout the woman's pregnancy and the levels get higher until the woman gives birth.

Women mostly suffer these effects due to the escalated levels in progesterone: Constipation, Heartburn, Runny and irritable nose, blurry eyesight or headaches, and increased kidney infection risks. Progesterone is necessary though because it develops the endometrium and secretes fluids with the help of estrogen. It also aids in maintaining the activity of the placenta, and protects the womb by fighting off unwanted cells. Progesterone also helps in the growth of the breast tissue, and together with estrogen prevents lactation until the woman gives birth. Another necessity of progesterone hormones is that it keeps the uterus from contracting, thus making the baby stay where it is.

Like Progesterone, estrogen is also present during pregnancy and they increase in level as the woman gives birth. Estrogen helps in the development of sexual characteristics of the baby, as well as activating the maturation of the reproductive organs. Estrogen also helps regulate the bone density of the fetus and blood flow within the uterus. Women start to have rashes or red blotches on the skin, because of elevated levels of estrogen, and some perceive this to be the "glow" during pregnancy.

Headaches During Pregnancy

Hannah Henry is a freelance writer/editor who is very fond of fishing. Her favorite spinning reel is the Daiwa Exist Spinning Reel, out of her Daiwa Spinning Reels.

Hormonal Changes During Pregnancy

Headaches During Pregnancy

Read through What Painkiller for My Headache? a lot more

There are an amazing range of over the counter painkillers available for the treatment of headache and at sometime or another we have probably tried them all. Did you you ever take the time to find out just how these painkillers work and what they did along with any side effects? I guess not, I certainly didn't which is why I wrote this small report.

Asprin an old time favorite

Asprin was originally derived from the bark of the willow tree and is the oldest conventional painkiller, it works by preventing the production of hormone like substances called prostaglandins, which cause pain and swelling in damaged tissue. Asprin also has blood thinning properties and works by preventing platelets from sticking together and this helps prevent clots which can block arteries and lead to heart attacks and strokes.

Although it's anti inflammatory effects make it useful for conditions like headache, joint pain, sprains and strains it has been superceded by by Ibuprofen as a painkiller according to leading pharmacies in the UK.

The downsides of Asprin

Despite it's many uses Asprin has a surprising number of potential side effects, it is not suitable for the under 16's due to the risk of Reye's syndrome, which is potentially fatal disease that attacks the brain and cause liver damage. It should also be avoided by anyone on blood thinning treatments and can trigger an allergic reaction in asthmatics. Asprin is also known to have a harmful effect on the stomach and it is recommended that anyone with a history of ulcers should avoid using it.


Part of a group of drugs know as non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs or NSAID's, Ibuprofen works in a similar fashion to Asprin and blocks the production of prostaglandins. Unfortunately Ibuprofen has similar effects to Asprin and it is recommended that it should be avoided by anyone with stomach problems and also asthmatics. However unlike Asprin it is considered safe for children and the junior version can be given to children as young as six months though I doubt many children of that age suffer from headache.


A simpler drug than both Asprin and Ibuprofen, Paracetamol reduces pain by blocking signals in the brain, ideal for headache. Unlike Asprin and Ibuprofen, Asprin has no anti inflammatory effects so is less effective for joint pains and and muscle strains. Paracetamol can be taken safely with most other medications and is considered the safest to take during pregnancy.

Headaches During Pregnancy
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What Painkiller for My Headache?

Read through Headaches: Can They Really Be Prevented? additional

Headaches: Can They Really Be Prevented?



At some point in their life, everyone will experience a headache. For some, a headache is a rare and trivial matter, for others, a chronic nightmare. Headache symptoms range from the mild pain and throbbing of a tension headache to the excruciating agony, sensitivity to light, and nausea of a migraine.

Why Me?

There are many possible causes for the typical headache, the most common often being trigger points/knots in neck, shoulder and/or jaw muscles, many times due to:

- Stress
- Tension
- Postural issues
- Temporomandibular joint disorders

Tightness in certain neck muscles may impinge on small arteries that bring blood to your head, causing pain and impacting mental function through a lack of oxygen to your brain.

Other reasons may be related to:

- Allergies
- Sickness
- Lack of sleep
- Poor nutrition
- Dehydration
- Withdrawal from caffeine or other substances
- Weather

In all of these cases, your body is trying to let you know there is a problem! The majority of people will try to cover up the symptoms of a headache by taking medication, but this does not treat the real issue - the root cause of the pain. Although over-the-counter (OTC) medicine may be practical for temporary relief of the occasional headache, overuse of pain relievers can also increase the number and extent of headaches (1) and eventually lead to liver damage. Masking the pain with drugs does not help with chronic conditions and the safety of these medications is constantly coming under scrutiny, with new guidelines and warnings being issued (2). So what is a person to do???

There Must be a Better Way...

A more beneficial choice to treat the pain of a headache is to identify what is causing it and correct the root problem. Depending on the issue, this may involve the help of a massage therapist, chiropractor, doctor, or other professionals. Many times the cause of a headache is as simple as tension and knots in the upper body. The normal stress of life, occupational repetitive motion, carrying a large purse, athletic endeavors, heavy school backpacks, and bad posture are all common sources of gradually developing myofascial* constrictions. In our tech-driven age, many spend their time hunched over computers, laptops, smartphones, mp3 players, digital book readers, and portable game systems, resulting in rounded shoulders, forward head posture, and other problems which cause muscle imbalances and produce pain. Sitting too much may lead to posterior pelvic tilt, kyphosis of the thoracic vertebrae, and increased shoulder/neck problems. Postural issues can chronically increase tension on certain muscles while weakening others, distorting proper muscle function and leading to constrictions in the fascia*. (*Fascia is the connective tissue that surrounds & supports all aspects of the body.)

The most commonly affected muscles that may refer pain and cause headaches include:

- Upper trapezius (shoulders/neck)
- Sternocleidomastoid (neck)
- Scalenes (neck)
- Suboccipitals (neck)
- Masseter (jaw)

A good first step in treating reoccurring headaches would be to see a knowledgable massage therapist. They can give you a clinical assessment, form a plan for treating postural deviations and misalignments, start working on the muscular issues you may have, suggest some exercises and stretches that you can do at home, or refer you to a physical or occupational therapist for more in-depth treatment.

And the Answer Is...

Yes! It is possible to avert a lot of those pesky headaches! Some common sense comes into play with headache prevention, although ultimately, even those who are diligent to take care of themselves may still sporadically suffer an occasional minor headache. Here are some basic guidelines for overall wellness and headache prevention:

- Reduce stress in your life, or do not let unavoidable stress "get" to you
- Eat properly for your body
- Stay hydrated with pure, filtered water, free of chlorine, fluoride, or other contaminants
- Get plenty of restful sleep
- Exercise frequently
- Address any allergies you may have, optimally through natural means
- Remain flexible or increase flexibility through Active Isolated Stretching
- Attend to any postural issues which cause muscle tension & knots
- Relieve muscular and emotional tension through massage

As the saying goes - "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." Being proactive in preventing headaches will not only help with avoiding headaches, but will increase your overall health and well-being.


1. "Consumer Reports Urges Chronic Headache Sufferers to Examine Their Use of Pain Relief", 2008
2. "FDA Drug Safety Communication: Prescription Acetaminophen Products to be Limited to 325 mg Per Dosage Unit; Boxed Warning Will Highlight Potential for Severe Liver Failure", 2011

Elizabeth Serrell is a licensed massage therapist and member of the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork. She has received her Occupational Associate of Science in Therapeutic Massage with a 4.0 GPA. She is the owner of Enduring Health Massage Therapy in Port Charlotte, Florida. Her company website may be found at

Read through Chiropractic Pain Management Is Great For Back Pain, Neck Pain, and Headaches additional

Chiropractic Pain Management

There are three main reasons the human race turns to chiropractors: back pain (lower), neck pain, and headaches (tension and cervicogenic are the most common). Another common reason for needing chiropractic care is to loosen your joints to improve your range of movement. The common reason you hurt is due to tissue damage with scarring from trauma and repeated stress.

There are an abundant amount of benefits to receiving chiropractic care. The Spine Journal states that "chiropractic care provided patients with better short-term comfort than over the counter treatments, home exercise, and physical therapy."

Lower Back Pain

When patients are referred to chiropractors, doctors have ruled out causes they can deal with (which are mainly based around: cancer, infections, and fractures). Chiropractors then look at the scans that are usually sent with their patients, and start from there. Most of the times they send their patients through lab tests and physical exams to determine what treatment is appropriate for you. Once the general discussion of what, where, and how; your chiropractor will provide you with one or more of the following: mobilizations, spinal manipulative care, exercise and/or lifestyle changes.

If they are able to take care of the issue in their offices, they use mainly manual adjustments. These adjustments generally consist of controlled joint manipulation with sudden force that increases the range and ability of your motion. They will usually have you follow up with some nutritional counseling and home therapy to keep yourself in good condition when away from the office. The very main and most important goal of chiropractors is restoring your basic functions and helping you prevent further injury of yourself.

Chronic Neck Pain

Neck patients all depend on the condition of their injury. In most cases, your chiropractor will consider neurologic symptoms, chronicity, and your responses to the starter treatments. If patients are "red flagged" (usually revolves around malignancy or infections), you'll be sent to a neurologist. When all is clear and they have you approved for treatment, the application is about the same as lower back treatments: controlled force and joint manipulation.

Neck pain in peculiar uses cervical manipulations to alleviate your joints and reduce the pain usually caused by pinched nerves and/or muscle spasms. The most common method used by chiropractors to readjust your neck is using their hands to twist your neck suddenly to pop the dislocated vertebrae back into place.


Non-tension type headache sufferers are usually the ones sent to chiropractors. Once referred, you'll be "red-flagged", so your chiropractor will know how to identify your second headaches, and figure out whether or not they're from medical conditions or systemic illnesses. Headaches are usually much easier to help than back or neck pain, so the results will be quicker.

Most methods of headache relief can be done either together or on their own. The most common method is trigger-point therapy and massages. They usually realign the skeleton and help decrease the pain levels of the headaches.

David L. Greene, MD, Phoenix, AZ is CEO of Preferred Pain Center which serves the Phoenix and Scottsdale, AZ metropolitan and surrounding areas. He can be reached at and (602) 507-6550.

Preferred Pain Center is a Comprehensive pain doctors in Arizona Center including Medical and Interventional Pain Management, Scottsdale Chiropractor Treatment, Physical Therapy, Spinal Decompression Therapy, and Manipulation Under Anesthesia.

Chiropractic Pain Management Is Great For Back Pain, Neck Pain, and Headaches


Examine Headaches and Migraines in Pregnancy far more

Most women would agree that pregnancy is a very special time in their lives and an amazing experience but they would also be quick to note it is also can be a time of great adjustment and potential discomfort also . The rose coloured glasses soon slip as the reality of morning sickness, extreme tiredness, heart burn, back/hip pain - to name but a few general pregnancy related ailments - kick in.

As the new mother-to-be embarks on this wonderful rollercoaster ride of emotional and physical challenges and begins to dream of the little babe she will soon hold in her arms there is one more frustrating challenge she is likely to experience.

An increase in migraines and severe headaches in pregnancy is unfortunately all too common, especially in the difficult first trimester. On top of dreadful all day nausea (described somewhat ironically as Morning sickness) and energy sapping tiredness a newly pregnant woman can also experience frequent and harrowing headaches.

It is not known exactly why pregnant women experience these horrible headaches but it is widely believed that the likely culprit is the surge in hormone levels as her body adapts to its new role and all that is physically required to successfully carry her baby to full term.

This is a doubly frustrating ailment to experience at a time when all medications are strongly advised against, including the common headache remedies aspirin and ibuprofen. While it is important to inform your pregnancy healthcare provider of any headaches/migraines it is likely that natural remedies will be recommended.

Common sense tells us that eating right, keeping well hydrated and exercising moderately will assist in any general health concerns but sometimes these simple but important lifestyle factors are not enough to combat debilitating migraine pain.

However there is a natural, drug free option that expectant mothers should consider in their quest to combat frequent headaches / migraines and that is self hypnosis.

Self hypnosis is a technique that has been around for over 100 years and many headache / migraine sufferers have successfully used this method to take control of their pain using the power of the mind and their own internal resources.

A self hypnosis program specifically designed to remedy migraine pain is a legitimate, natural and effective solution available for pregnant women suffering from this condition who want a drug free method of combating their pain are willing to adopt the techniques into their everyday lives.

For a self hypnosis program to be successful it is necessary to commit to spending 20-30 minutes a day, for just 30 days, using these techniques to stave off their headaches long term. But don't forget also that these skills will reach far past your pregnancy and provide you with a lifetime of relief from headaches.

So if you, or someone you know, has been struggling with sever headaches during their pregnancy self hypnosis could give them the natural, drug free solution they have been looking for.

Headaches During Pregnancy

Lisa Dyke has put together The Mind Training Series which is a high quality range of self hypnosis audio programmes, for more information on a effective, drug free option for relieving headaches and migraine pain please visit

Headaches and Migraines in Pregnancy

Headaches During Pregnancy

Understand Pregnancy Risks - Tips To Avoid Them a lot more


Pregnancy is a period that most women wish to experience and cherish but there are certain pregnancy risks that could create complications. If you are planning on getting pregnant it will help if you observed certain precautions that can avert some of the complications.

An Overview

All women would love to have a healthy pregnancy and it can help if they take necessary precautions from the early days itself.

There are several types of pregnancy risks such as the age and physical structure of a woman. Obese, short women have more chances of suffering from complications during pregnancy and childbirth. It is recommended that women consult their physician and consider taking up mild to moderate exercises to keep them healthy and fit.

It is also a risk if the women suffer from diseases and disorders such as heart, lung or kidney diseases, diabetes, hypertension, sexually transmitted diseases and epilepsy. Women who have disorders of the reproductive organs are also at risk. Some women may have problems during this period such as placental pervia, multiple babies with complications (such as Siamese twins), ectopic pregnancy, Rh factor etc.

The chances of pregnancy risks are increased if the women have had previous pregnancies with complications. Couples who have had children with birth defects, genetic disorders etc. have to consult their physician and opt for genetic counseling before they consider having a baby.

Women who are under the age of 15 and above 35 are more at risk too. Younger mothers are more prone to be associated with pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia, under-weight babies and pre-term babies. Older mothers (above 40 years) have the risk of suffering from health complications such as hypertension, gestational diabetes and they also have a higher risk of giving birth to babies that suffer from genetic disorders and birth defects.

Women need to take proper care and nourishment before, during and after their pregnancy. Proper, well-balanced diet that includes generous helpings of fresh fruits and vegetables is necessary. It is also vital to include supplements of vitamins, calcium and folic acid in order to ensure a healthy and risk free time.

Other factors that could pose as pregnancy risks include exposure to toxins, radiations, heavy metals and chemicals. It is recommended that smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs be avoided from the early days itself.

The mental health of a woman is also a very important factor. It will be much better if the woman is happy, healthy and has a positive frame of mind. Stress, tension and worrying may not only be pregnancy risk factors, but may also be the causative factors of unnecessary complications. It is recommended that women who are planning to have a baby, read as much as they can about the process of childbirth. This will help them identify any potential pregnancy risks and help them to learn how they can be avoided if possible.

If women learn about pregnancy risks during pre pregnancy itself and take necessary steps to avert them, they can be assured of having a healthy pregnancy. When women start to plan on getting pregnant they need to start eating nutritious meals and do regular exercise. This helps them to avert pregnancy complications later. Visit pregnancy for more information.

Pregnancy Risks - Tips To Avoid Them


Examine Constantly Have Headaches? Cure the Cause of Sinus, Migraine and Chronic Headaches much more

Do you constantly have headaches? If so then today I'll explain how to cure the cause of getting sinus, migraine and chronic headaches by explaining very common although not always well known causes of headaches and what you can do to start getting relief, now and forever.

The 3 Main Causes of Constantly getting Headaches

#1 - Allergies: I should clarify that what I mean is un-diagnosed allergies that you may not be aware of. Did you know that new piece of furniture can be giving off VOCs which cause headaches, or that piece of pizza you had the other night is causing you to have a delayed allergic reaction a day later? Both of these are very common scenarios that most people are not aware of. Anything you eat or breathe in your environment can trigger allergies, and it may just happen that your allergic response is to get a headache.

#2 - Food Additives & Flavours: Although this could belong in the allergies section, this is more of a toxic reaction than an allergy. Anything from aspartame, sucralose/nutrasweet, msg or any of the hundreds of other additives can cause headaches and in fact one of the most common reactions from these artificial sweeteners and ingredients are headaches. Have you never heard of an msg headache? They're actually quite common and it isn't far fetched to believe that is what you could be suffering from. The solution is always elimination, go back to a whole foods, organic diet to avoid potential toxins and allergens.

#3 - Candida/Bowel Toxicity: Many people are making themselves sick by the fermentation and purification of food within their digestive tract. When food doesn't move through your digestive system quickly enough you are left with a myriad of symptoms due to toxicity. In fact if you don't have 2 bowel movements every day you're actually considered constipated. When food sits in your digestive tract a opportunistic yeast that exists in everyones body can often overgrow and begin causing significant health problems by feeding off of the waste.

This candida overgrowth can cause symptoms of mental/emotional nature such as confusion, brain fog and depression or anxiety. While also causing anything from respiratory issues such as asthma and allergies to digestive problems such as IBS, chronic gas and bloating. Of course headaches are also a very common complaint of candida bowel toxicity because waste that should be leaving your body is instead sent back through your liver which sends the toxins back through your blood and of course back to your brain again where a headache is likely to occur.

Very often when people cleanse their colon and body of candida they feel a renewed sense of energy and health. Symptoms disappear and reactions to certain foods or environments tend to be reduced or not even occur at all.

Candida Giving YOU Headaches? Take our FREE Candida Test, Find out HOW to Eliminate Candida and your Headaches for GOOD by clicking

Constantly Have Headaches? Cure the Cause of Sinus, Migraine and Chronic Headaches


Read Dealing With Consistent Headaches far more

Did you realize that according to some estimates, up to 80% of the population will suffer from headaches at some point in their lifetime? This isn't to say that they will all suffer from massive headaches, such as those that suffer from cluster migraine headaches, but many people suffer from at least an occasional problem with headaches. There are other people, however, that go further than dealing with an occasional headache and hand up with consistent headaches that just don't seem to want to let up.

There are many things that could cause a person to have consistent headaches, and getting to the root of the problem is often the most effective way and treating these types of headaches. If you know what is causing your consistent headaches, and you have the ability to deal with that problem directly, then that is probably the best way to go. If you are unsure what is causing your consistent headaches than here are some of the more common reasons why people get headaches in the first place.

Many people suffer from headaches because of allergens, or because they are reacting to something in the environment. I know many people that end up with headaches every time a weather system comes to the area, evidently because of the change in barometric pressure. Other people get headaches because of some kind of medical condition which is best dealt with by a professional. Still others might end up with consistent headaches because of the simple problem, either with something like their diet or perhaps even from dehydration. Getting to the root of the problem and trying to deal with it from that level will do much in helping you to overcome consistent headaches.


Don't let headaches ruin your life. Make simple small changes at home and be headache free for a lifetime. Download our Special Report at

Stop Headaches and Migraines Now, an Online Special Report, Now Available to Download.

Dealing With Consistent Headaches


Go through Pregnancy - Dos and Don'ts additional

Pregnancy - Dos and Don'ts



The brainstorming from different directions puts the pregnant woman in a new dilemma. It becomes difficult for her to distinguish between right and wrong. Here is a list of some important factors that must be considered during pregnancy.

Food During Pregnancy: Certain foods must be avoided during pregnancy. Uncooked food, unpasteurized milk, and seafood can cause stillbirth, miscarriages and birth defects.

Cat Litter: It is a disease that is caused by the contact with cat feces. It is spread by a parasite that leads to miscarriages, birth defects and still births.

Smoking: Smoking during pregnancy is generally connected to miscarriage, low birth weight and premature labor. Even second hand smoke poses some serious dangers during pregnancy and must be avoided by the pregnant women.

Safety Around The House: There are dangers and risks around the house for pregnant women. If for any reason she has to do the house work; she must make sure to stay away from high strength cleaners, aerosol cans, solvents and paint fumes. All these have been linked to pregnancy complications including birth defects.

Body Temperature: It is also recommended to keep a close eye on the body temperature; specifically during exercise. Hot baths and saunas are not recommended during pregnancy.

Alcohol and Drugs: The best idea is to avoid alcohol to stay away from the harmful effects during pregnancy. Any level of alcohol is not safe and can have harmful effects on the unborn child. Some drugs hinder the development of baby's organs thus leading to complications like birth defects. These children when grew up become easily addicted to drugs.

Exercise: Exercise is strongly recommended during pregnancy but only at a moderate pace. Women who take part in strenuous exercises like scuba diving and weight lifting, must adjust their routine soon after conceiving. Walking is the best exercise during pregnancy. It makes the labor and delivery much easier.

For more information on fertility problems and pregnancy related issues visit my free website Pregnancy Guidelines.

Study Pregnancy - Your First OB Visit more

If you have never had a baby before, the first time you visit the OB can be an exciting and scary event, especially if you don't know what to expect. The exact procedures and routines vary from practitioner to practitioner, but there are a few things that are standard across the board.

As with visiting any new medical doctor, you will first be given a gaggle of forms to fill out while you wait in the waiting room. You will fill out paperwork that gives basic information, your name, address, date of birth, social security number, marital status, spouse's name, insurance information, date of your last period, etc. You will also probably fill out a medical history form, where you will be asked about past illnesses, injuries, surgeries, and hospitalizations. You will also be asked about your family history as well, and maybe even for some of your spouse's information too, so it is a good idea for him to come along to this first appointment. Some practitioner's will also ask questions about your sexual history, as well as talk to you about testing for sexually transmitted diseases. Don't be offended, it is routine with every pregnant patient, and some STD tests are required by law.

Once you have filled out all of your paperwork, you will probably first meet your practitioner in his or her office, where you will go over the forms that you filled out, find out some background information about your practitioner, and be allowed to ask any questions that you may have. When this is over, you will be ushered into either the waiting room, or a patient examination room, depending on what is available.

A member of the staff will check your weight, blood pressure, pulse, and will likely have you give a urine sample, which will be done at every prenatal visit, to check for signs of protein or sugar, which could be a sign of a potential problem. Once this is done, you may have blood drawn for routine lab work, or may be given forms to take to another site, if your practitioner doesn't do labs.

You will be asked to disrobe, and your practitioner will do a routine pelvic exam, and will also check your uterus, to try to get a more accurate idea of how far along you are. This can also be confirmed in other methods, blood tests, ultrasound, and amniocentesis as well. You may also get to hear the baby's heartbeat at this time as well, which can be very exciting, especially for first-time parents. When the exam is complete, your practitioner may talk to you about exercise, diet, and answer any questions that you have. You will be instructed on when to come back in for your next prenatal checkup, and will likely either be given samples or a prescription for prenatal vitamins, which you should take everyday.

You get a lot of information at your first prenatal visit, and it can be overwhelming, so if you think of questions or concerns after you have left, don't hesitate to call. In fact, your doctor probably expects you to, particularly if this is your first pregnancy.


Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of Pregnancy and Fertility and runs a highly popular and comprehensive Pregnancy [] web site. For more articles and resources on Pregnancy and Fertility related topics, early Pregnancy Symptoms, Infertility Treatments and much visit his site at: []

Pregnancy - Your First OB Visit


Examine 8 Common Diseases in Pregnancy You Should Know About additional


Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful phases in a woman's life being accompanied by many common pregnancy diseases or problems. Many women are unaware of these pregnancy diseases. A pregnant women, to start a family with her new baby, must be knowledgeable about some of the diseases in pregnancy.

Sometimes the problems are too minor ones but if they are not cured effectively then it could develop into a very major problem. These problems can affect the foetus as well as the mother to be. Therefore, if a women would love to have a healthy pregnancy, then they must have complete knowledge about the following common pregnancy diseases:

High Blood Pressure: Pregnancy with high blood pressure can develop at the time of pregnancy. During high blood pressure in pregnant women, the pressure of blood in the arteries is very high. Also a pregnant women diagnosed with high blood pressure during pregnancy tend to develop pre-eclampsia, which is a very serious problem as it affects the various body parts such as kidney, liver, blood vessels, etc. Thus, it is very much essential to prevent high blood pressure in pregnancy.

Gestational Diabetes: A gestational diabetes is a common pregnancy condition that can develop during pregnancy. During gestational diabetes, the mother to be has a large amount of sugar in her blood and it usually resolves after the birth of the baby. Thus one's a pregnant women had gestational diabetes; it's a good idea to have your blood sugar level tested at least once a year.

Itchy Skin: Itchy skin is also a very common problem at the time of pregnancy. A pregnant women can feel Itchiness particularly around her breasts and growing belly. The main causes of dry itchy skin during pregnancy are the hormones and the itchy skin. When a pregnant women's skin stretches out across her belly and becomes drier then she may fell some kind of itchiness. It is very necessary to skin care during pregnancy.

Fever: A fever usually arises during first trimester of pregnancy in the pregnant women's. A mild fever during early pregnancy can occur at any other time. However, a high fever during pregnancy can certainly prove harmful or can even lead to the fetal death.

Weight Gain: Weight gain during pregnancy is inevitable. It is important for pregnant women to gain a considerable amount of weight as it is generally considered as a sign of healthy pregnancy. This problem occurs because of increase in blood circulation in the body.

Swelling: Swelling is a most common pregnancy problem that a women can experience at the time of pregnancy. Swelling can occur on face, hands, feet, etc. Swelling occurs due to the retention of extra amount of fluid during the period of pregnancy. When a pregnant women drinks less amount of fluids then the body will retain some of the fluids in order to meet its needs. There are every chances of swelling during pregnancy if the pregnant women continues to take less amount of fluid during pregnancy period.

Backache: Backache is a very common problem during pregnancy. When a women becomes pregnant then her body goes through a lot of change largely because of the production of variety of hormones and one of these hormones is known as relaxin. Relaxin causes the pelvis and ligaments to soften and to allow the baby out through the pelvis. Backache leads to soreness, stiffness and pain the back.

Cough and Cold: Cough and cold during pregnancy is one of the most common problems that majority of the pregnant women suffer. One of the general reasons for this problem is the weakening of the immune system during the period of pregnancy. If the problem of cough is really serious then the pregnant must insure that her fetus is protected. This is because, if the pregnant women coughs hardly then there are chances of miscarriage.

Ashi is freelance writer loves to write about health issues,you can contact him on his blog

8 Common Diseases in Pregnancy You Should Know About

Study Headaches - Distressing If Not Serious far more

Headaches - Distressing If Not Serious


Headaches can be very distressing. They are a common symptom and many headaches are self-limiting anddo not represent anything too serious.

Many headaches have easily identifiable symptoms. These often fall into a pattern which can aid or point to the diagnosis. If you see a doctor her or she will take a full history including details of past problems, injuries, eye problems, sinus problems, dental difficulties, problems with the jaw, and the use of treatments. There may be a whole host of other things that your doctor will want to discuss with you.

A fact about headaches

Tension headaches are the most universal type of primary headache and are experienced by 90% of the adult population

Some headache information

Sinus headaches

Sinus headaches are common and are caused by sinus infection or some other irritation or pressure inside the sinus cavities of the head. They can cause long lasting mild to moderate headache symptoms.

Rebound headaches or analgesic headaches

Increased use or incorrect use of painkillers and other analgesics can lead to dependency, causing headaches when drug levels fall. Moreover, there is evidence that just using analgesics for a long time can lead to headaches even if they are not reduced

Did you know ...?

Glaring or flickering lights - changes in the weather and certain foods can set off migraine

Although headaches are not serious in the vast majority of cases, you should be aware of the symptoms and their associations and seek advice and help from your doctor if you are unsure about the nature of your pain or if anything unusual or worrying develops.

New advances for headache diagnosis and treatment are on the horizon and in some cases have already been made. For example, a new drug class-commonly called the "triptans"- has been marketed. These have proven very useful for migraine sufferers. Continued clinical research hopes to lead to the development of even further advances in therapy.

Eric Hartwell oversees "The World's Best Homepage" intended to be a user-generated resource where YOUR opinion counts. Anybody can contribute and all are welcomed. Visit us to read, comment upon or share opinions on headaches and head pains and visit our associated site articles for free.

Read Common Morning Sickness Symptoms more

Common Morning Sickness Symptoms

Headaches During Pregnancy

Nearly eighty percent of all pregnant women suffer from morning sickness. It strikes before the sixth week of pregnancy usually lasting till the sixteenth week. It is also fairly common for women to witness different symptoms. Listed below are some of the common symptoms.

Although not every pregnant woman may suffer from it, majority of them are likely to experience nausea and queasiness and have to battle for keeping down liquid and food levels in the body. While nobody knows for sure what triggers nausea, most physicians agree that hormonal changes during pregnancy is the main cause. Besides, women with a history of migraine or travel sickness are more susceptible to bouts of nausea. Most pregnant women also suffer from acid reflux or heartburn which is a result of higher acid levels in the body due to the hormone changes.

In some women vomiting seems to persist throughout the day. A symptom of continuous vomiting could indicate that the victim might be suffering from an unusual condition known as hypermesis gravidarum. Such conditions can be treated by instant hospitalization. However, this is a severe form of morning sickness and occurs in less than one in 250 pregnancies. Continuous vomiting could lead to dehydration and weight loss. It is usually accompanied by dryness of tongue and lips, rapid breathing and increase heartbeat.

Cravings for food
This is direct fallout of vomiting as your stomach runs empty. Pregnant women feel hungry all throughout the day and it is advisable to eat small quantities of food rather than heavy meals.

Heightened sense of smell
Pregnant women usually develop a sharp sense of smell. Many even develop an increased sense of taste. Many women find the smells to be repugnant.

Headaches and cramps
A large number of women complain about muscle cramps and headaches during the initial days of pregnancy which are nothing but morning sickness symptoms. Other indicators include constipation, darkening of the areola, excessive salivation, sleep deprivation, exhaustion, frequent urination and swollen breasts.
It is commonly believed that morning sickness usually results in healthy babies. However, if you do not experience it, enjoy and pamper yourself during the first few months of your pregnancy.

Cindy Richards enjoys helping pregnant women learn how to cope with morning sickness. You can get expert advice about Morning Sickness Symptoms at Cure Morning Sickness [] Naturally.

Go through Avoid Headaches Naturally much more

Do you get headaches? I used to get them all the time. In fact, during college, I'd have them almost daily. I didn't know how to avoid headaches naturally; I loved Excedrin. It really does work. Well, it gets rid of the headache, anyway. I mean, as long as the headache went away, the problem was gone. Right?

Wrong. Really wrong.

When your "service engine soon" light comes on in the dashboard of your car, what do you do? Do you think to yourself, "Hey that pesky light is on again. I don't want to look at it, so I'm going to put a sticker over that spot so that I won't have to see it anymore," and then go on your way? No, of course not! That would be idiotic. That light is a warning, telling you that your car needs attention. If you ignore it, you will cause irreparable damage to the engine.

This is a basic analogy that you have probably heard; it runs in the natural healthcare world. And, I am obviously drawing a parallel between the light on the dashboard and your headache. Or indigestion. Or sore throat. You name the symptom, the point is the same.

All symptoms are warning signs that something is wrong or malfunctioning in your body. If you treat the symptom by covering it up, the problem is still there, causing damage.

True health comes when your body is working properly, functioning as it should. If you experience a symptom, you need to find the cause of the problem, and correct it.

Like I said, I used to get frequent headaches. And then I found out what caused them (for me): sugar! Sugar caused them. And now that I've reduced my sugar intake dramatically, I only get headaches when I'm not drinking enough water. This is the case for my body; everyone is different, and you might have different triggers.ย 

If you want to stop getting headaches, try these most common solutions:ย 

1. Drink enough water. Enough means 1/2 your body weight in ounces each day. Drink more if you're sick or healing, pregnant or nursing, trying to lose weight, exercising or perspiring a lot. And water means WATER. Not liquids which "have water in them".
2. Avoid processed sugar. This includes corn syrup.
3. Avoid caffeine.
4. Avoid artificial sweeteners, MSG, and other known toxins.ย 

These are some ways to avoid headaches. But the main philosophy I'm sharing is that of: search for the root of the problem instead of covering up the symptom.

Taking a pill promotes sickness. The chemicals in the pill are not good for your body. They do not promote life. That's why there's a warning label on the bottle telling you to keep it out of the reach of children. It's not any better for you than it is for them; it just won't kill you right away.

Staying away from toxins and drinking water promote life and healing. They do not hurt you in any way, and can only help your body--not only get rid of headaches but in other functions as well. You may be able to avoid headaches (and other symptoms) naturally by following these principles.

Choose life.


Want to know more about avoiding headaches and other symptoms naturally? Get those and other healthy tips for real families at Dr. Kim Goldman is a Chiropractic Physician. She raises five children at home, balancing natural and healthy living with "real life." She uses her knowledge of health and her passion for sharing it on her blog:

Avoid Headaches Naturally


Read through Healthy Weight Gain During Pregnancy much more

It is difficult for a pregnant woman to maintain her regular weight during pregnancy. In fact, weight gain is inevitable at this stage as it indicates that baby is growing normally. However, the inability to gain weight during pregnancy may result in a low birth weight of the baby.

It is normal to gain around 20-30 pounds or 10-15 kgs of weight until delivery. Also, the maximum weight gain happens during the last two trimesters. But, is it possible to maintain a Healthy weight gain during pregnancy? Well, your weight gain depends on your diet. Therefore, you must eat a balanced diet having essential nutrients. Moreover, it is also important to eat healthy foods and stay away from junk food. We all know that junk food is loaded with empty calories with harmful effects. But, if you feel a strong urge to have a burger, go for a veggie burger and try eating a bowl full of salad with it to get extra nutrients. In short, you need to make healthy choices to stay healthy.

Try to avoid caffeine and alcohol during pregnancy as they prevent absorption of folic acid and iron, and extract calcium from your bones. All of these nutrients are important for the normal development of the fetus. Also, avoid eating uncooked and raw eggs as they may contain harmful bacteria, which can affect the growth of your child. You require including only 5 percent of fat in your daily diet in order to stay healthy. Do you know almost all foods that we eat have some amount of fat in them? Some fruits provide you with 5-15 percent of fat, whereas grains offer you around 3 to 10 percent fat. Even fresh leafy vegetables may also provide you around 1 -10 percent fat.

You should avoid the intake of certain additives in your food to avoid developing complications during pregnancy. For example, you must avoid using Monosodium glutamate- a flavor enhancer that can cause headaches and stomach upset among pregnant women. Various colorings used in processed foods can also be harmful at this stage while many others are completely safe. Avoid using green, red , and yellow colorings.

Headaches During Pregnancy

Helen R. Miller is a diet control fanatic, who has lost over 70 pounds of body fat. She shares her amazing story of how she did it through her weight and diet control [] blog.

Healthy Weight Gain During Pregnancy

Headaches During Pregnancy

Study Pregnancy and Excercising - 6 Reasons to Excercise During Pregnancy extra

Everyone knows that exercise is good for your health. Exercising during pregnancy can have additional benefits. Generally, exercise should be light, especially during the first few weeks of pregnancy while your body adjusts to the changes. Heavy exercise can divert blood flow from crucial areas and most women that exercise regularly should tone down their workouts during pregnancy.

Walking, swimming, and yoga are popular exercise activities suitable for pregnant women. Other forms of exercise like weight lifting are okay too as long as it is not too strenuous. Most experts recommend exercising 3-4 times a week, unless a medical condition prevents it. If in doubt, always consult a physician first. Listed below are some of the top reasons for exercising during pregnancy.

Exercise can reduce the length of labor and reduce recovery times. The right exercise routines will increase stamina needed for delivery.
Improve emotional health - exercise lowers stress and improves emotional health and can make it easier for the new mother to get through the experience of pregnancy.
Exercise can help with weight management after the child is born. A common concern with most mothers is losing weight after pregnancy. Exercising during pregnancy can make postpartum weight loss easier.
Exercise is good for your unborn baby. By keeping your body healthy, you are also helping out your baby.
Reduced pregnancy side effects - Symptoms like headaches, fatigue, swelling, and constipation are common in pregnant women. Exercising has been shown to reduce the occurrence of these symptoms.
Decrease risk of premature birth - exercise has been shown in studies to decrease the risk of premature birth by about 50%.

Make sure to drink plenty of fluids before exercising, have a nutritious diet, and avoid over exertion. Also, listen to your body - if you start feeling sick or nauseous, then you should stop and rest.

Headaches During Pregnancy
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Pregnancy and Excercising - 6 Reasons to Excercise During Pregnancy

Read through About Headaches much more

There is another type of headache called migraine headache. This type of headache usually starts from the teenage years , and the causes can be traced to the use of alcohol, caffeine or other drugs, neurotransmitters which is changes in the chemical level of the body, coughing, sneezing, dehydration, dental problems like pains, in the grinding of the teeth or from the canal root, eating and drinking cold food and drinks, emotional stress, exposure to smokes or fumes, eyestrain, fever, high altitude, lower oxygen levels, high blood pressure which leads to hypertension,.

Medicines can cause headaches as well, and many medicines are in this category.

Though not common, headache may be a sign of a serious illness. When this is the case, the person may notice symptoms like vomiting, dizziness or changes in the vision. Headaches can equally be caused by injuries or illnesses like:

*A head injury.

* Injury to the brain,

* Injury of the skull,

* Bleeding in or around the brain,

* Brain tumor, this leads to swelling within the brain.

* Encephalitis which is an infection of the brain or the membranes surrounding the and the Spinal cord.

* Stroke, which is a problem that occurs when the arteries that supplies blood to the brain blocks or bursts or is blocked by a blood clot.

* A rupture of the blood vessels with bleeding in or around the brain.


There are other negative health conditions that can contribute to headache, and some of them are listed below.

* FIBROMYALGIA: This is a condition that is responsible for widespread muscle and soft tissue pains and tenderness.

* GLAUCOMA: This is an eye disease that damages the nerves and back of the eye.

* HYPERTENSION: This is an offshoot high blood pressure.

* HYPAGLYCEMIA: This is also known as high blood sugar and its twin brother is called HYPOGLYCEMIA which is low blood sugar.

* ARTHRITIS: This is the appearance of lupus, giant cell arthritis and other inflammatory problems.

* Waste build up in the blood as a result of kidney problems.

* Hypocalcemia ie low calcium level in the blood or over activity of the gland that helps control the release of calcium into the blood (hyperparathyroidism)

* LYME DISEASE: This is an infection caused by bacteria which spreads by some kinds of ticks.

* Anxiety, depression and other mental health problems.

* Preeclampsia, severe high blood pressure that occurs during pregnancy.

* Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.

Review the emergencies and check your symptoms sections to determine if and when you need to consult your doctor. Indeed, headache can be a serious problem if it is left unattended to.


Ikechukwu Eze is a pastor, motivator and inspirational speaker. He owns many succesful websites among which is []

About Headaches


Read What Are The Causes Of Migraine Headaches? extra

What Are The Causes Of Migraine Headaches?



The problem with migraines headaches is that it is a very commonplace ailment. However, the bigger problem is that the causes of migraine headaches are still not completely understood, even with all our technological advancements. Although this area is still quite vague, we have managed to scrape up some important facts about migraine causes, of which genetics and the environment plays the biggest roles.

Migraines are usually caused by the changes with the trigeminal nerve. This is a major pathway of pain detection. Other factors like chemical imbalances in the brain, including and especially serotonin, may also play parts crucial to why there is pain. The one thing that has become definite is that serotonin levels drop whenever you have a bout of migraine. This drop may be the trigger to the trigeminal systems to release substances like neuropeptides. These substances then travel to your brain's outer covering (called meninges) and then initiate the pain.

What follows are some of the noticed triggers of migraines:

1) Foods
Some people seem to get migraines when they eat certain foods. The most common offender would be none other than alcohol - especially red wine and beer. Other foods that are causes of migraine headaches include chocolates, cheese, excessive caffeine, MSG, salty foods, processed foods and aspartame. It is also observed that skipping meals is a very common cause of migraines, as well as fasting- especially if you are not used to it.

2) Hormonal changes
The reason why women tend to suffer more often from migraine is because they undergo frequent hormonal changes, especially when their estrogen levels fluctuate. It would trigger headaches and then over time build up to migraines. If you have experienced headaches before or after your periods, then you can know for yourself that the drop in estrogen levels is one of the causes of migraine headaches.

Other women may have really frequent headaches during pregnancy or menopause-this is the same case. However, some hormonal medication can also cause migraines, such as hormone replacement therapy and oral contraceptives.

3) Stress
Stress at work or stress at home would usually result in headaches for most. However, it may result in migraines for others.

4) Sleep pattern changes
Changes in your body clock are common causes of migraine headaches. This is because getting too much sleep or lacking sleep are both triggers for migraine attacks.

These are the most common types of types of migraine headaches, and understanding which one you suffer from, can help in getting the most effective treatment. And learn more migraine headaches information.

Read Cramps During Pregnancy extra

Cramps occur when the muscle contract suddenly, more in your feet, thigh or fingers. Many experience them at night, when sleeping. I had it when pregnant, it lasted just for a few seconds each time, but very painful. Now that I am reaching middle age and it appears sometimes. My son was very scared when I had it because it was so painful that I couldn't stop screaming. When I was pregnant my husband usually gave gentle massage on the part that sored.

So cramps occur more when you are pregnant and when you get older, which means I will always have it from now on and have to be ready to either cope or alleviate it. The parts that I got cramps are feet (in the big toes) and fingers (notably in thumbs). I had it all of a sudden while doing other things not related to the parts that sores, without prior indication of any sort.

And luckily I have found a good solution to my problem, as I know the root cause of the problem.

Reasons for my cramps are twofold: First is due to the inactiveness, I work in the office with computer all day and don't have chance to go out except for water or toilet. Second is the lack of calcium which is needed both when pregnant and when get old.

So there comes simple solution in exercise and food which works for me and certainly for other as well: Firstly, take any possible opportunities to move your limbs. If your work requires sitting long hours, you could sit while moving your feet, your leg, circling your hands, your heads around. The exercise helps circulating blood all over your body so could eliminate cramps. Secondly, regarding food, just increase the calcium-rich food like eggs, milk, broccoli, banana, oyster, etc. It works when I care about these things and for several weeks now I haven't had it anymore. Since doing these things help reduce my other problem too (headache, backache, etc) so I keep practising these tips regularly.

Headaches During Pregnancy

'Pregnancy without pound' is an excellent guide for mother from conception to after delivering the baby on all matters related to pregnancy, nutrition, exercises during pregnancy for healthy baby and mum, how to keep fit and be slim after pregnancy. Please visit [] for more information.

Cramps During Pregnancy